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![]() | Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog |
Below is a list of known packages. Please be aware that packages are not moderated. Installing a pack does not execute code in the pack, but simply loading a library from the pack may execute arbitrary code. More information about packages is available here. You can search for packages from the Prolog command line using pack_list/1. This contacts the pack server for packs that match by name or title. A leading i indicates that the pack is already installed, while p merely indicates that it is known by the server.
?- pack_list(graph). p callgraph@0.3.4 - Predicate call graph visualisation i graphml@0.1.0 - Write GraphML files i gvterm@1.1 - Show Prolog terms using graphviz p musicbrainz@0.6.3 - Musicbrainz client library p sindice@0.0.3 - Access to Sindice semantic web search engine
After finding the right pack, the pack and its dependencies can be installed using the pack_install/1 as illustrated below.
?- pack_install(hello).
Clicking the package shows details and allows you to rate and comment the pack.
tot: 391
| Version
| Downloads
tot: 78,341
(#latest) | Rating
#comments) | Title |
typedef | 0.1.910 | 520408 | Support for type definitions | |
0.101 | 257 | A pack to access the twitter api | ||
smtp | 1.1.06 | 37928 | An (E)SMTP client for sending mail | |
plgi | 1.1.011 | 263123 | PLGI - Prolog bindings for GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK+ | |
plchatscript | 1.0.94 | 3630 | Interface to the ChatScript server. | |
lambda | 1.0.0 | 836 | Lambda expressions | |
graphml | 0.1.0 | 150 | Write GraphML files | |
function_expansion | 0.1.24 | 1856 | Help for writing function-like macros | |
func | 0.4.28 | 398266 | Function application and composition | |
edcg | | 3094 | Extended DCG | |
dcg_util | 0.3.13 | 15333 | DCG utility predicates | |
date_time | 0.1.47 | 7,5596,764 | Logical arithmetic on dates and times | |
callgraph | 0.4.117 | 378244 | Predicate call graph visualisation | |
webconsole | 0.9.11 | 106105 | Use a browser as HTML console | |
sparkle | 0.1.19 | 9111 | Prolog-friendly interface to SPARQL endpoints | |
refactor | 1.0.067 | 1091 | Refactoring Tools for SWI-Prolog | |
hello | 0.0.1 | 75 | Hello World | |
gvterm | 1.11 | 232201 | Show Prolog terms using graphviz | |
evil | 0.2.31 | 71 | Predicates to Further the Cause of Evil | |
plOpenGL | 0.6.25 | 145131 | OpenGL Bindings | |
yaml | 0.14 | 2192 | YAML parser | |
xtools | 0.0.262 | 922 | Extended Tools for SWI-Prolog | |
xsd | 0.2.18 | 853 | XML Schema validation with Prolog | |
xlisting_web | 1.1.1186 | 1913 | Manipulate and browse prolog runtime over www | |
xlisting | 1.2.11115 | 312 | Selective Interactive Non-Deterministic Tracing | |
xlibrary | 0.0.247 | 741 | Extended Libraries for Prolog | |
wumpus | 1.0.0 | 1 | Hunt The Wumpus | |
wuenic | 0.1 | 1 | wuenic package | |
wsdl | 0.1 | 104 | Web Service Description Language (WSDL) and SOAP | |
wordnet | 0.9.34 | 20863 | Access to WordNet database | |
with_thread_local | 1.2.1115 | 167 | Call a Goal with local assertions | |
with_state | 0.0.56 | 3426 | Stateful computations with records | |
with_open_options | 1.2.116 | 2417 | Utilities to open various objects for read/write | |
with_memory_file | 0.11 | 61 | Like with_output_to but for memory files | |
with | 0.0.61 | 294 | Context managers for SWI Prolog | |
wgraph | 0.65 | 7839 | Weighted graphs, with plotting via Real | |
weblog | 0.0.56 | 5312 | weblog | |
web | 0.1.11 | 4744 | Easy web client | |
wam_common_lisp | 2.0.340 | 11132 | ANSI Common Lisp implemented in Prolog | |
