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Prolog files

doc_files.pl  -- Create stand-alone documentation filesShow source
doc_http.pl  -- Documentation serverShow source
doc_latex.pl  -- PlDoc LaTeX backendShow source
doc_latex/3Process one or more objects, writing the LaTeX output to OutFile.Source
latex_for_file/3Generate a LaTeX description of all commented predicates in File, writing the LaTeX text to the stream Out.Source
latex_for_predicates/3Generate LaTeX for a list of predicate indicators.Source
latex_for_wiki_file/3Write a LaTeX translation of a Wiki file to the steam Out.Source
doc_markdown.pl  -- Markdown utilitiesShow source
print_markdown/2Print a PlDoc markdown formatted String to current_output as formatted text.Source
pldoc.pl  -- Process source documentationShow source