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![]() | The library(http/html_write) library |
libraryProducing output for the web in the form of an HTML document is a requirement for many Prolog programs. Just using format/2 is not satisfactory as it leads to poorly readable programs generating poor HTML. This library is based on using DCG rules.
The library(http/html_write)
structures the generation
of HTML from a program. It is an extensible library, providing a DCG
framework for generating legal HTML under (Prolog) program control. It
is especially useful for the generation of structured pages (e.g. tables)
from Prolog data structures.
The normal way to use this library is through the DCG html//1. This non-terminal provides the central translation from a structured term with embedded calls to additional translation rules to a list of atoms that can then be printed using print_html/[1,2].
Term but allows for invoking grammar rules in
external packages.
or &#<Entity>;
if Entity is an integer. SWI-Prolog atoms and strings are
represented as Unicode. Explicit use of this construct is rarely needed
because code-points that are not supported by the output encoding are
automatically converted into character-entities.
Tag(Attributes, Content)
Name=Value. Value is the atomic
attribute value but allows for a limited functional notation:
. Values are encoded as in the encode option
described above.NAMES
). Each value
in list is separated by a space. This is particularly useful for setting
multiple class
attributes on an element. For example:
... span(class([c1,c2]), ...),
The example below generates a URL that references the predicate
set_lang/1 in
the application with given parameters. The http_handler/3
declaration binds /setlang
to the predicate set_lang/1
for which we provide a very simple implementation. The code between ...
is part of an HTML page showing the English flag which, when pressed,
calls set_lang(Request)
where Request contains
the search parameter lang
= en
. Note that the
HTTP location (path) /setlang
can be moved without
affecting this code.
:- http_handler('/setlang', set_lang, []). set_lang(Request) :- http_parameters(Request, [ lang(Lang, []) ]), http_session_retractall(lang(_)), http_session_assert(lang(Lang)), reply_html_page(title('Switched language'), p(['Switch language to ', Lang])). ... html(a(href(location_by_id(set_lang) + [lang(en)]), img(src('/www/images/flags/en.png')))), ...
declaration. HeadContent are elements to
be placed in the head
element and BodyContent
are elements to be placed in the body
To achieve common style (background, page header and footer), it is
possible to define DCG non-terminals head//1 and/or body//1.
Non-terminal page//1 checks for the definition of these non-terminals in
the module it is called from as well as in the user
If no definition is found, it creates a head with only the HeadContent
(note that the
is obligatory) and a body
with bgcolor
set to white
and the provided BodyContent.
Note that further customisation is easily achieved using html//1 directly as page//2 is (besides handling the hooks) defined as:
page(Head, Body) --> html([ \['<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">\n'], html([ head(Head), body(bgcolor(white), Body) ]) ]).
and the HTML
element. Contents is used to generate both the head and body
of the page.//
html_begin(table) html_begin(table(border(2), align(center)))
This predicate provides an alternative to using the
Command syntax in the html//1 specification.
The following two fragments are the same. The preferred solution depends
on your preferences as well as whether the specification is generated or
entered by the programmer.
table(Rows) --> html(table([border(1), align(center), width('80%')], [ \table_header, \table_rows(Rows) ])). % or table(Rows) --> html_begin(table(border(1), align(center), width('80%'))), table_header, table_rows, html_end(table).
The non-terminal html//1 translates a specification into a list of
atoms and layout instructions. Currently the layout instructions are
terms of the format nl(N)
, requesting at least N
newlines. Multiple consecutive nl(1)
terms are combined to
an atom containing the maximum of the requested number of newline
To simplify handing the data to a client or storing it into a file, the following predicates are available from this library:
reply_html_page(default, Head, Body)
(CGI-style). Here is a simple typical example:
reply(Request) :- reply_html_page(title('Welcome'), [ h1('Welcome'), p('Welcome to our ...') ]).
The header and footer of the page can be hooked using the
grammar-rules user:head//2 and user:body//2. The first argument passed
to these hooks is the Style argument of reply_html_page/3
and the second is the 2nd (for head//2) or 3rd (for body//2) argument of reply_html_page/3.
These hooks can be used to restyle the page, typically by embedding the
real body content in a div
. E.g., the following code
provides a menu on top of each page of that is identified using the
:- multifile user:body//2. user:body(myapp, Body) --> html(body([ div(id(top), \application_menu), div(id(content), Body) ])).
Redefining the head
can be used to pull in scripts, but
typically html_requires//1 provides a more modular approach for pulling
scripts and CSS-files.
, head
or body
. It is
intended for JavaScript handlers that request a partial document and
insert that somewhere into the existing page DOM. See reply_html_page/3
to reply with a complete (valid) HTML page.Content-length
field of an HTTP reply-header.
Modern HTML commonly uses CSS and Javascript. This requires <link> elements in the HTML <head> element or <script> elements in the <body>. Unfortunately this seriously harms re-using HTML DCG rules as components as each of these components may rely on their own style sheets or JavaScript code. We added a‘mailing’system to reposition and collect fragments of HTML. This is implemented by html_post//2, html_receive//1 and html_receive//2.