vcard | 0.0.11 | 131 | vCard Parser and Predicates | |
uuid | 1.1.02 | 7977 | Generating and parsing version 4 UUIDs | |
uri_qq | 0.3.03 | 4534 | URI quasiquotations | |
upsh | 2.65 | 374 | Unix to Prolog shell. | |
unionfind | 1.0.0 | 22 | Optimal implementation of the union-find algorithm in CHR | |
union_find | 1.0.0 | 40 | A union-find algorithm implementation for SWI-Prolog | |
unified_diff | 0.0.1 | 29 | Parse and generate unified diffs | |
type_check | 1.0.33 | 11137 | Type System for Prolog based on Hindley-Milner | |
tus | 0.0.1415 | 2633 | TUS file transport protocol in prolog | |
turing | 1.0.22 | 4338 | Turing Machine Simulator | |
trill | 7.0.1126 | 3396 | A tableau probabilistic reasoner in three different versions | |
transpiler | 0.122 | 1153 | A universal translator for programming languages | |
tor | 1.0.44 | 4423 | Tor: Extensible Search with Hookable Disjunction | |
tokenize | 1.0.14 | 296236 | A simple tokenization library | |
timeutils | 0.0.4 | 31 | Tools for temporally aware programming | |
tidylog | 0.0.1 | 21 | ||
thousands | 0.2.03 | 3631 | Thousands separator for large integers | |
terminus_store_prolog | 0.19.879 | 3,541245 | Use the Terminus-Store Rust library from Prolog | |
term_diff | 0.0.11 | 1816 | ||
telegrambot | 0.0.21 | 21 | API for Telegram | |
tap | 1.0.326 | 6,15732 | Automated tests via Test Anything Protocol | |
tailwind_pl_generate | 2.2.03 | 126 | Tailwind-style CSS generator for Prolog - Generator | |
tailwind_pl | 2.0.29 | 2810 | Tailwind-style CSS generator for Prolog | |
tabling_dra | 1.0.45 | 72 | SWI-Prolog interface to Table-handling procedures for the "dra" interpreter. Written by Feliks Kluzniak at UTD (March 2009) | |
switex | 0.0.76 | 3832 | Literate programming with LaTeX and Prolog | |
swiplite | 0.33 | 112 | Prolog bindings for SQLite3 | |
swipe | 0.2.611 | 6941 | Shell pipeline construction with type checking | |
swicli | 2.0.012 | 918 | SWI-Prolog interface to C/C++/.NET/Mono/Objective-C | |
sweet | 0.1.13 | 7974 | Sugar to make Prolog a little sweeter | |
svg | 0.1 | 25 | Manipulating SVG xmls | |
sudoku_utils | 0.0.113 | 741735 | Testing to make an example package with utils for working with Sudoku | |
subsumes | 0.43 | 187 | Relational term subsumption. subsumes/2 is intended as a relational drop-in replacement for subsumes_term/2. Note that this conflicts with the deprecated predicate terms:subsumes/2. | |
subclause_expansion | 1.1.1185 | 111 | More detailed versions of term/goal expansion hooks | |
stompl | 0.11 | 189 | STOMP client | |
stoics_lib | 1.814 | 1075 | A medley of library predicates for stoics packs | |
sql_compiler | 0.1.41 | 2928 | Prolog to SQL compiler | |
spuds | 1.211 | 372 | Persistent, user code inclusive, documentation server for linux | |
spotify | 0.1.0 | 15 | Use the Spotify API from Prolog. | |
spawn | 0.0.1 | 196 | Easy concurrency | |
sparqlprog_wikidata | 0.0.32 | 5749 | SPARQLprog bindings for WikiData | |
sparqlprog | 0.2.921 | 2,443318 | Logic programming with SPARQL | |
space | 0.3.46 | 425 | Space package | |
sourcehut | 0.1.10 | 8 | SourceHut GraphQL API client | |
sort_dict | 0.0.32 | 121117 | Sorts dicts by key | |
smtlib | 0.0.65 | 3225 | SMT-LIB parser for SWI-Prolog | |
small_adventure_games | 1.1.8 | 1 | Small Adventure Games in Prolog using the CHAT80 Prolog natural language application | |
sldnfdraw | 1.619 | 569298 | SLDNF Draw is a Prolog program that draws SLDNF Trees in LaTeX | |
slack_prolog | 2.0.33 | 267 | Prolog interface to Slack http://www.slack.com | |
sindice | 0.0.53 | 2821 | Access to Sindice semantic web search engine | |
simple_web | 0.3.16 | 4426 | Microframework for building websites | |
