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main.pl -- Provide entry point for scripts
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This library is intended for supporting PrologScript on Unix using the #! magic sequence for scripts using commandline options. The entry point main/0 calls the user-supplied predicate main/1 passing a list of commandline options. Below is a simle echo implementation in Prolog.

#!/usr/bin/env swipl

:- initialization(main, main).

main(Argv) :-

echo([]) :- nl.
echo([Last]) :- !,
    write(Last), nl.
echo([H|T]) :-
    write(H), write(' '),
See also
- library(prolog_stack) to force backtraces in case of an uncaught exception.
- XPCE users should have a look at library(pce_main), which starts the GUI and processes events until all windows have gone.
Source main
Call main/1 using the passed command-line arguments. Before calling main/1 this predicate installs a signal handler for SIGINT (Control-C) that terminates the process with status 1.

When main/0 is called interactively it simply calls main/1 with the arguments. This allows for debugging scripts as follows:

$ swipl -l script.pl -- arg ...
?- gspy(suspect/1).		% setup debugging
?- main.			% run program
Source argv_options(:Argv, -Positional, -Options) is det
Parse command line arguments. This predicate acts in one of two modes.
  • If the calling module defines opt_type/3, full featured parsing with long and short options, type conversion and help is provided.
  • If opt_type/3 is not defined, only unguided transformation using long options is supported. See argv_untyped_options/3 for details.

When guided, three predicates are called in the calling module. opt_type/3 must be defined, the others need not. Note that these three predicates may be defined as multifile to allow multiple modules contributing to the provided commandline options. Defining them as discontiguous allows for creating blocks that describe a group of related options.

opt_type(Opt, Name, Type)
Defines Opt to add an option Name(Value), where Value statisfies Type. Opt does not include the leading -. A single character implies a short option, multiple a long option. Long options use _ as word separator, user options may use either _ or -. Type is one of:
A | B
Disjunctive type. Disjunction can be used create long options with optional values. For example, using the type nonneg|boolean, for an option http handles --http as http(true), --no-http as http(false) and --http=3000 as http(3000). Note that with an optional boolean a option is considered boolean unless it has a value written as --longopt=value.
Boolean options are special. They do not take a value except for when using the long --opt=value notation. This explicit value specification converts true, True, TRUE, on, On, ON, 1 and the obvious false equivalents to Prolog true or false. If the option is specified, Default is used. If --no-opt or --noopt is used, the inverse of Default is used.
Argument is converted to an integer
Argument is converted to a float. User may specify an integer
As integer. Requires value >= 0.
As integer. Requires value >= 1.
Any number (integer, float, rational).
between(Low, High)
If both one of Low and High is a float, convert as float, else convert as integer. Then check the range.
No conversion
As atom, but requires the value to be a member of List (enum type).
Convert to a SWI-Prolog string
Convert to a file name in Prolog canonical notation using prolog_to_os_filename/2.
Convert to a file name in Prolog canonical notation using prolog_to_os_filename/2. No checking is done and thus this type is the same as file
As file, and check access using access_file/2. A value - is not checked for access, assuming the application handles this as standard input or output.
As directory, and check access. Access is one of read write or create. In the latter case the parent directory must exist and have write access.
Parse option value to a Prolog term.
As term, but passes Options to term_string/3. If the option variable_names(Bindings) is given the option value is set to the pair Term-Bindings.
opt_help(Name, HelpString)
Help string used by argv_usage/1.
opt_meta(Name, Meta)
If a typed argument is required this defines the placeholder in the help message. The default is the uppercase version of the type functor name. This produces the FILE in e.g. -f FILE.

By default, -h, -? and --help are bound to help. If opt_type(Opt, help, boolean) is true for some Opt, the default help binding and help message are disabled and the normal user rules apply. In particular, the user should also provide a rule for opt_help(help, String).

