There does not seem to be a good place to put this remark:
Multi-line strings can be written in SWI-Prolog by putting the \c
escape sequence at the end of a line.
This concatenates the current line with the next one, minus any indenting whitespace.
is not in the ISO Standard but stems from Quintus Prolog, see the
Quintus Prolog Manual under "The Prolog Language" > Syntax > Compound Terms > Character Escaping").
This is not quite as a here document. For those, see library(strings)
For example:
:- begin_tests(long_atoms). test("long atom without newlines",true(TXT == 'this is a long atom that is written over several lines of source code')) :- TXT = 'this is a long atom \c that is written over \c several lines of \c source code', format("Written with writeq/1: ~q\n",TXT), format("Written with write/1: ~w\n",TXT). test("long atom with newlines",true(TXT == 'this is a long atom\nthat actually involves newlines and\nthe famous longcat')) :- TXT = 'this is a long atom\n\c that actually involves \c newlines and\n\c the famous longcat', format("Written with writeq/1: ~q\n",TXT), format("Written with write/1: ~w\n",TXT). test("data atom is 9*32 characters exactly") :- TXT = '5765206172652070726f756420746f20\c 616e6e6f756e63652074686174206120\c 68756d616e206578706c6f726174696f\c 6e20636f6d70616e792066726f6d2053\c 747261756d6c69205265616c6d206861', Length is 5*32, format("Written with writeq/1: ~q\n",TXT), atom_length(TXT,Length). % Another way of getting multiline strings. % atomic_list_concat/2 is not ISO though, but neither is \c test("data atom is 9*32 characters exactly, with atomic_list_concat/2") :- atomic_list_concat( ['5765206172652070726f756420746f20', '616e6e6f756e63652074686174206120', '68756d616e206578706c6f726174696f', '6e20636f6d70616e792066726f6d2053', '747261756d6c69205265616c6d206861'],TXT), Length is 5*32, format("Written with writeq/1: ~q\n",TXT), atom_length(TXT,Length). :- end_tests(long_atoms).