simple_template | 1.3.19 | 463257 | Logic-free text (HTML) templates | |
simple_bootstrap | 0.0.21 | 1614 | Bootstrap Extension to Simple Web | |
si | 0.1 | 1 | Port of the Scryer prolog si module | |
semantria | 0.0.43 | 4030 | Use Semantria natural language API | |
scasp | 1.1.431 | 16215 | Goal directed ASP solver | |
s_expression | 1.2.1119 | 3626 | Utilities for Handling of S-Expression Lisp/Scheme-Like forms and parsing of KIF, GDL, PDDL, CLIF | |
rtrace | 0.0.7 | 1 | Selective Interactive Non-Deterministic Tracing | |
rtp_qsndqs | 0.32 | 4240 | Real-time persistent queues and deques. | |
rtg | 0.0.711 | 3322 | Regular Tree Grammer validator | |
rtchecks | 0.0.132 | 511 | Run-Time Checker for Assertions | |
rserve_client | 1.1.418 | 931 | R Rserve client | |
ropes | 0.1.75 | 1912 | Ropes data structure library | |
roman | 0.1.0 | 53 | Roman numerals | |
rolog | 0.9.2024 | 17633 | Simple interface to R | |
rocksdb | 0.14.413 | 1222 | SWI-Prolog interface to RocksDB | |
resp_parse | 0.1 | 1 | Redis protocol parser and writer | |
resp | 0.33 | 2320 | Redis protocol parser and writer | |
resbound | 0.8.11 | 4241 | Run goal with resource bounds | |
reif_utils | 1.0.0 | 20 | A collection of reified predicates for use with reif.pl | |
reif | 1.0.0 | 1,171 | Reified if, reification library | |
regex | 0.3.311 | 1,8431,448 | Regular expressions | |
recaptcha | 0.9.22 | 7469 | reCAPTCHA plugin for SWI-Prolog HTTP framework | |
real | 2.314 | 59736 | Integrative statistics with R | |
readability_parser | 0.0.43 | 3223 | Readability Parser API | |
rdfs2pl | 0.0.53 | 5735 | Compile an RDFS schema to prolog predicates | |
rdf_notification | 0.1 | 16 | RDF notification | |
rdf_matcher | 0.1.53 | 2922 | RDF matching utils | |
rdet | 1.0.27 | 17930 | Runtime determinacy checker | |
race | 0.1.07 | 601 | Client for the SOAP interface of the Attempto Reasoner RACE | |
r_session | 1.11 | 1615 | Interface to an R process | |
quickcheck | 0.3.017 | 1993 | QuickCheck randomized testing | |
quantity | 0.113 | 502 | Parse quantities like "1.5 kg" and return some formatting information. | |
py_to_plantuml | 0.0.32 | 107 | Creates UML class diagrams from Python pylint's pyreverse generated .dot files. | |
purity | 0.2.26 | 161 | A Horn Clause Only library for Prolog | |
pubmed | 0.0.43 | 4433 | Access pubmed publication records | |
pub_graph | 1.22 | 243 | Access, cache and visualise citation relations in publications servers | |
prosqlite | 2.019 | 1,15252 | An SWI-Prolog interface to SQLite | |
prologmud_samples | 2.0.338 | 822 | Online text adventure game - Sample | |
prologmud_I7 | 1.2.11112 | 343 | PrologMUD I7 (NomicMU!) with small Adventure Games in Prolog using the CHAT80 Prolog natural language application | |
prologmud | 2.0.330 | 712 | Online text adventure game - MUD Server | |
prolog_verify_type | 0.1 | 3 | A more declarative approach to verify the type of a prolog term | |
prolog_uriparser | 1.0.55 | 2011 | Prolog binding for uriparser | |
prolog_starter_project | 1.0.42 | 2014 | Prolog Starter Project | |
prolog_si | 0.1 | 4 | Port of the Scryer prolog si module | |
prolog_rdf | 1.0.75 | 3218 | Prolog RDF Library | |
prolog_lsp | 0.0.1010 | 311276 | Implementation of Language Server Protocol for Prolog | |
prolog_library_collection | 1.0.1612 | 719355 | Prolog Library Collection | |
prolog_imagemagick | 1.0.33 | 2921 | Prolog binding for ImageMagick | |
prolog_graphviz | 1.0.53 | 281244 | Prolog-based graph visualization | |
prolog_geo | 1.0.76 | 3315 | Geospatial support in Prolog | |
prolog2gpt | 0.1.0 | 15 | Library of prolog predicates to access the GPT API | |
progress_bar | 0.0.51 | 231 | Progress-bar and spinner (text-based) | |
