"digits" is greedy and does not backtrack
Consider this grammar to preferably get a suffix of three "0" out separately:
digits_then_zeros(Ds) --> digits(Ds), [ '0','0','0' ]. digits_then_zeros(Ds) --> digits(Ds).
Well, digits//1 gobbles it all:
?- atom_chars('1233000',Cs), phrase(digits_then_zeros(Out),Cs,Rest). Cs = Out, Out = ['1','2','3','3','0','0','0'], Rest = [].
int_then_zeros(I) --> integer(I), [ '0','0','0' ]. int_then_zeros(I) --> integer(I).
?- atom_chars('1233000',Cs), phrase(int_then_zeros(Out),Cs,Rest). Cs = ['1','2','3','3','0','0','0'], Out = 1233000, Rest = [].
Works in reverse
?- phrase(digits(['1','2','3']),Cs). Cs = ['1','2','3'].
integer//1 is more interesting. No leading zeros of course. And output is always codes, not chars:
?- phrase(integer(123),Cs). Cs = [49,50,51].
But can't generate
?- phrase(digits_then_zeros(Ds),Cs). ERROR: Stack limit (1.0Gb) exceeded
Keep to using "codes" (not "chars") if you expect a "minus sign"
Codes work:
?- atom_codes('-1233',Cs),phrase(integer(Out),Cs,Rest). Cs = [45,49,50,51,51], Out = -1233, Rest = [].
But list-of-chars for signed integers doesn't work because the DCG is not programmed-out to handle them:
?- atom_chars('-1233',Cs),phrase(integer(Out),Cs,Rest). false.
Signed integer and codes work otherwise well and in parsing and generating directions (same as number_codes/2, really):
?- number_codes(-123,Cs),phrase(integer(X),Cs). Cs = [45,49,50,51], X = -123. ?- number_codes(+123,Cs),phrase(integer(X),Cs). Cs = [49,50,51], X = 123. ?- phrase(integer(-123),Cs),number_codes(X,Cs). Cs = [45,49,50,51], X = -123. ?- phrase(integer(+123),Cs),number_codes(X,Cs). Cs = [49,50,51], X = 123.
digits processing is transparent to the char/code duality
Feed it chars, get back chars:
?- atom_chars('0123',Cs),phrase(digits(Out),Cs). Cs = Out, Out = ['0','1','2','3'].
Feed it codes, get back codes:
?- atom_codes('0123',Cs),phrase(digits(Out),Cs). Cs = Out, Out = [48,49,50,51].
Leading zeros are gobbled up
Digit processing:
?- atom_codes('00012',Cs),phrase(digits(Out),Cs). Cs = Out, Out = [48,48,48,49,50].
Integer processing:
?- atom_chars('00012',Cs),phrase(integer(Out),Cs). Cs = ['0','0','0','1','2'], Out = 12.
But sometimes one demands that leading zeros are not allowed.
Then what!
Here's a replacement parsing hamster (I will move it to a proper pack later):
accept_digits_ng(Atom,Sign,Plus,Minus,Zeros,ValueDigits,Rest) :- atom_chars(Atom,List), phrase(digits_ng(Sign,Plus,Minus,Zeros,ValueDigits),List,Rest).
Then you can pick out the sign integer, the sign character, leading zeros and the value digits:
?- accept_digits_ng('18889',Sign,Plus,Minus,Zeros,ValueDigits,_). Sign = 1, Plus = Minus, Minus = x, Zeros = [], ValueDigits = ['1','8','8','8','9'].
With a '-' and leading zeros:
?- accept_digits_ng('-000018889',Sign,Plus,Minus,Zeros,ValueDigits,_). Sign = -1, Plus = x, Minus = (-), Zeros = ['0','0','0','0'], ValueDigits = ['1','8','8','8','9'].
Or you can demand 'no leading digits, no plus sign':
?- accept_digits_ng('-000018889',Sign,x,Minus,[],ValueDigits,_). false. ?- accept_digits_ng('-18889',Sign,x,Minus,[],ValueDigits,_). Sign = -1, Minus = (-), ValueDigits = ['1','8','8','8','9']. ?- accept_digits_ng('+18889',Sign,x,Minus,[],ValueDigits,_). false. ?- accept_digits_ng('18889',Sign,x,Minus,[],ValueDigits,_). Sign = 1, Minus = x, ValueDigits = ['1','8','8','8','9'].