Unit testing environment for SWI-Prolog and SICStus Prolog. For usage,
please visit https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/package/plunit.
set_test_options(+Options)- Specifies how to deal with test suites. Defined options are:
- load +Load
- Whether or not the tests must be loaded. Values are
, always
, normal
(only if not optimised)
- run(+When)
- When the tests are run. Values are
, make
or make(all)
- format(+Mode)
- Currently one of
or log
. tty
uses terminal
control to overwrite successful tests, allowing the
user to see the currently running tests and output
from failed tests. This is the default of the output
is a tty. log
prints a full log of the executed
tests and their result and is intended for non-interactive
- output(+When)
- If
, emit all output as it is produced, if never
suppress all output and if on_failure
, emit the output
if the test fails.
- show_blocked(+Bool)
- Show individual blocked tests during the report.
- occurs_check(+Mode)
- Defines the default for the
flag during
- cleanup(+Bool)
- If
(default =false), cleanup report at the end
of run_tests/1. Used to improve cooperation with
memory debuggers such as dmalloc.
- jobs(Num)
- Number of jobs to use for concurrent testing. Default
is one, implying sequential testing.
- timeout(+Seconds)
- Set timeout for each individual test. This acts as a
default that may be overuled at the level of units or
individual tests. A timeout of 0 or negative is handled
as inifinite.
loading_tests[private]- True if tests must be loaded.
begin_tests(+UnitName:atom) is det
begin_tests(+UnitName:atom, Options) is det- Start a test-unit. UnitName is the name of the test set. the
unit is ended by :-
end_tests(+Name) is det- Close a unit-test module.
- To be done
- - Run tests/clean module?
- - End of file?
make_unit_module(+Name, -ModuleName) is det[private]
unit_module(+Name, -ModuleName) is det[private]
expand_test(+Name, +Options, +Body, -Clause) is det[private]- Expand
test(Name, Options)
:- Body into a clause for
'unit test'/4 and 'unit body'/2.
expand(+Term, -Clauses) is semidet[private]
valid_options(:Pred, +Options) is det[private]- Verify Options to be a list of valid options according to
- Errors
- -
or instantiation_error
test_option(+Option) is semidet[private]- True if Option is a valid option for
test(Name, Options)
test_option(+Option) is semidet[private]- True if Option is a valid option for :-
reify_tmo(:Goal, -Result, +Options) is det[private]
reify(:Goal, -Result) is det[private]- Call Goal and unify Result with one of
, false
capture_output(:Goal, -Output) is semidet[private]
capture_output(:Goal, -Output, +Options) is semidet[private]-
- Arguments:
Output | - is a pair Msgs-String , where Msgs is a boolean that
is true if there were messages that require a non-zero exit status
and Output contains the output as a string. |
got_messages(:Goal, -Result)[private]
run_tests is semidet
run_tests(+TestSet) is semidet
run_tests(+TestSet, +Options) is semidet- Run tests and report about the results. The predicate run_tests/0
runs all known tests that are not blocked. The predicate run_tests/1
takes a specification of tests to run.
The predicate run_tests/2 is synchronized. Concurrent testing may
be achieved using the relevant options. See
set_test_options/1. Options are passed to set_test_options/1. In
addition the following options are processed:
- summary(-Summary)
- Unify Summary do a dict holding the keys below. The value of
these keys is an integer describing the number of tests. If
this option is given, run_tests/2 does not fail if some tests
- total
- passed
- failed
- timeout
- blocked
- Arguments:
TestSet | - is either a single specification or a list of
specifications. Each single specification is either the name of a
test-unit or a term <test-unit>:<test>, denoting a single test
within a unit. If TestSet is all , all known tests are executed. |
report_and_cleanup(+Ref, +Time, +Options)[private]- Undo changes to the environment (trapping assertions), report the
results and cleanup.
- run_units_and_check_errors(+Units, +Options) is semidet[private]
- Run all test units and succeed if all tests passed.
runnable_tests(+Spec, -Plan) is det[private]- Change a Unit+Test spec into a plain
lists, where
blocked tests or tests whose condition fails are already removed.
