- See also
- http://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples/
- To be done
- Sync with RDF 1.1. specification.
The library(semweb/rdf_ntriples)
provides a fast reader
for the RDF N-Triples and N-Quads format. N-Triples is a simple format,
originally used to support the W3C RDF test suites. The current format
has been extended and is a subset of the Turtle format (see
The API of this library is almost identical to library(semweb/turtle)
This module provides a plugin into rdf_load/2,
making this predicate support the format ntriples
and nquads
- [det]read_ntriple(+Stream,
- Read the next triple from Stream as Triple. Stream
must have UTF-8 encoding.
Triple | is a term triple(Subject,Predicate,Object) .
Arguments follow the normal conventions of the RDF libraries. NodeID
elements are mapped to node(Id) . If end-of-file is reached, Triple
is unified with
end_of_file . |
- Errors
on syntax errors
- [det]read_nquad(+Stream,
- Read the next quad from Stream as Quad. Stream
must have UTF-8 encoding.
Quad | is a term quad(Subject,Predicate,Object,Graph) .
Arguments follow the normal conventions of the RDF libraries. NodeID
elements are mapped to node(Id) . If end-of-file is reached, Quad
is unified with
end_of_file . |
- Errors
on syntax errors
- [det]read_ntuple(+Stream,
- Read the next triple or quad from Stream as Tuple. Tuple
is one of the terms below. See read_ntriple/2
and read_nquad/2 for details.
- [det]rdf_read_ntriples(+Input,
-Triples, +Options)
- [det]rdf_read_nquads(+Input,
-Quads, +Options)
- True when Triples/Quads is a list of triples/quads
from Input.
- anon_prefix(+AtomOrNode)
- Prefix nodeIDs with this atom. If AtomOrNode is the term
, bnodes are returned as node(Id)
- base_uri(+Atom)
- Defines the default anon_prefix as _
- on_error(Action)
- One of
(default) or error
- error_count(-Count)
- If
is warning
, unify Count
with th number of errors.
- graph(+Graph)
- For rdf_read_nquads/3,
this defines the graph associated to triples loaded from the
input. For rdf_read_ntriples/3
this option is ignored.
Triples | is a list of rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object) |
Quads | is a list of rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph) |
- rdf_process_ntriples(+Input,
:CallBack, +Options)
- Call-back interface, compatible with the other triple readers. In
addition to the options from rdf_read_ntriples/3,
this processes the option
CallBack | is called as call(CallBack, Triples, Graph) ,
where Triples is a list holding a single rdf(S,P,O) triple.
Graph is passed from the graph option and unbound if this
option is omitted. |
- [semidet,multifile]rdf_db:rdf_load_stream(+Format,
+Stream, :Options)
- Plugin rule that supports loading the
and nquads
- [multifile]rdf_db:rdf_file_type(+Extension,
- Bind the ntriples reader to files with the extensions
and nquads