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explain.pl -- Describe Prolog Terms
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The library(explain) describes prolog-terms. The most useful functionality is its cross-referencing function.

?- explain(subset(_,_)).
"subset(_, _)" is a compound term
    from 2-th clause of lists:subset/2
    Referenced from 46-th clause of prolog_xref:imported/3
    Referenced from 68-th clause of prolog_xref:imported/3
lists:subset/2 is a predicate defined in
    Referenced from 2-th clause of lists:subset/2
    Possibly referenced from 2-th clause of lists:subset/2

Note that PceEmacs can jump to definitions and gxref/0 can be used for an overview of dependencies.

Source explain(@Term) is det
Give an explanation on Term. Term can be any Prolog data object. Some terms have a specific meaning:
  • A (partial) reference to a predicate gives the predicates, its main properties and references to the predicates. Partial references are:
    • Module:Name/Arity
    • Module:Head
    • Name/Arity
    • Name//Arity
    • Name
    • Module:Name
  • Some predicate properties. This lists predicates as above the have this property. The specification can be of the shape Module:Property or just Property. The qualified version limits the result to predicates defined in Module. Supported properties are:
    • dynamic
    • thread_local
    • multifile
    • tabled
Source explain(@Term, -Explanation) is nondet
True when Explanation is an explanation of Term. The explaination is a list of elements that is printed using print_message(information, explain(Explanation)).