Source argv_options(:Argv, -Positional, -Options, +ParseOptions) is det
As argv_options/3 in guided mode, Currently this version allows parsing argument options throwing an exception rather than calling halt/1 by passing an empty list to ParseOptions. ParseOptions:
If Goal is halt(Code), exit with Code. Other goals are currently not supported.
If false (default true), stop parsing after the first positional argument, returning options that follow this argument as positional arguments. E.g, -x file -y results in positional arguments [file, '-y']
One of error (default) or pass. Using pass, the option is passed in Positional. Multi-flag short options may be processed partially. For example, if -v is defined and -iv is in Argv, Positional receives '-i' and the option defined with -v is added to Options.
To be done
- When passing unknown options we may wish to process multi-flag options as a whole or not at all rather than passing the unknown flags.
Source argv_usage(:Level) is det
Use print_message/2 to print a usage message at Level. To print the message as plain text indefault color, use debug. Other meaningful options are informational or warning. The help page consists of four sections, two of which are optional:
  1. The header is created from opt_help(help(header), String). It is optional.
  2. The usage is added by default. The part behind Usage: <command> is by default [options] and can be overruled using opt_help(help(usage), String).
  3. The actual option descriptions. The options are presented in the order they are defined in opt_type/3. Subsequent options for the same destination (option name) are joined with the first.
  4. The footer_ is created from opt_help(help(footer), String). It is optional.

The help provided by help(header), help(usage) and help(footer) are either a simple string or a list of elements as defined by print_message_lines/3. In the latter case, the construct \Callable can be used to call a DCG rule in the module from which the user calls argv_options/3. For example, we can add a bold title using

opt_help(help(header), [ansi(bold, '~w', ['My title'])]).
Source cli_parse_debug_options(+OptionsIn, -Options) is det
Parse certain commandline options for debugging and development purposes. Options processed are below. Note that the option argument is an atom such that these options may be activated as e.g., --debug='http(_)'.
Call debug(Topic). See debug/1 and debug/3.
spy Predicate
Place a spy-point on Predicate.
As spy using the graphical debugger. See tspy/1.
Start the Prolog toplevel after main/1 completes.
Source cli_debug_opt_type(-Flag, -Option, -Type)
Source cli_debug_opt_help(-Option, -Message)
Source cli_debug_opt_meta(-Option, -Arg)
Implements opt_type/3, opt_help/2 and opt_meta/2 for debug arguments. Applications that wish to use these features can call these predicates from their own hook. Fot example:
opt_type(..., ..., ...).	% application types
opt_type(Flag, Opt, Type) :-
    cli_debug_opt_type(Flag, Opt, Type).
% similar for opt_help/2 and opt_meta/2

main(Argv) :-
    argv_options(Argv, Positional, Options0),
    cli_parse_debug_options(Options0, Options),
Source cli_enable_development_system
Re-enable the development environment. Currently re-enables xpce if this was loaded, but not initialised and causes the interactive toplevel to be re-enabled.

This predicate may be called from main/1 to enter the Prolog toplevel rather than terminating the application after main/1 completes.

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

Source cli_debug_opt_type(-Flag, -Option, -Type)
Source cli_debug_opt_help(-Option, -Message)
Source cli_debug_opt_meta(-Option, -Arg)
Implements opt_type/3, opt_help/2 and opt_meta/2 for debug arguments. Applications that wish to use these features can call these predicates from their own hook. Fot example:
opt_type(..., ..., ...).	% application types
opt_type(Flag, Opt, Type) :-
    cli_debug_opt_type(Flag, Opt, Type).
% similar for opt_help/2 and opt_meta/2

main(Argv) :-
    argv_options(Argv, Positional, Options0),
    cli_parse_debug_options(Options0, Options),
Source cli_debug_opt_type(-Flag, -Option, -Type)
Source cli_debug_opt_help(-Option, -Message)
Source cli_debug_opt_meta(-Option, -Arg)
Implements opt_type/3, opt_help/2 and opt_meta/2 for debug arguments. Applications that wish to use these features can call these predicates from their own hook. Fot example:
opt_type(..., ..., ...).	% application types
opt_type(Flag, Opt, Type) :-
    cli_debug_opt_type(Flag, Opt, Type).
% similar for opt_help/2 and opt_meta/2

main(Argv) :-
    argv_options(Argv, Positional, Options0),
    cli_parse_debug_options(Options0, Options),