-commands are executed by mailman/1
from print_html/1 or html_print_length/2.
These commands are called in the calling context of the html_post//2
A typical usage scenario is to get required CSS links in the document head in a reusable fashion. First, we define css//1 as:
css(URL) --> html_post(css, link([ type('text/css'), rel('stylesheet'), href(URL) ])).
Next we insert the unique CSS links, in the pagehead using the following call to reply_html_page/2:
reply_html_page([ title(...), \html_receive(css) ], ...)
phrase(Handler, PostedTerms, HtmlTerms, Rest)
Typically, Handler collects the posted terms, creating a term suitable for html//1 and finally calls html//1.
The library predefines the receiver channel head
at the
end of the
element for all pages that write the html head
through this library. The following code can be used anywhere inside an
HTML generating rule to demand a javascript in the header:
js_script(URL) --> html_post(head, script([ src(URL), type('text/javascript') ], [])).
This mechanism is also exploited to add XML namespace (xmlns
declarations to the (outer) html
element using xhml_ns//2:
channel. Rdfa (http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax/),
embedding RDF in (x)html provides a typical usage scenario where we want
to publish the required namespaces in the header. We can define:
rdf_ns(Id) --> { rdf_global_id(Id:'', Value) }, xhtml_ns(Id, Value).
After which we can use rdf_ns//1 as a
normal rule in html//1 to publish
namespaces from library(semweb/rdf_db)
. Note that this
macro only has effect if the dialect is set to xhtml
. In
mode it is silently ignored.
The required xmlns
receiver is installed by html_begin//1
using the html
tag and thus is present in any document that
opens the outer html
environment through this library.
In some cases it is practical to extend the translations imposed by
html//1. We used this technique to define translation rules for the
output of the SWI-Prolog library(sgml)
The html//1 non-terminal first calls the multifile ruleset html_write:expand//1.
Though not strictly necessary, the library attempts to generate reasonable layout in SGML output. It does this only by inserting newlines before and after tags. It does this on the basis of the multifile predicate html_write:layout/3
requesting the output generator to omit the close-tag altogether or empty
telling the library that the element has declared empty content. In this
case the close-tag is not emitted either, but in addition html//1
interprets Arg in Tag(Arg)
as a list of
attributes rather than the content.
A tag that does not appear in this table is emitted without additional layout. See also print_html/[1,2]. Please consult the library source for examples.
In the following example we will generate a table of Prolog predicates we find from the SWI-Prolog help system based on a keyword. The primary database is defined by the predicate predicate/5 We will make hyperlinks for the predicates pointing to their documentation.
:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(pldoc/man_index)). :- use_module(library(uri)). html_apropos(Kwd) :- findall(Pred, apropos_predicate(Kwd, Pred), Matches), phrase(apropos_page(Kwd, Matches), Tokens), print_html(Tokens). % emit page with title, header and table of matches apropos_page(Kwd, Matches) --> page([ title(['Predicates for ', Kwd]) ], [ h2(align(center), ['Predicates for ', Kwd]), table([ align(center), border(1), width('80%') ], [ tr([ th('Predicate'), th('Summary') ]) | \apropos_rows(Matches) ]) ]). % emit the rows for the body of the table. apropos_rows([]) --> []. apropos_rows([pred(Name, Arity, Summary)|T]) --> html([ tr([ td(\predref(Name/Arity)), td(em(Summary)) ]) ]), apropos_rows(T). %! predref(Name/Arity)// % % Emit Name/Arity as a hyperlink to % % /cgi-bin/plman?name=Name&arity=Arity predref(Name/Arity) --> { uri_edit([search([name=Name,arity=Arity])], '/cgi-bin/plman', Href) }, html(a(href(Href), [Name, /, Arity])). % Find predicates from a keyword. apropos_predicate(Pattern, pred(Name, Arity, Summary)) :- man_object_property(Name/Arity, summary(Summary)), ( sub_atom_icasechk(Name, _, Pattern) -> true ; sub_atom_icasechk(Summary, _, Pattern) ).
libraryThis library is the result of various attempts to reach at a more satisfactory and Prolog-minded way to produce HTML text from a program. We have been using Prolog for the generation of web pages in a number of projects. Just using format/2 never was not a real option, generating error-prone HTML from clumsy syntax. We started with a layer on top of format/2, keeping track of the current nesting and thus always capable of properly closing the environment.
DCG based translation however, naturally exploits Prolog's term-rewriting primitives. If generation fails for whatever reason it is easy to produce an alternative document (for example holding an error message).
In a future version we will probably define a goal_expansion/2
to do compile-time optimisation of the library. Quotation of known text
and invocation of sub-rules using the \
<Module>:<RuleSet> operators are
costly operations in the analysis that can be done at compile-time.