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prolog_stack.pl -- Examine the Prolog stack
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This module defines high-level primitives for examining the Prolog stack, primarily intended to support debugging. It provides the following functionality:

This library may be enabled by default to improve interactive debugging, for example by adding the lines below to your <config>/init.pl to decorate uncaught exceptions:

:- use_module(library(prolog_stack)).
- Use of this library may negatively impact performance of applications that process (error-)exceptions frequently as part of their normal processing.
Source get_prolog_backtrace(+MaxDepth, -Backtrace) is det
Source get_prolog_backtrace(+MaxDepth, -Backtrace, +Options) is det
Obtain a backtrace from the current location. The backtrace is a list of frames. Each frame is an opaque term that can be inspected using the predicate prolog_stack_frame_property/2 can be used to extract information from these frames. Most use scenarios will pass the stack to print_prolog_backtrace/2. The following options are provided:
Start at Frame instead of the current frame.
If Depth > 0, include a shallow copy of the goal arguments into the stack. Default is set by the Prolog flag backtrace_goal_depth, set to 3 initially, showing the goal and toplevel of any argument.
Do not show stack frames above Guard. See stack_guard/1.
Report locations as Clause+PC or as a location term that does not use clause references, allowing the exception to be printed safely in a different context.
Frame- is the frame to start from. See prolog_current_frame/1.
MaxDepth- defines the maximum number of frames returned.
- get_prolog_backtrace/3 used to have the parameters +Frame, +MaxDepth, -Backtrace. A call that matches this signature is mapped to get_prolog_backtrace(MaxDepth, Backtrace, [frame(Frame)]).
Source prolog_stack_frame_property(+Frame, ?Property) is nondet
True when Property is a property of Frame. Frame is an element of a stack-trace as produced by get_prolog_backtrace/2. Defined properties are:
  • level(Level)
  • predicate(PI)
  • location(File:Line)
Source print_prolog_backtrace(+Stream, +Backtrace) is det
Source print_prolog_backtrace(+Stream, +Backtrace, +Options) is det
Print a stacktrace in human readable form to Stream. Options is an option list that accepts:
If true, print subgoal line numbers. The default depends on the Prolog flag backtrace_show_lines.
Backtrace- is a list of frame(Depth,Location,Goal) terms.
Source backtrace(+MaxDepth)
Get and print a stacktrace to the user_error stream.
Source print_last_choicepoint is det
Print details on the last open choice point.
Source print_last_choicepoint(+ChoiceRef, +Options) is det
Source prolog_stack:stack_guard(+PI) is semidet[multifile]
Dynamic multifile hook that is normally not defined. The hook is called with PI equal to none if the exception is not caught and with a fully qualified (e.g., Module:Name/Arity) predicate indicator of the predicate that called catch/3 if the exception is caught.

The exception is of the form error(Formal, ImplDef) and this hook succeeds, ImplDef is unified to a term context(prolog_stack(StackData), Message). This context information is used by the message printing system to print a human readable representation of the stack when the exception was raised.

For example, using a clause stack_guard(none) prints contexts for uncaught exceptions only. Using a clause stack_guard(_) prints a full stack-trace for any error exception if the exception is given to print_message/2. See also library(http/http_error), which limits printing of exceptions to exceptions in user-code called from the HTTP server library.

Details of the exception decoration is controlled by two Prolog flags:

Integer that controls the maximum number of frames collected. Default is 20. If a guard is specified, callers of the guard are removed from the stack-trace.
Boolean that indicates whether the library tries to find line numbers for the calls. Default is true.
Source stack_guard(+Reason) is semidet[multifile]
Dynamic multifile predicate. It is called with none, 'C' or the predicate indicator of the guard, the predicate calling catch/3. The exception must be of compatible with the shape error(Formal, context(Stack, Msg)). The default is to catch none, uncaught exceptions. 'C' implies that the callback from C will handle the exception.

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

Source get_prolog_backtrace(+MaxDepth, -Backtrace) is det
Source get_prolog_backtrace(+MaxDepth, -Backtrace, +Options) is det
Obtain a backtrace from the current location. The backtrace is a list of frames. Each frame is an opaque term that can be inspected using the predicate prolog_stack_frame_property/2 can be used to extract information from these frames. Most use scenarios will pass the stack to print_prolog_backtrace/2. The following options are provided:
Start at Frame instead of the current frame.
If Depth > 0, include a shallow copy of the goal arguments into the stack. Default is set by the Prolog flag backtrace_goal_depth, set to 3 initially, showing the goal and toplevel of any argument.
Do not show stack frames above Guard. See stack_guard/1.
Report locations as Clause+PC or as a location term that does not use clause references, allowing the exception to be printed safely in a different context.
Frame- is the frame to start from. See prolog_current_frame/1.
MaxDepth- defines the maximum number of frames returned.
- get_prolog_backtrace/3 used to have the parameters +Frame, +MaxDepth, -Backtrace. A call that matches this signature is mapped to get_prolog_backtrace(MaxDepth, Backtrace, [frame(Frame)]).
Source print_prolog_backtrace(+Stream, +Backtrace) is det
Source print_prolog_backtrace(+Stream, +Backtrace, +Options) is det
Print a stacktrace in human readable form to Stream. Options is an option list that accepts:
If true, print subgoal line numbers. The default depends on the Prolog flag backtrace_show_lines.
Backtrace- is a list of frame(Depth,Location,Goal) terms.