-- Simple integer solver that keeps track of upper and lower bounds | | -- CLP(B): Constraint Logic Programming over Boolean Variables |
labeling/1 | Enumerate concrete solutions. |  |
random_labeling/2 | Select a single random solution. |  |
sat/1 | True iff Expr is a satisfiable Boolean expression. |  |
sat_count/2 | Count the number of admissible assignments. |  |
taut/2 | Tautology check. |  |
weighted_maximum/3 | Enumerate weighted optima over admissible assignments. |  | -- CLP(FD): Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains |
#/\/2 | P and Q hold. |  |
#</2 | The arithmetic expression X is less than Y. |  |
#<==/2 | Q implies P. |  |
#<==>/2 | P and Q are equivalent. |  |
#=/2 | The arithmetic expression X equals Y. |  |
#=</2 | The arithmetic expression X is less than or equal to Y. |  |
#==>/2 | P implies Q. |  |
#>/2 | Same as Y #< X. |  |
#>=/2 | Same as Y #=< X. |  |
#\/1 | Q does not hold. |  |
#\/2 | Either P holds or Q holds, but not both. |  |
#\//2 | P or Q holds. |  |
#\=/2 | The arithmetic expressions X and Y evaluate to distinct integers. |  |
all_different/1 | Like all_distinct/1, but with weaker propagation. |  |
all_distinct/1 | True iff Vars are pairwise distinct. |  |
automaton/3 | Describes a list of finite domain variables with a finite automaton. |  |
automaton/8 | Describes a list of finite domain variables with a finite automaton. |  |
chain/2 | Zs form a chain with respect to Relation. |  |
circuit/1 | True iff the list Vs of finite domain variables induces a Hamiltonian circuit. |  |
cumulative/1 | Equivalent to cumulative(Tasks, [limit(1)]) . |  |
cumulative/2 | Schedule with a limited resource. |  |
disjoint2/1 | True iff Rectangles are not overlapping. |  |
element/3 | The N-th element of the list of finite domain variables Vs is V. |  |
empty_fdset/1 | Set is the empty FD set. |  |
empty_interval/2 | Min..Max is an empty interval. |  |
fd_degree/2 | Degree is the number of constraints currently attached to Var. |  |
fd_dom/2 | Dom is the current domain (see in/2) of Var. |  |
fd_inf/2 | Inf is the infimum of the current domain of Var. |  |
fd_set/2 | Set is the FD set representation of the current domain of Var. |  |
fd_size/2 | Reflect the current size of a domain. |  |
fd_sup/2 | Sup is the supremum of the current domain of Var. |  |
fd_var/1 | True iff Var is a CLP(FD) variable. |  |
fdset_add_element/3 | Set2 is the same FD set as Set1, but with the integer Elt added. |  |
fdset_complement/2 | The FD set Complement is the complement of the FD set Set. |  |
fdset_del_element/3 | Set2 is the same FD set as Set1, but with the integer Elt removed. |  |
fdset_disjoint/2 | The FD sets Set1 and Set2 have no elements in common. |  |
fdset_eq/2 | True if the FD sets Set1 and Set2 are equal, i. |  |
fdset_intersect/2 | The FD sets Set1 and Set2 have at least one element in common. |  |
fdset_intersection/3 | Intersection is an FD set (possibly empty) of all elements that the FD sets Set1 and Set2 have in common. |  |
fdset_interval/3 | Interval is a non-empty FD set consisting of the single interval Min..Max. |  |
fdset_max/2 | Max is the upper bound (supremum) of the non-empty FD set Set. |  |
fdset_member/2 | The integer Elt is a member of the FD set Set. |  |
fdset_min/2 | Min is the lower bound (infimum) of the non-empty FD set Set. |  |
fdset_parts/4 | Set is a non-empty FD set representing the domain Min..Max \/ Rest, where Min..Max is a non-empty interval (see fdset_interval/3) and Rest is another FD set (possibly empty). |  |
fdset_singleton/2 | Set is the FD set containing the single integer Elt. |  |
fdset_size/2 | Size is the number of elements of the FD set Set, or the atom sup if Set is infinite. |  |
fdset_subset/2 | The FD set Set1 is a (non-strict) subset of Set2, i. |  |
fdset_subtract/3 | The FD set Difference is Set1 with all elements of Set2 removed, i. |  |
fdset_to_list/2 | List is a list containing all elements of the finite FD set Set, in ascending order. |  |
fdset_to_range/2 | Domain is a domain equivalent to the FD set Set. |  |
fdset_union/2 | The FD set Union is the n-ary union of all FD sets in the list Sets. |  |
fdset_union/3 | The FD set Union is the union of FD sets Set1 and Set2. |  |
global_cardinality/2 | Global Cardinality constraint. |  |
global_cardinality/3 | Global Cardinality constraint. |  |
in/2 | Var is an element of Domain. |  |
in_set/2 | Var is an element of the FD set Set. |  |
indomain/1 | Bind Var to all feasible values of its domain on backtracking. |  |
ins/2 | The variables in the list Vars are elements of Domain. |  |
is_fdset/1 | Set is currently bound to a valid FD set. |  |
label/1 | Equivalent to labeling([], Vars) . |  |
labeling/2 | Assign a value to each variable in Vars. |  |
lex_chain/1 | Lists are lexicographically non-decreasing. |  |
list_to_fdset/2 | Set is an FD set containing all elements of List, which must be a list of integers. |  |
range_to_fdset/2 | Set is an FD set equivalent to the domain Domain. |  |
scalar_product/4 | True iff the scalar product of Cs and Vs is in relation Rel to Expr. |  |
serialized/2 | Describes a set of non-overlapping tasks. |  |
sum/3 | The sum of elements of the list Vars is in relation Rel to Expr. |  |
transpose/2 | Transpose a list of lists of the same length. |  |
tuples_in/2 | True iff all Tuples are elements of Relation. |  |
zcompare/3 | Analogous to compare/3, with finite domain variables A and B. |  | -- Solve linear programming problems |
assignment/2 | Solves a linear assignment problem. |  |
constraint/3 | Adds a linear or integrality constraint to the linear program corresponding to state S0. |  |
constraint/4 | Like constraint/3, and attaches the name Name (an atom or compound term) to the new constraint. |  |
constraint_add/4 | Left is a list of Coefficient*Variable terms. |  |
gen_state/1 | Generates an initial state corresponding to an empty linear program. |  |
maximize/3 | Maximizes the objective function, stated as a list of Coefficient*Variable terms that represents the sum of its elements, with respect to the linear program corresponding to state S0. |  |
minimize/3 | Analogous to maximize/3. |  |
objective/2 | Unifies Objective with the result of the objective function at the obtained extremum. |  |
shadow_price/3 | Unifies Value with the shadow price corresponding to the linear constraint whose name is Name. |  |
transportation/4 | Solves a transportation problem. |  |
variable_value/3 | Value is unified with the value obtained for Variable. |  |