Each test in Tests is a term @(Test,Line)
, which serves as a
unique identifier of the test.
count_tests(+Units0, -Units, -Count) is det[private]- Count the number of tests to run. A
forall(Generator, Test)
as a single test. During the execution, the concrete tests of the
forall are considered "sub tests".
run_unit(+Unit) is det[private]- Run a single test unit. Unit is a term Unit:Tests, where Tests is a
list of tests to run.
run_tests_in_files(+Files:list) is det[private]- Run all test-units that appear in the given Files.
make_run_tests(+Files)[private]- Called indirectly from make/0 after Files have been reloaded.
run_test(+Unit, +Test) is det[private]- Run a single test.
run_test(+Unit, +Name, +Line, +UnitOptions, +Options, +Body)[private]- Deals with
forall(Generator, Test)
run_test_once6(+Unit, +Name, +Progress, +Line, +UnitOptions, +Options, +Body)[private]- Inherit the
and occurs_check
option (Global -> Unit -> Test).
run_test_once(+Unit, +Name, +Progress, +Line, +Options, +Body)[private]- Deal with occurs_check, i.e., running the test multiple times with different
unification settings wrt. the occurs check.
report_result(+Result, +Progress, +Output, +Options) is det[private]
run_test_6(+Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, :Body, -Result) is det[private]- 6th step of the tests. Deals with tests that must be ignored
(blocked, conditions fails), setup and cleanup at the test level.
Result is one of:
- failure(Unit, Name, Line, How, Time)
- How is one of:
- succeeded
- Exception
cmp_error(Cmp, E)
- failed
- no_exception
wrong_error(Expect, E)
wrong_answer(Expected, Bindings)
- success(Unit, Name, Line, Determinism, Time)
- setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
run_test_7(+Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, :Body, -Result) is det[private]- This step deals with the expected outcome of the test. It runs
the actual test and then compares the result to the outcome.
There are two main categories: dealing with a single result and
all results.
- non_det_test(+Expected, +Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, +Body, -Result)[private]
- Run tests on non-deterministic predicates.
result_vars(+Expected, -Vars) is det[private]- Create a term
v(V1, ...)
containing all variables at the left
side of the comparison operator on Expected.
nondet_compare(+Expected, +Bindings, +Unit, +Name, +Line) is semidet[private]- Compare list/set results for non-deterministic predicates.
- bug
- - Sort should deal with equivalence on the comparison
- To be done
- - Properly report errors
cmp(+CmpTerm, -Left, -Op, -Right) is det[private]
call_det(:Goal, -Det) is nondet[private]- True if Goal succeeded. Det is unified to
if Goal left
no choicepoints and false
match_error(+Expected, +Received) is semidet[private]- True if the Received errors matches the expected error. Matching
is based on subsumes_term/2.
setup(+Module, +Context, +Options) is semidet[private]- Call the setup handler and fail if it cannot run for some
reason. The condition handler is similar, but failing is not
considered an error. Context is one of
- unit(Unit)
- If it is the setup handler for a unit
- test(Unit, Name, Line)
- If it is the setup handler for a test
condition(+Module, +Context, +Options) is semidet[private]- Evaluate the test or test unit condition.
call_ex(+Module, +Goal)[private]- Call Goal in Module after applying goal expansion.
cleanup(+Module, +Options) is det[private]- Call the cleanup handler and succeed. Failure or error of the
cleanup handler is reported, but tests continue normally.
failure(+Unit, +Name, +Progress, +Line, +How, +Time, +Output, +Options) is det[private]- Test failed. Report the error.
assert_cyclic(+Term) is det[private]- Assert a possibly cyclic unit clause. Current SWI-Prolog
assert/1 does not handle cyclic terms, so we emulate this using
the recorded database.
- To be done
- - Implement cycle-safe assert and remove this.
setup_jobs(+Count) is det[private]- Setup threads for concurrent testing.
job_wait(?Unit) is det[private]- Wait for all test jobs to finish.
begin_test(+Unit, +Test, +Line, +Progress) is det[private]
end_test(+Unit, +Test, +Line, +Progress) is det[private]- Maintain running/5 and report a test has started/is ended using
plunit(begin(Unit:Test, File:Line, Progress))
plunit(end(Unit:Test, File:Line, Progress))
- See also
- - message_hook/3 for intercepting these messages
running_tests is det- Print the currently running test.
current_test(?Unit, ?Test, ?Line, ?Body, ?Options) is nondet- True when a test with the specified properties is loaded.
