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![]() | Predicate load_rdf/3 |
, local identifiers
are not tagged.share
(default), blank-node
properties (i.e. complex properties without identifier) are reused if
they result in exactly the same triple-set. Two descriptions are shared
if their intermediate description is the same. This means they should
produce the same set of triples in the same order. The value noshare
creates a new resource for each blank node.true
, expand rdf:aboutEach
into a set of triples. By default the parser generates
rdf(each(Container), Predicate, Subject)
declaration in an enclosing element).true
, xml:lang
declarations in the document
are ignored. This is mostly for compatibility with older versions of
this library that did not support language identifiers.rdf:datatype
attribute, call ConvertPred(+Type, +Content, -Literal)
Content is the XML element contentas returned by the XML
parser (a list). The predicate must unify Literal with a
Prolog representation of Content according to
Type or throw an exception if the conversion cannot be made.
This option servers two purposes. First of all it can be used to
ignore type declarations for backward compatibility of this library.
Second it can be used to convert typed literals to a meaningful Prolog
representation. E.g. convert’42’to the Prolog integer 42 if
the type is xsd:int
or a related type.
declaration found in the source.
The Triples list is a list of rdf(Subject,
Predicate, Object)
triples. Subject is either a plain
resource (an atom), or one of the terms each(URI)
or prefix(URI)
with the obvious meaning. Predicate is either a plain atom
for explicitely non-qualified names or a term
NameSpace:Name. If NameSpace is
the defined RDF name space it is returned as the atom rdf
Finally, Object is a URI, a Predicate or a term of
the format literal(Value)
for literal values. Value
is either a plain atom or a parsed XML term (list of atoms and