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plunit.pl -- Unit Testing
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Unit testing environment for SWI-Prolog and SICStus Prolog. For usage, please visit https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/package/plunit.

Source set_test_options(+Options)
Specifies how to deal with test suites. Defined options are:
load +Load
Whether or not the tests must be loaded. Values are never, always, normal (only if not optimised)
When the tests are run. Values are manual, make or make(all).
Currently one of tty or log. tty uses terminal control to overwrite successful tests, allowing the user to see the currently running tests and output from failed tests. This is the default of the output is a tty. log prints a full log of the executed tests and their result and is intended for non-interactive usage.
If always, emit all output as it is produced, if never, suppress all output and if on_failure, emit the output if the test fails.
Show individual blocked tests during the report.
Defines the default for the occurs_check flag during testing.
If true (default =false), cleanup report at the end of run_tests/1. Used to improve cooperation with memory debuggers such as dmalloc.
Number of jobs to use for concurrent testing. Default is one, implying sequential testing.
Set timeout for each individual test. This acts as a default that may be overuled at the level of units or individual tests. A timeout of 0 or negative is handled as inifinite.
Source loading_tests[private]
True if tests must be loaded.
Source begin_tests(+UnitName:atom) is det
Source begin_tests(+UnitName:atom, Options) is det
Start a test-unit. UnitName is the name of the test set. the unit is ended by :- end_tests(UnitName).
Source end_tests(+Name) is det
Close a unit-test module.
To be done
- Run tests/clean module?
- End of file?
Source make_unit_module(+Name, -ModuleName) is det[private]
Source unit_module(+Name, -ModuleName) is det[private]
Source expand_test(+Name, +Options, +Body, -Clause) is det[private]
Expand test(Name, Options) :- Body into a clause for 'unit test'/4 and 'unit body'/2.
Source expand(+Term, -Clauses) is semidet[private]
Source valid_options(:Pred, +Options) is det[private]
Verify Options to be a list of valid options according to Pred.
- type_error or instantiation_error.
Source test_option(+Option) is semidet[private]
True if Option is a valid option for test(Name, Options).
Source test_option(+Option) is semidet[private]
True if Option is a valid option for :- begin_tests(Name, Options).
Source reify_tmo(:Goal, -Result, +Options) is det[private]
Source reify(:Goal, -Result) is det[private]
Call Goal and unify Result with one of true, false or throw(E).
Source capture_output(:Goal, -Output) is semidet[private]
Source capture_output(:Goal, -Output, +Options) is semidet[private]
Output- is a pair Msgs-String, where Msgs is a boolean that is true if there were messages that require a non-zero exit status and Output contains the output as a string.
Source got_messages(:Goal, -Result)[private]
Source run_tests is semidet
Source run_tests(+TestSet) is semidet
Source run_tests(+TestSet, +Options) is semidet
Run tests and report about the results. The predicate run_tests/0 runs all known tests that are not blocked. The predicate run_tests/1 takes a specification of tests to run.

The predicate run_tests/2 is synchronized. Concurrent testing may be achieved using the relevant options. See set_test_options/1. Options are passed to set_test_options/1. In addition the following options are processed:

