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SWI-Prolog Semantic Web Library 3.0
rdf_attach_library/1Load meta-data on RDF repositories from FileOrDirectory.Source
rdf_list_library/0List the available resources in the library.Source
rdf_list_library/1Same as rdf_list_library(Id,[]).Source
rdf_list_library/2Lists the resources that will be loaded if Id is handed to rdf_load_library/2.Source
rdf_load_library/2Load the given library.Source
Sec. 4.1Hooks into the RDF library
Sec. 8library(semweb/rdfs): RDFS related queries
Sec. 3.1library(semweb/rdf11): The RDF database
Sec. 10library(semweb/sparql_client): SPARQL client library
Sec. 11library(semweb/rdf_compare): Compare RDF graphs
Sec. 12library(semweb/rdf_portray): Portray RDF resources
Sec. 3.2library(semweb/rdf11_containers): RDF 1.1 Containers
Sec. 3.3library(semweb/rdf_db): The RDF database
Sec. 4.4library(semweb/rdf_cache): Cache RDF triples
Sec. 4.6library(semweb/rdf_persistency): Providing persistent storage
Sec. 5library(semweb/turtle): Turtle: Terse RDF Triple Language
Sec. 4.2library(semweb/rdf_zlib_plugin): Reading compressed RDF
Sec. 4.5library(semweb/rdf_litindex): Indexing words in literals
rdf_db:rdf_load_stream/3Actually load the RDF from Stream into the RDF database.Source
rdf_version/1True when Version is the numerical version-id of this library.Source
Sec. 7library(semweb/rdfa): Extract RDF from an HTML or XML DOM
Sec. 4.3library(semweb/rdf_http_plugin): Reading RDF from a HTTP server
SWI-Prolog Semantic Web Library 3.0
Sec. 6library(semweb/rdf_ntriples): Process files in the RDF N-Triples format
SWI-Prolog HTTP support
Sec. 3.15The wrapper library