programk | 2.0.31 | 96 | AIML 2.0 - Because an AIML Interpreter/Chatbot needed to exist in Prolog to! | |
probat | 0.13 | 41 | probat - Property based testing Prolog programs. | |
pro2sql | 0.1.01 | 21 | Lightweight translater of Prolog to SQL SELECT statements | |
prism | 0.2.14 | 3026 | Run PRISM as a child process | |
print_table | 0.0.52 | 541 | Formats and prints a table on the terminal screen | |
predicate_streams | 3.0.323 | 20173 | Implement your own Abstract Predicate Streams | |
ppm | 0.0.0 | 2 | A simple package manager for SWI-Prolog. | |
pluuid | 2.0.0 | 19 | Generating and parsing version 4 UUIDs in Pure Prolog | |
plumdrum | 0.0.63 | 2414 | Parsing of Humdrum/Kern symbolic music file format | |
plstat | 1.03 | 3126 | plstat - Statistics with Prolog | |
plsmf | 0.5.08 | 5137 | Standard MIDI File reading | |
plrand | 0.9.1313 | 7251 | Skippable pseudorandom generator and distributions | |
plplot | 0.0.13 | 7610 | A library to plot data using gnuplot. | |
plosc | 0.4.66 | 5221 | OSC input/output via liblo | |
plml | 2.0.316 | 4218 | Prolog-Matlab bridge | |
plmidi | 0.7.07 | 4522 | Interface to Mac OS X MIDI system | |
plmake | 0.0.31 | 1712 | Prolog makefile-like system | |
pljulia | 0.1.417 | 711 | Embedded Julia for SWI Prolog | |
plfann | 0.0.24 | 663 | SWI-Prolog for "Fast Artificial Neural Network Library" | |
plcomplex | 0.33 | 307 | Simple calculation of complex numbers | |
plcal | 0.0.55 | 511 | Programming Calendar | |
plcairo | 1.1.14 | 12472 | plcairo - Prolog bindings for cairo graphics library | |
plblas | 0.114 | 221 | lapack/armadillo binding for SWI-Prolog | |
plasticsearch | 0.12 | 2826 | Elasticsearch client API | |
planner_api | 1.1.1184 | 91 | planner_api -- A SWI-Prolog Pack that lets Prolog code seamlessly use planners speaking PDDLish and OCLh | |
plammar | 1.0.24 | 272 | Prolog parser and serialiser written in Prolog | |
pl_owl | 0.1.0 | 11 | OWL utility predicates over rdf library | |
pl_omdb | 0.5.08 | 3919 | API interface to OMDB (Open Movie Database) | |
pl_mustache | 1.0.02 | 191 | Mustache | |
pinyin | 0.1.55 | 2418 | Parsing and generation of Hanyu Pinyin | |
phil_datasets | 1.07 | 474 | Dataset for machine learning with phil | |
phil | 1.0.054 | 1821 | Learning Hierarchical Probabilistic Logic Programs | |
pha | 0.1.22 | 2927 | Probabilistic Horn Abduction | |
pfd_meta | 0.1 | 18 | Probabilistic finite domains meta-interpreter | |
pfc | 3.0.359 | 1761 | Pfc -- a package for forward chaining in Prolog | |
persist | 0.34 | 95 | Persists facts into a file | |
perfunctory_types | 0.21 | 95 | Per-functor, static, polymorphic types | |
pepl | 2.36 | 353 | Parameter estimation for SLP with the Failure Adjusted Maximisation algorithm. | |
peg_syntax | 1.02 | 145 | PEG syntax for prolog | |
pddl_valoptic_api | 1.1.118 | 1 | pddl_valoptic_api -- A SWI-Prolog Pack that lets Prolog code seamlessly use PDDL based planners. | |
pcache | 0.1.0 | 18 | Persistent answer cache | |
pascal | 1.06 | 342 | Probabilistc inductive constraint logic | |
pager | 0.1.01 | 131 | Send output to user's preferred pager | |
pack_errors | 2.26 | 11419 | Contextual error handling for packs. | |
pac4pl | 0.11 | 121 | An SWI-Prolog interface to libPAC | |
pac | 1.9.8135 | 2547 | Anonymous predicates expansion utility | |
pPEG | 2.0.08 | 145124 | Pack to support parsing text using pPEG grammars | |
os_lib | 1.510 | 10637 | Operating system interaction predicates. | |
orgref_fix | 0.1.21 | 81 | Fix Org-ref citations. | |
options | 1.510 | 12019 | Options handling. | |
openapi | 0.8.010 | 1353 | OpenAPI (Swagger) interface | |
open_dicts | 0.0.1 | 32 | Open dicts for SWI Prolog | |