Unify Summary do a dict holding the keys below. The value of these keys is an integer describing the number of tests. If this option is given, run_tests/2 does not fail if some tests failed.
  • total
  • passed
  • failed
  • timeout
  • blocked
TestSet- is either a single specification or a list of specifications. Each single specification is either the name of a test-unit or a term <test-unit>:<test>, denoting a single test within a unit. If TestSet is all, all known tests are executed.
Source report_and_cleanup(+Ref, +Time, +Options)[private]
Undo changes to the environment (trapping assertions), report the results and cleanup.
 run_units_and_check_errors(+Units, +Options) is semidet[private]
Run all test units and succeed if all tests passed.
Source runnable_tests(+Spec, -Plan) is det[private]
Change a Unit+Test spec into a plain Unit:Tests lists, where blocked tests or tests whose condition fails are already removed. Each test in Tests is a term @(Test,Line), which serves as a unique identifier of the test.
Source count_tests(+Units0, -Units, -Count) is det[private]
Count the number of tests to run. A forall(Generator, Test) counts as a single test. During the execution, the concrete tests of the forall are considered "sub tests".
Source run_unit(+Unit) is det[private]
Run a single test unit. Unit is a term Unit:Tests, where Tests is a list of tests to run.
Source run_tests_in_files(+Files:list) is det[private]
Run all test-units that appear in the given Files.
Source make_run_tests(+Files)[private]
Called indirectly from make/0 after Files have been reloaded.
Source run_test(+Unit, +Test) is det[private]
Run a single test.
Source run_test(+Unit, +Name, +Line, +UnitOptions, +Options, +Body)[private]
Deals with forall(Generator, Test)
Source run_test_once6(+Unit, +Name, +Progress, +Line, +UnitOptions, +Options, +Body)[private]
Inherit the timeout and occurs_check option (Global -> Unit -> Test).
Source run_test_once(+Unit, +Name, +Progress, +Line, +Options, +Body)[private]
Deal with occurs_check, i.e., running the test multiple times with different unification settings wrt. the occurs check.
Source report_result(+Result, +Progress, +Output, +Options) is det[private]
Source run_test_6(+Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, :Body, -Result) is det[private]
6th step of the tests. Deals with tests that must be ignored (blocked, conditions fails), setup and cleanup at the test level. Result is one of:
failure(Unit, Name, Line, How, Time)
How is one of:
  • succeeded
  • Exception
  • time_limit_exceeded(Limit)
  • cmp_error(Cmp, E)
  • wrong_answer(Cmp)
  • failed
  • no_exception
  • wrong_error(Expect, E)
  • wrong_answer(Expected, Bindings)
success(Unit, Name, Line, Determinism, Time)
setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
Source run_test_7(+Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, :Body, -Result) is det[private]
This step deals with the expected outcome of the test. It runs the actual test and then compares the result to the outcome. There are two main categories: dealing with a single result and all results.
 non_det_test(+Expected, +Unit, +Name, +Line, +Options, +Body, -Result)[private]
Run tests on non-deterministic predicates.
Source result_vars(+Expected, -Vars) is det[private]
Create a term v(V1, ...) containing all variables at the left side of the comparison operator on Expected.
Source nondet_compare(+Expected, +Bindings, +Unit, +Name, +Line) is semidet[private]
Compare list/set results for non-deterministic predicates.
- Sort should deal with equivalence on the comparison operator.
To be done
- Properly report errors
Source cmp(+CmpTerm, -Left, -Op, -Right) is det[private]
Source call_det(:Goal, -Det) is nondet[private]
True if Goal succeeded. Det is unified to true if Goal left no choicepoints and false otherwise.
Source match_error(+Expected, +Received) is semidet[private]
True if the Received errors matches the expected error. Matching is based on subsumes_term/2.
Source setup(+Module, +Context, +Options) is semidet[private]
Call the setup handler and fail if it cannot run for some reason. The condition handler is similar, but failing is not considered an error. Context is one of
If it is the setup handler for a unit
test(Unit, Name, Line)
If it is the setup handler for a test
Source condition(+Module, +Context, +Options) is semidet[private]
Evaluate the test or test unit condition.
Source call_ex(+Module, +Goal)[private]
Call Goal in Module after applying goal expansion.
Source cleanup(+Module, +Options) is det[private]
Call the cleanup handler and succeed. Failure or error of the cleanup handler is reported, but tests continue normally.
Source failure(+Unit, +Name, +Progress, +Line, +How, +Time, +Output, +Options) is det[private]
Test failed. Report the error.
Source assert_cyclic(+Term) is det[private]
Assert a possibly cyclic unit clause. Current SWI-Prolog assert/1 does not handle cyclic terms, so we emulate this using the recorded database.
To be done
- Implement cycle-safe assert and remove this.
Source setup_jobs(+Count) is det[private]
Setup threads for concurrent testing.
Source job_wait(?Unit) is det[private]
Wait for all test jobs to finish.
Source begin_test(+Unit, +Test, +Line, +Progress) is det[private]
Source end_test(+Unit, +Test, +Line, +Progress) is det[private]
Maintain running/5 and report a test has started/is ended using a silent message:
  • plunit(begin(Unit:Test, File:Line, Progress))
  • plunit(end(Unit:Test, File:Line, Progress))
See also
- message_hook/3 for intercepting these messages
Source running_tests is det
Print the currently running test.
Source current_test(?Unit, ?Test, ?Line, ?Body, ?Options) is nondet
True when a test with the specified properties is loaded.
Source current_test_unit(?Unit, ?Options) is nondet
True when a Unit is a current unit test declared with Options.
Source test_summary(?Unit, -Summary) is det[private]
True when Summary is a dict that reports the main statistics about the executed tests.
Source report(+Time, +Options) is det[private]
Print a summary of the tests that ran.
Source test_report(+What) is det
Produce reports on test results after the run. Currently only supports fixme for What.
Source unit_file(+Unit, -File) is det[private]
unit_file(?Unit, ?File) is nondet[private]
True when the test unit Unit is defined in File.
Source load_test_files(+Options) is det
Load .plt test-files related to loaded source-files. Options is currently ignored.
Source info(+Term)[private]
Runs print_message(Level, Term), where Level is one of silent or informational (default).
Source progress(+UnitTest, +Progress, +Result, +Time) is det[private]
Test Unit:Name completed in Time. Result is the result and is one of
Pseudo result for completion of a forall(Gen,Test) set. Mapped to forall(FTotal, FFailed)
Source test_name_summary(+Term, +MaxLen, -Summary) is det[private]
Given the test id, generate string that summarizes this in MaxLen characters.
Source progress_string(+Progress, -S) is det[private]
True when S is a string representation for the test progress.
Source progress_tag(+Status, -Tag, -Keep, -Style) is det[private]
Given a progress status, determine the status tag, whether we must preserve the line and the Style we must use to print the status line.
Source jobs_redraw is det[private]
Redraw the job window.
Source job_format(+Style, +Fmt, +Args) is det[private]
Source job_format(+Job, +Style, +Fmt, +Args, +Save) is det[private]
Point should be below the status window. Format Fmt+Args in the line Job using Style and return to the position below the window.
Source job_finish(+Style, +Fmt, +Args) is det[private]
Source job_finish(+Job, +Style, +Fmt, +Args) is det[private]
Complete the status line for Job. This redraws the original status line when we are using a job window.
 feedback is semidet[private]
provide feedback using the tty format, which reuses the current output line if the test is successful.
Source user:message_hook(+Severity, +Message, +Lines) is semidet[multifile]
Redefine printing some messages. It appears SICStus has no way to get multiple messages at the same line, so we roll our own. As there is a lot pre-wired and checked in the SICStus message handling we cannot reuse the lines. Unless I miss something ...

