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![]() | Consequences of => single sided unification rules |
single sided unification rulesThe =>/2 construct is handled by the low-level compiler if no guard is present. If a guard is present it is currently compiled into the construct below. The Picat ?=>/2 neck operator is like =>/2, but does not commit to this rule. We are not yet sure whether or not SWI-Prolog will remain supporting ?=>/2.185?=>/2 is currently implemented but not defined as an operator.
Head ?=> Guard, !, Body.
The main consequence is that clause/2 cannot distinguish between a normal clause and a =>/2 clause. In the current implementation it operates on both without distinguishing the two. This implies e.g., cross referencing still works. Meta interpretation however does not work. In future versions clause/2 may fail on these rules. As an alternative we provide rule/2,3.
Head :- Body
and for a single sided unification rule
it is a term Head =>