ontoweb | 0.0.41 | 98 | Show an ontology through a Web service. | |
ontodot | 0.1.12 | 1512 | Create dot files from an RDF ontology. | |
onepointfour_basics | 0.9 | 3 | Some basic predicates that may be useful. Includes a replacement of must_be/2 and a dict prettyprinter | |
odict | 0.2.65 | 2722 | Unifier over feature structures based on attributed variables | |
odf_sheet | 0.2.45 | 9830 | Load and analyze ODF spreadsheets (.ods) | |
obo_ro | 0.0.1 | 15 | Vocab for OBO Relation Ontology | |
obo_metadata | 0.0.43 | 224221 | RDF vocabulary for OBO metadata ontologies | |
obo_core | 0.0.1 | 16 | Vocab for upper parts of core OBOs such as GO | |
number_to_word | 0.4.25 | 3732 | Integer to English word conversions | |
notes800 | 0.1.01 | 111 | Query phone number data from 800notes.com | |
no_repeats | 1.1.1187 | 2213 | New ways to avoid duplicate solutions | |
ninja | 0.2 | 5 | Ninja build system generator | |
narsese | 2.0.31 | 42 | Narsese: Like OpenNARS in Prolog | |
nanp | 0.1.01 | 1514 | phone numbers in the North American Numbering Plan | |
nan_system_sources | 1.2.0 | 15 | Nan.System.Sources - Answer Sources in Prolog | |
nan_numerics_prime | 1.2.54 | 7570 | Nan.Numerics.Prime - A simple prime number library | |
nan_common | 1.22 | 3329 | Common operations (validation, etc.) | |
mutable_variables | 1.0.0 | 26 | Mutable Variables | |
must_trace | 1.1.11826 | 461 | Trace with your eyeballs instead of your fingers | |
musicxml | 0.0.21 | 3028 | MusicXML partial reader | |
musicbrainz | 0.7.021 | 5327 | Musicbrainz client library | |
multimodal_dcg | 2.0.38 | 3913 | Reduce floundering of DCGs by constraining and narrowing search | |
mtx | 0.65 | 5920 | Working with data matrices | |
msgpackc | 0.2.14 | 7363 | C-Based MessagePack for SWI-Prolog | |
msgpack | 0.1.64 | 3226 | DCG for packing & unpacking of MessagePack data to/from bytes | |
mqtt | 1.0.52 | 105103 | mqtt - pub/sub pack for SWI-Prolog using mosquitto | |
mpi | 1.05 | 341 | Porting of the LAMMPI library of Yap Prolog to SWI-Prolog | |
morfeusz | 0.1.47 | 173 | Morfeusz2 bindings for SWI-Prolog. | |
modeling | 1.1.57 | 6339 | MiniZinc-inspired modeling predicates in Prolog. | |
mlu | 0.53 | 766 | Machine learning utilities | |
miser | 0.0.1 | 28 | Build self-optimizing predicates | |
mime | 0.5.01 | 241 | MIME processing library based on maildrop | |
midiutils | 0.0.31 | 98 | midiutils | |
memo | 0.6.117 | 9746 | Persistent memoisation of deterministic predicates | |
medikit | 0.0.76 | 82 | meditans' personal utilities | |
maybe | 0.1.13 | 7471 | The maybe type represents an optional value | |
mavis | 0.2.313 | 1,1102 | Optional type declarations | |
matrix_utls | 1.11 | 2623 | Matrix utilities: Kronecker (Tensor), Hadamard, and matrices creation/multiplications | |
matrix | 2.08 | 744328 | Operations with matrices | |
mathml | 1.336 | 511 | Translates mathematical expressions to compounds that can be used by html//1 (SWISH) or html//3 (normal SWIPL, with pack http/html_write). | |
markdown | 0.0.32 | 296158 | Markdown parser for SWI-Prolog | |
mail_standards | 0.1.0 | 3 | Mail IMF and Maildir implementations. | |
mail_merge | 1.0.01 | 191 | Library for performing mail merge | |
ltools | 1.02 | 41 | ltools - List manipulation in Prolog | |
lsp_server | 2.5.135 | 2,2619 | A Prolog LSP Server | |
lps_corner | 2.0.33 | 2313 | LPS Corner with SWISH and Dialect | |
loop_check | 1.1.11810 | 132 | New simple loop checking | |
logtalk | 3.88.0117 | 9562 | Logtalk - Object-Oriented Logic Programming Language | |
logicmoo_workspace | 2.0.32 | 31 | LogicMOO Workspace -- The pack that installs the Logicmoo IDE and WebUI | |
logicmoo_webui | 2.0.39 | 251 | LogicMOO - The pack that installs the WebUI | |
