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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog

Package "slack_prolog"

Title:Prolog interface to Slack http://www.slack.com
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:2.0.3
SHA1 sum:0aa5b7fd7a245b402c6c3583738544b1c6a9636a
Author:Douglas Miles http://www.linkedin.com/in/logicmoo
Maintainer:logicmoo https://github.com/logicmoo/
Packager:logicmoo/LogicMoo https://github.com/logicmoo/
Home page:https://github.com/swi-to-yap/slack_prolog
Download URL:https://github.com/swi-to-yap/slack_prolog/release/*.zip


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Slack Prolog Client

This library provides a websocket API to slack



Useful to Me?

  • A Prolog client for the Slack Web and RealTime Messaging APIs.
  • Still has a way to go but it gets users started by seeing how easy it was.
  • This piece of the puzzle will help you send messages to Slack via the Web API and send and receive messages via the Real Time API.
  • If you're trying to respond to slash commands, just write a basic web application and use this library to call the Slack Web API.


  • In development add event hooks for users
  • Currently Posts over the https webclient (change this to the RTM)


Run ?- pack_install(slack_prolog).


Create a New Bot Integration

This is something done in Slack, under integrations. Create a new bot, and note its API token.


Use the API Token

export SLACK_API_TOKEN=xoxb-01234567890-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

RealTime Client Config


REPL Examples

The Real Time Messaging API is a WebSocket-based API that allows you to receive events from Slack in real time and send messages as user.

% navigats the web api and switches to the real time messaging system
?- Client = slack_client.clients.new().

?- $Client.register(hello ,
  debug.print. ["Successfully connected, welcome ", $Client.self.name,
   "to the '", $Client.team.name,"' team at https://", team.domain, ".slack.com."]).

?- $Client.register(message ,
   data.text.contains("bot hi") -> message(channel: data.channel, text: ["Hi <@",data.user,">!"]) ;
   not(data.text.contains('bot')) -> message( channel: data.channel, text: ["Sorry <@",data.user,">, what?"])).

?- $Client.register(close ,  debug.print( "Client is about to disconnect")).

% can register on the last created client (returned by slack_client.clients.new )
?- slack_client.current.register(closed ,
  debug.print. "Client has disconnected successfully!").

?- $Client.start().

You can send typing indicators with typing.

?- $Client.typing(channel: data.channel).

You can send a ping with ping.

?- $Client.ping().

You can configure the RealTime client ping rate.

?- $Client.set(websocket_ping: 42).

Prolog Objects

By default, the RealTime client exposes and maintains a local store with the properties of rtm.start upon a successful connection.

property | description ---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- url | A WebSocket Message Server URL. self | The authenticated bot user. team | Details on the authenticated user's team. users | A hash of user objects by user ID. channels | A hash of channel objects, one for every channel visible to the authenticated user. groups | A hash of group objects, one for every group the authenticated user is in. ims | A hash of IM objects, one for every direct message channel visible to the authenticated user. bots | Details of the integrations set up on this team. text | textual utils. debug | Debugger fidling. events | Registered callbacks. files | registered storage. |

It also tracks changes, such as users being renamed, added or deleted, therefore ?- $Client.users is always up-to-date.

Tracking with a local store can be disabled with slack_client.new_client().(store_class: nil). Other stores are also available.

Chat Messages

Send messages with chat_PostMessage.

?- $Client.chat_postMessage(channel: '#general', text: 'Hello World', as_user: true).

See a fully working example in t/first_slack_bot.pl


List Channels

List channels with channels_list.

?- Channels = $Client.channels_list.channels.

?- General_channel = $Channels.detect{ c.name :< 'general' }.

Upload a File

Upload a file with files_upload.

?- $Client.files_upload(
  channels: '#general',
  as_user: true,
  file: slack_client.files.new_upload('/path/to/avatar.jpg', 'image/jpeg'),
  title: 'My Avatar',
  filename: 'avatar.jpg',
  initial_comment: 'Attached a selfie.'

Get Channel Info

You can use a channel ID or name (prefixed with #) in all functions that take a `:channel argument. Lookup by name is not supported by the Slack API and the channels_id` method called invokes channels_list in order to locate the channel ID.

