See also
Unify, maybe?
(This remark is also found at max_member/2)
Confusingly, the argument order is
whereas for max_member/2 it is reversed:
This hurts my head. Why not have a unified max_in_list/3
% max_in_list(+How,+List,-Max) where How is one of "num", "sot" max_in_list(num,List,Max) :- max_list(List,Max). max_in_list(sot,List,Max) :- max_member(Max,List). min_in_list(num,List,Min) :- min_list(List,Min). min_in_list(sot,List,Min) :- min_member(Min,List).
?- max_in_list(num,[1,4,2,1],Max). Max = 4. ?- max_in_list(sot,[1,4,2,1],Max). Max = 4. ?- max_in_list(sot,[1,4,foo,1],Max). Max = foo. ?- max_in_list(num,[1,4,foo,1],Max). ERROR: Arithmetic: `foo/0' is not a function
Having terms other than numbers in the list
The predicate throws if you have a non-numeric list, though it tries to resolve atoms to 0-arity functions according to the error message:
?- max_list([1,w,3],_). ERROR: Arithmetic: `w/0' is not a function
It fails if you give an evidently non-number as Max, keeping things "logical" rather than preferring to throw (which may or may not be what the caller wants; as usual, it depends!)
?- max_list([1,2,3,4],foo). false.
But you can have arithmetic expressions as members of the list:
?- max_list([0.5,pi],X). X = 3.141592653589793. ?- max_list([0.5,pi()],X). X = 3.141592653589793. ?- max_list([0.5,-pi()],X). X = 0.5. ?- max_list([0.5,random_float],X). X = 0.8933638922317843. ?- max_list([-0.5,-random_float],X). X = -0.5. ?- max_list([-0.5,-random_float],X). X = -0.24764710044780866. ?- max_list([0.5,2*sqrt(8)],X). X = 5.656854249492381.
Edge cases which throw but would make sense
The list must be ground!
Logically, the result from the goal max_list([1,X,3],V)
would be a disjunction: (X < 3 & 3==V) | (X >= 3 & X=V)
but Prolog doesn't go that far. We get an exception:
?- max_list([1,X,3],V). ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
It is eminently possible to succeed here with X=2
, however:
?- max_list([1,X,1,1,1,1],2). ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
It is eminently possible to fail here because -1 is certainly not the max. However:
?- max_list([1,X,1,1,1,1],-1). ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Distinction by position
If two numbers are "the same value" but of different type, you get the one which comes last (at least in this implementation):
?- max_list([1.0 , 1],N). N = 1. ?- max_list([1 , 1.0],N). N = 1.0.
The above has unfortunate effects:
?- max_list([1.0 , 1] , 1.0). false. ?- max_list([1.0 , 1] , 1). true.
... which can only be fixed by "grabbing and comparing numerically":
?- max_list([1.0 , 1] , M), M =:= 1.0. M = 1. ?- max_list([1 , 1.0] , M), M =:= 1.0. M = 1.0.
On the other hand, the ordering "by standard order for terms" is always the same:
?- max_member(N,[1.0 , 1]). N = 1. ?- max_member(N,[1 , 1.0]). N = 1. ?- min_member(N,[1 , 1.0]). N = 1.0. ?- min_member(N,[1.0 , 1]). N = 1.0.