logicmoo_utils | 3.1.558 | 16821 | Common predicates that are used throughout LogicMOO Software | |
logicmoo_planners | 1.1.1182 | 84 | Various Hybrid HTN Planners speaking PDDLish and OCLh | |
logicmoo_nlu | 2.0.326 | 891 | Various English to Logic Converters - warning: HUGE amount of lexical and test data | |
logicmoo_nars | 2.0.31 | 123 | Narsese: Like OpenNARS in Prolog | |
logicmoo_ec | 2.0.35 | 81 | Logicmoo Event Calc -- A SWI-Prolog Pack that lets Prolog code seamlessly use planners speaking: LPS, Decreasoner EventCalc, PDDLish and OCLh | |
logicmoo_cg | 2.0.36 | 226 | Conceptual Graph (CG) Libraries in Prolog and test data | |
logicmoo_base | 2.0.348 | 913 | LogicMOO - Extends Prolog Programming to support Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) with Constraints | |
log4p | 0.0.94 | 309155 | Logging for Prolog | |
list_util | 0.13.019 | 3,9421 | Predicates for working with lists | |
link_grammar_prolog | | 5349 | A binding to use the Link Grammar library from SWI-Prolog | |
liftcover | 0.131 | 1112 | A Probabilistic Indutive Logic Programming system | |
libssh | 0.9.23 | 14393 | Provide an embedded SSH server | |
lib_atts | 1.1.1183 | 201 | Common atts.pl interface like https://sicstus.sics.se/sicstus/docs/4.0.0/html/sicstus/lib_002datts.html | |
lib | 2.1018 | 5621 | Predicate based code development | |
le | 0.0.13 | 107 | Logical English Parser | |
ldap4pl | 0.11 | 4039 | LDAP interface | |
lcs | 0.0.1 | 46 | Longest common subsequence | |
lbfgs | 2.017 | 17347 | An interface to call libLBFGS from within SWI-Prolog | |
lazy_streams | 0.5.0 | 18 | Lazy Stream Generators | |
languages_bot | 0.0.11 | 1511 | A chatbot that talks with the user to recommend some programming language | |
lambda_abstractions | 0.2.11 | 5756 | Lambda abstractions | |
kubepl | 0.11 | 1714 | Kubernetes Client | |
k8s_client | 1.1.04 | 229 | kubernetes API client with watcher functionality | |
jwt_io | 0.0.34 | 6037 | JWT implementation | |
julian_lang_en | 0.0.21 | 5049 | Parse English language phrases into library(julian) constraints | |
julian | 0.1.37 | 74214 | Date and time library | |
json_answer | 0.33 | 158 | Convenience module to convert a prolog query into a JSON answer | |
jolog | 0.0.31 | 4939 | Concurrency via join calculus | |
iso4217 | 1.0.0 | 1 | Access ISO 4217 currency codes | |
irc_client | 1.3.09 | 6441 | Low level interface to IRC clients | |
interval | 0.158 | 1954 | Interval arithmetic for SWI-Prolog | |
interpolate | 0.1.02 | 1561 | String interpolation | |
instant_prolog_docs | 2.0.3114 | 401 | Magically document prolog source files based on predicate and variable naming conventions | |
inotify | 1.0.02 | 783 | Access Linux inotify API to watch file system changes | |
indexed_terms | 1.0.0 | 19 | Positional access to terms' arguments | |
index_util | 0.0.21 | 259252 | Prolog index utils | |
imodule | 0.0.1 | 1 | Support for modules from the server. | |
identity | 0.2.2 | 23 | Registration, login, and role management | |
ical | 0.1.01 | 101 | iCalendar DCGs and parsers | |
httplog | 0.5.01 | 273 | Analyse SWI-Prolog HTTP server log files | |
http2_client | 1.0.06 | 7364 | An HTTP/2 client | |
hook_hybrid | 1.1.11812 | 153 | Hook assert retract call of *specific* predicates | |
hilog | 1.1.1181 | 1816 | XSB-Prolog's Hilog Syntax in SWI-Prolog | |
hello_world | 0.1 | 24 | Hello World pack as a test | |
hdt | 0.5.49 | 774 | Access RDF HDT files | |
hashtbl | 0.0.21 | 5554 | Pure and impure hash tables | |
gvar_syntax | 2.0.318 | 12468 | Global Variable Syntax | |
graphql-swipl | 0.0.1 | 1 | GraphQL Prolog Library | |
graphql | 0.0.1 | 43 | GraphQL Prolog Library | |