current_test_unit(?Unit, ?Options) is nondet- True when a Unit is a current unit test declared with Options.
test_summary(?Unit, -Summary) is det[private]- True when Summary is a dict that reports the main statistics
about the executed tests.
report(+Time, +Options) is det[private]- Print a summary of the tests that ran.
test_report(+What) is det- Produce reports on test results after the run. Currently only
for What.
unit_file(+Unit, -File) is det[private]
- unit_file(?Unit, ?File) is nondet[private]
- True when the test unit Unit is defined in File.
load_test_files(+Options) is det- Load .plt test-files related to loaded source-files. Options is
currently ignored.
info(+Term)[private]- Runs
print_message(Level, Term)
, where Level is one of silent
progress(+UnitTest, +Progress, +Result, +Time) is det[private]- Test Unit:Name completed in Time. Result is the result and is one of
- passed
- failed
- assertion
- nondet
- fixme(passed)
- fixme(nondet)
- fixme(failed)
- forall(end,Nth,FTotal)
- Pseudo result for completion of a
set. Mapped
to forall(FTotal, FFailed)
test_name_summary(+Term, +MaxLen, -Summary) is det[private]- Given the test id, generate string that summarizes this in MaxLen
progress_string(+Progress, -S) is det[private]- True when S is a string representation for the test progress.
progress_tag(+Status, -Tag, -Keep, -Style) is det[private]- Given a progress status, determine the status tag, whether we must
preserve the line and the Style we must use to print the status
jobs_redraw is det[private]- Redraw the job window.
job_format(+Style, +Fmt, +Args) is det[private]
job_format(+Job, +Style, +Fmt, +Args, +Save) is det[private]- Point should be below the status window. Format Fmt+Args in the
line Job using Style and return to the position below the window.
job_finish(+Style, +Fmt, +Args) is det[private]
job_finish(+Job, +Style, +Fmt, +Args) is det[private]- Complete the status line for Job. This redraws the original
status line when we are using a job window.
- feedback is semidet[private]
- provide feedback using the
format, which reuses the current
output line if the test is successful.
user:message_hook(+Severity, +Message, +Lines) is semidet[multifile]- Redefine printing some messages. It appears SICStus has no way
to get multiple messages at the same line, so we roll our own.
As there is a lot pre-wired and checked in the SICStus message
handling we cannot reuse the lines. Unless I miss something ...
Re-exported predicates
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
begin_tests(+UnitName:atom) is det
begin_tests(+UnitName:atom, Options) is det- Start a test-unit. UnitName is the name of the test set. the
unit is ended by :-
run_tests is semidet
run_tests(+TestSet) is semidet
run_tests(+TestSet, +Options) is semidet- Run tests and report about the results. The predicate run_tests/0
runs all known tests that are not blocked. The predicate run_tests/1
takes a specification of tests to run.
The predicate run_tests/2 is synchronized. Concurrent testing may
be achieved using the relevant options. See
set_test_options/1. Options are passed to set_test_options/1. In
addition the following options are processed:
- summary(-Summary)
- Unify Summary do a dict holding the keys below. The value of
these keys is an integer describing the number of tests. If
this option is given, run_tests/2 does not fail if some tests
- total
- passed
- failed
- timeout
- blocked
- Arguments:
TestSet | - is either a single specification or a list of
specifications. Each single specification is either the name of a
test-unit or a term <test-unit>:<test>, denoting a single test
within a unit. If TestSet is all , all known tests are executed. |
run_tests is semidet
run_tests(+TestSet) is semidet
run_tests(+TestSet, +Options) is semidet- Run tests and report about the results. The predicate run_tests/0
runs all known tests that are not blocked. The predicate run_tests/1
takes a specification of tests to run.
The predicate run_tests/2 is synchronized. Concurrent testing may
be achieved using the relevant options. See
set_test_options/1. Options are passed to set_test_options/1. In
addition the following options are processed:
- summary(-Summary)
- Unify Summary do a dict holding the keys below. The value of
these keys is an integer describing the number of tests. If
this option is given, run_tests/2 does not fail if some tests
- total
- passed
- failed
- timeout
- blocked
- Arguments:
TestSet | - is either a single specification or a list of
specifications. Each single specification is either the name of a
test-unit or a term <test-unit>:<test>, denoting a single test
within a unit. If TestSet is all , all known tests are executed. |