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jquery.pl -- Provide JQuery
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This module provides the HTML resource jquery. To get the default version of jquery included in a web page, make sure this file is loaded and include the following into the HTML generation DCG.


The file served is determined by the setting jquery:version and loaded from the file search path js, the default for which is provided by library(http/http_server_files).

Note that including jquery into the HTTP infrastructure is not ideal. However, components, such as PlDoc and Pengines as well as user applications require jquery, causing this JavaScript to be installed in many places. That is even worse.

Using your own copy

To use your own copy of jquery, add your jquery file to a directory in the js file search path (see file_search_path/2 and absolute_file_name/3) and set jquery:version to the file version you provided. Alternatively, you can define the html resource jquery before loading this file.