graphpl | 0.1.16 | 492 | Graph data structure utilities | |
gpc | 1.2.03 | 8735 | Generic polygon clipper | |
googleclient | 0.5.23 | 3611 | SWI-Prolog code for "Login with Google" | |
gitlabci | 1.0.61 | 1210 | Create a pack release page using Gitlab CI | |
geoip | 0.9.01 | 333 | Access GeoIP library | |
genutils | 0.3.823 | 183132 | General miscellaneous utilities | |
gbn | 0.21 | 1615 | BNs for large cohort genomic studies. | |
format_spec | 0.0.21 | 4746 | Parse and check format/2 specifications | |
fnotation | 1.0.05 | 9016 | Function notation for Prolog | |
flux | 1.1.118 | 45 | FLUX: A logic programming method for reasoning agents and ALPprologis a Prolog implementation of an action programming language. With ALPprolog you can program strategies for autonomous agents in dynamic domains like e.g. the Wumpus world. | |
fluents | 0.1.21 | 2817 | Access all solutions of a goal without backtracking | |
fld | 1.2.26 | 553 | Object system that allows easy and efficient access to term arguments by name. | |
fine_upload | 0.2.05 | 3010 | HTTP support for file uploading | |
fileutils | 0.3.510 | 12062 | Utilities for reading, writing and finding files | |
files_extras | 0.1.02 | 392 | Few extra predicates for traversing folders and simplifying work with file system | |
file_utilities | 0.1 | 37 | File system related utilities | |
file_scope | 1.1.1185 | 191 | File local scoped efects | |
ffimatrix | 0.1.010 | 871 | Operations with matrices using Prolog and C | |
ffi | 0.88 | 17913 | Dynamically call C functions | |
fcgi | 0.9.0 | 37 | fcgi - Fast Common Gateway Interface (FastCGI) library for Prolog | |
execution_context | 0.2.04 | 4817 | Allows to retrieve setting from execution environment, given flexibility over setting/2, get_env, or command line configuration | |
excel_worksheets | 0.3.05 | 61 | Excel reader of worksheets cell values into prolog terms | |
environ | 2.01 | 23658 | Demo package with C code, fetching the program environment | |
eggdrop | 2.0.321 | 431 | Hook up to an existing IRC Client called an Eggdrop | |
each_call_cleanup | 1.1.11810 | 271 | Each Call Redo Setup and Cleanup | |
dynworks | 1.3.26 | 10828 | Dynamic multi-dimensional arrays and vectors | |
dpath | 0.7.36 | 5410 | Directory traversal module | |
dotcloud | 0.0.21 | 3226 | Conveniences for running on dotCloud | |
dot_dcg | 0.1.04 | 271 | A DCG for a subset of the DOT language | |
doctest | 1.3.214 | 394 | Doctests using PlDoc and PlUnit | |
docstore | 2.0.26 | 20344 | Document-oriented database for Prolog | |
djson | 0.0.32 | 152146 | Declarative JSON | |
disp_bn | 0.1 | 15 | Construct and display BN terms via graphviz | |
dirtree | 1.0.13 | 3921 | Load XML of directory content. | |
dictype | 0.0.2 | 22 | Concise dict type definitions | |
dictoo | 3.1.329 | 20448 | Dict-like OO Syntax | |
dict_schema | 0.0.21 | 130127 | Dict converter and validator | |
dialect-ciao | 0.0.1 | 1 | Ciao Prolog compatibility library | |
diagnostics | 0.2.03 | 8670 | SWI-Prolog source code diagnostics library | |
dia | 0.1 | 45 | An interface to .dia-uml-diagrams | |
delay | 0.3.37 | 8456 | Avoid instantiation errors for built-in predicates | |
debug_call | 1.57 | 7917 | Debugging with calls | |
debug_adapter | 0.7.228 | 13654 | Debug Adapter Protocol package for SWI-Prolog | |
ddebug | 0.11 | 2523 | Declarative Debugger | |
dcgutils | 1.1.311 | 629530 | DCG related utilities | |
dcg_tools | 0.0.32 | 42 | Battery included bidirectional dcg parsing | |
dcg_extras | 0.1 | 6 | Dcg extras | |
dcg4pt | 1.0.04 | 10278 | DCG for Parse Trees | |
db_facts | 0.55 | 318204 | Common db-tables-as-facts and SQL layer for ODBC and proSQLite. | |