?- $Client.channels_info(channel: 'C04KB5X4D'). # calls channels_info

%% teh same command
?- $Client.channels.channels_info(channel: 'C04KB5X4D'). # calls channels_info
?- $Client.channels_info(channel: '#general'). # calls channels_list followed by channels_info

Get User Info

You can use a user ID or name (prefixed with @) in all functions that take a `:user argument. Lookup by name is not supported by the Slack API and the users_id` method called invokes users_list in order to locate the user ID.

?- $Client.users_info(user: 'U092BDCLV'). # calls users_info
?- $Client.users_info(user: '@logicmoo'). # calls users_list followed by users_info

Search for a User

Constructs an in-memory index of users and searches it. If you want to use this functionality, add the picky gem to your project's Gemfile.

?- $Client.users_search(user: "logicmoo").

Parse incomming message

All text in Slack uses the same system of escaping: chat messages, direct messages, file comments, etc. Use prolog_client.text to unescape/2 incoming messages. This comes handy, for example, you want to treat all input to a real time bot as plain text.

?- $Client.text.unescape('Hello &amp; &lt;world&gt;',OUT).
  OUT = "Hello & <world>"
?- prolog_client.text.unescape('Hey <@U024BE7LH|bob>, did you see my file?',OUT).
  OUT = "Hey @bob, did you see my file?"
?- $Client.text.unescape('Hey <@U02BEFY4U>',OUT).
  OUT = "Hey @U02BEFY4U"
?- $Client.text.unescape('This message contains a URL <http://foo.com/>',OUT).
  OUT = "This message contains a URL http://foo.com/"
?- $Client.text.unescape('So does this one: <http://www.foo.com|www.foo.com>',OUT).
  OUT = "So does this one: www.foo.com"
?- $Client.text.unescape('<mailto:bob@example.com|Bob>',OUT).
  OUT = "Bob"
?- $Client.text.unescape('Hello <@U123|bob>, say hi to <!everyone> in <#C1234|general>',OUT).
  OUT = "Hello @bob, say hi to @everyone in #general"
?- $Client.text.unescape('Hello <@U123|bob> &gt; file.txt',OUT).
  OUT = "Hello @bob > file.txt"
?- $Client.text.unescape('�hello�',OUT).
  OUT = "\"hello\""
?- $Client.text.unescape('�hello�',OUT).
  % sends: "'hello'"

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2017, Douglas Miles

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Releasing Slack-Prolog

There're no hard rules about when to release slack_prolog. Release bug fixes frequently, features not so frequently and breaking API changes rarely.


Run tests, check that all tests succeed locally.

?- run_tests(slack_client).

Increment the version, modify pack.pl.

  • Increment the third number if the release has bug fixes and/or very minor features, only (eg. change 0.0.1 to 0.0.2).
  • Increment the second number if the release contains major features or breaking API changes (eg. change 0.0.1 to 0.2.0).
    ### 0.0.2 (2/10/2017)

    Remove the line with "Your contribution here.", since there will be no more contributions to this release.

    Remove the "Stable Release" section in README that warns users that they are reading the documentation for an unreleased version.

    Commit your changes.

    git add README.md CHANGELOG.md pack.pl
    git commit -m "Preparing for release, 0.0.2."
    git push origin master


    $ @TODO
    Tagged v0.0.2.
    Pushed git commits and tags.
    Pushed slack_prolog 0.0.2 to swi-prolog.org.

Prepare for the Next Version

Add the next release to CHANGELOG.md.

Next Release

* Your contribution here.

Increment the third version number in pack.pl.

Commit your changes.

git add CHANGELOG.md pack.pl
git commit -m "Preparing for next development iteration, 0.0.2."
git push origin master

Some TODOs

Document this pack! Write tests Untangle the 'pack' install deps Still in progress (Moving predicates over here from logicmoo_base)

BSD 2-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2017, Douglas Miles <logicmoo@gmail.com> and TeamSPoon All rights reserved.

Dislike having tons of forks that are several commits behind the main git repo?

(Why feel obligated to maintain a git fork just to contribute ?)

Please ask to be added to TeamSPoon !

Contents of pack "slack_prolog"

Pack contains 20 files holding a total of 841K bytes.