Unit test code
:- begin_tests(max_list). test("passing unbound variable as list",fail) :- max_list(1,_List). % actually throws currently with "No rule matches lists:max_list(_126,_128,[])" test("passing non-list as list",fail) :- max_list(1,foo). test("get max of empty list",fail) :- max_list(_,[]). test("verifying max of empty list",fail) :- max_list(1,[]). test("get max of one-element list") :- max_list([1],Max), assertion(Max == 1). test("get max of list with several times the same element") :- max_list([1,1,1],Max), assertion(Max == 1). test("get max from a list with 1 max") :- max_list([1,2,3],Max), assertion(Max == 3). test("get max from a list list with 2 max") :- max_list([1,2,3,2,3,1],Max), assertion(Max == 3). test("get max from a list with an uninstantiated variable",[error(instantiation_error)]) :- max_list([1,2,_X,2,1],_Max). test("test known max against an incomplete list in a way that could succeed",[error(instantiation_error)]) :- max_list([1,_X,3,2,3,1],10). % 10 can be the max if _X=10, so could succeed test("test known max against an incomplete list in a way that could fail",[error(instantiation_error)]) :- max_list([1,_X,3,2,3,1],-10). % -10 cannot be the max, so should fail test("bad list with atom that doesn't resolve to a function", [error(type_error(evaluable, foo/0))]) :- max_list([1,2,foo,2,3,1],_Max). test("list with atom that resolves to a function and is acceptable") :- max_list([1,2,pi,2,3,1],Max), assertion(Max =:= pi). % Pi evalues to 3.141.. up to "double" precision test("verifying the actual max") :- max_list([1,2,3,2,1],3). test("verifying a number that is a non-max",fail) :- max_list([1,2,3,2,1],2). test("verifying a non-number leniently fails",fail) :- max_list([1,2,3,2,1],foo). test("arithmetic expression in list") :- max_list([0.5,2*sqrt(8),6],6). test("two max values distinguishable by type: get the last one, take 1") :- max_list([1.0,1],N1), assertion(N1 == 1), max_list([1,1.0],N2), assertion(N2 == 1.0). test("two max values distinguishable by type: get the last one, take 2.1", fail) :- max_list([1.0,1],1.0). test("two max values distinguishable by type: get the last one, take 2.2", fail) :- max_list([1,1.0],1). test("two max values distinguishable by type: safe determination of max") :- max_list([1.0 , 1] , N1), assertion(N1 =:= 1), assertion(N1 == 1), max_list([1 , 1.0] , N2), assertion(N2 =:= 1), assertion(N2 == 1.0). :- end_tests(max_list).
An extension
A max_list_all/2 which collects all the maxes as they appear:
max_list_all([], []) :- !. max_list_all([X|Xs], Result) :- max_list_all_2(Xs, X, [X|Fin], Fin, Result). % max_list_all_2(Xs, MaxSoFar, OpenListOfMax, OpenListOfMaxFin, Result). max_list_all_2([], _, Result, [], Result). % at the end, close the open list which is the Result max_list_all_2([X|Xs], MaxSoFar, OpenListOfMax, OpenListOfMaxFin, Result) :- X < MaxSoFar, !, max_list_all_2(Xs, MaxSoFar, OpenListOfMax, OpenListOfMaxFin, Result). max_list_all_2([X|Xs], MaxSoFar, _, _, Result) :- X > MaxSoFar, !, max_list_all_2(Xs, X, [X|Fin], Fin, Result). max_list_all_2([X|Xs], MaxSoFar, OpenListOfMax, OpenListOfMaxFin, Result) :- X =:= MaxSoFar, !, OpenListOfMaxFin = [X|NewFin], max_list_all_2(Xs, MaxSoFar, OpenListOfMax, NewFin, Result). :- begin_tests(max_list_all). test(1) :- max_list_all([],[]). test(2) :- max_list_all([1,2,3],R), assertion(R == [3]). test(3) :- max_list_all([3,2,1],R), assertion(R == [3]). test(4) :- max_list_all([3,2,3],R), assertion(R == [3,3]). test(5) :- max_list_all([3.0,2,3],R), assertion(R == [3.0,3]). test(6) :- max_list_all([3,2,3.0],R), assertion(R == [3,3.0]). test(7) :- max_list_all([1,2,3,4,4,4],R), assertion(R == [4,4,4]). test(8) :- max_list_all([4,4,4,3,2,1],R), assertion(R == [4,4,4]). test(9) :- max_list_all([1,2,4,4,4,2,1],R), assertion(R == [4,4,4]). :- end_tests(max_list_all).