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

Source begin_tests(+UnitName:atom) is det
Source begin_tests(+UnitName:atom, Options) is det
Start a test-unit. UnitName is the name of the test set. the unit is ended by :- end_tests(UnitName).
Source run_tests is semidet
Source run_tests(+TestSet) is semidet
Source run_tests(+TestSet, +Options) is semidet
Run tests and report about the results. The predicate run_tests/0 runs all known tests that are not blocked. The predicate run_tests/1 takes a specification of tests to run.

The predicate run_tests/2 is synchronized. Concurrent testing may be achieved using the relevant options. See set_test_options/1. Options are passed to set_test_options/1. In addition the following options are processed:

Unify Summary do a dict holding the keys below. The value of these keys is an integer describing the number of tests. If this option is given, run_tests/2 does not fail if some tests failed.
  • total
  • passed
  • failed
  • timeout
  • blocked
TestSet- is either a single specification or a list of specifications. Each single specification is either the name of a test-unit or a term <test-unit>:<test>, denoting a single test within a unit. If TestSet is all, all known tests are executed.
Source run_tests is semidet
Source run_tests(+TestSet) is semidet
Source run_tests(+TestSet, +Options) is semidet
Run tests and report about the results. The predicate run_tests/0 runs all known tests that are not blocked. The predicate run_tests/1 takes a specification of tests to run.

The predicate run_tests/2 is synchronized. Concurrent testing may be achieved using the relevant options. See set_test_options/1. Options are passed to set_test_options/1. In addition the following options are processed:

Unify Summary do a dict holding the keys below. The value of these keys is an integer describing the number of tests. If this option is given, run_tests/2 does not fail if some tests failed.
  • total
  • passed
  • failed
  • timeout
  • blocked
TestSet- is either a single specification or a list of specifications. Each single specification is either the name of a test-unit or a term <test-unit>:<test>, denoting a single test within a unit. If TestSet is all, all known tests are executed.