ct_fft | 0.0 | 1 | Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm | |
css_write | 1.4.06 | 596 | DCG for generating CSS | |
cplint_r | 1.0.015 | 10158 | R plotting predicates for cplint | |
cplint_datasets | 1.0 | 90 | Dataset for machine learning with cplint | |
cplint | 4.5.0216 | 1,2682 | A suite of programs for reasoning with probabilistic logic programs | |
coworkers | 0.1.0 | 21 | Workflow definition as tree of coroutines | |
cosmos | 0.3612 | 264 | <no title> | |
consul_client | 0.0.42 | 1916 | Consul Client | |
condition | 0.1.13 | 6957 | Condition system a la Common Lisp | |
clpcd | 0.0.14 | 374 | Constraints over continuous domains | |
clpBNR | 0.12.032 | 2,98236 | CLP over Reals using Interval Arithmetic - includes Rational, Integer and Boolean domains as subsets. | |
clitable | 1.0.87 | 5425 | Pretty unicode tables for the CLI with Prolog | |
cli_table | 1.0.10 | 65 | Pretty unicode tables for the CLI with Prolog | |
clause_attvars | 1.1.1187 | 221 | An alternate interface to the clause database to allow attributed variables to be asserted | |
ciao | 0.0.11 | 2413 | Ciao Prolog compatibility library | |
chess_db | 1.03 | 6129 | PGN and chess game databases. | |
chat80 | 1.11 | 10584 | Classic CHAT80 Prolog natural language application | |
chan | 0.2.0 | 37 | Directional channels for thread communication | |
ccprism | 0.1.020 | 6741 | Probabilistic programming using delimited continuations | |
cclab | 0.1.513 | 3922 | Continuations lab | |
canny_tudor | 0.23.225 | 11726 | Canny bag o' Tudor | |
call_cleaup_each | 0.0.1 | 1 | Call A Goal On Each Redo | |
by_unix | 0.22 | 9431 | An elegance layer to calling unix commands. | |
bousi_pack | 1.0.03 | 331 | On my way to a SWISH enabled BPL - a FLI exercise | |
body_reordering | 2.0.36 | 3418 | Clause expansion Utils for deciding which order to run Goals in a body | |
blog_core | 1.6.324 | 1277 | Blog/CMS framework | |
biomake | 0.1.512 | 4810 | Prolog makefile-like system | |
bio_db_repo | 24.10.1724 | 682 | Data package for bio_db. | |
bio_db | 4.631 | 1102 | Access, use and manage big, biological datasets. | |
bio_analytics | 0.76 | 362 | Computational biology data analytics. | |
bims | 3.08 | 10011 | Bayesian inference of model structure. | |
bibtex | 0.1.83 | 3323 | Parser and predicates for BibTeX files | |
bencode | 0.0.1 | 60 | Bencoding from BitTorrent protocol | |
bddem | 4.3.124 | 4602 | A library for manipulating Binary Decision Diagrams | |
b_real | 1.09 | 657 | Interface predicates to commonly used R functions. | |
automake | 0.2.514 | 7327 | Automake | |
auc | 1.011 | 3892 | Library for computing Areas Under the Receiving Operating Charactersitics and Precision Recall curves | |
atom_feed | 0.2.04 | 10389 | Parse Atom and RSS feeds | |
assertions | 0.0.145 | 901 | Ciao Assertions Reader for SWI-Prolog | |
arouter | 2.0.05 | 23959 | Alternative HTTP path router | |
arithmetic_types | 0.2.05 | 381 | Support for user defined types in arithmetic expressions | |
app | 0.1 | 12 | Prolog Application Server | |
ape | 6.7.1807152 | 631 | Parser for Attempto Controlled English (ACE) | |
aop | 0.0.99 | 8912 | Opinonated aspect-oriented programming for prolog | |
anti_unify | 0.54 | 1810 | Anti-unification. anti_unify/3 is intended as a relational drop-in replacement for term_subsumer/3. | |
ansi_termx | 0.0.1 | 37 | ANSI terminal operations | |
amazon_api | 0.0.32 | 8881 | Interface to Amazon APIs | |
aleph | 523 | 6151 | Aleph Inductive Logic Programming system | |
achelois | 0.5.07 | 7,688223 | Collection of tools to make writing scripts in Prolog easier. | |
abbreviated_dates | 0.0.392235 | 2,661294 | Parses abbreviated and ambiguous dates in multiple languages |