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google_client.pl -- Sign in with Google OpenID Connect
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This module deals with the Google OpenID Connect federated authentication method. An HTTP handler that wishes to establish a login using Google uses the following flow of control.

See also
- https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OpenIDConnect
Source oauth_authenticate(+Request, +Site, +Options)
Step 2: redirect to Google for obtaining an authorization code. Google redirects back to oauth_handle_response/1. Options:
Value for openid.realm. Normally, this is the site's root URL. By default, it is not sent.
Hint to select the right account. Typically an email address. By default, it is not sent.
Add the given Data (any Prolog term) to the dict that is passed to the login hooks.
Source openid_connect_discover(+Site, -Dict) is det
True when Dicr represents The Discovery document.
Source key(+Which, -Key) is det[multifile]
This hook must provide the Google API keys. Key is one of the values below. The keys are obtained from Google as explained in https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/add-button
  • client_id
  • client_secret
Source login_existing_user(+Claim) is semidet[multifile]
Called after establishing the identify of the logged in user. Claim is a dict containing
String that uniquely indentifies the user inside Google.
Email address of the user.
Present if oauth_authenticate/3 was called with the option client_data(Term). Note that the term passed is a copy.

This call must return an HTML document indicating that the user logged in successfully or redirect to the URL supplied with return to using http_redirect/3.

Source create_user(+Profile) is det[multifile]
Called after login_existing_user/1 fails and the Google profile for the user has been fetched. Contains the same info as passed to login_existing_user/1 as well as additional profile information such as family_name, gender, given_name, locale, name, picture and profile. Check the Google docs for details.

This call creates a new user, typically after verifying that the user is human and completing the profile. As login_existing_user/1, it must return a web page or redirect.

Source cert_verify(SSL, ProblemCert, AllCerts, FirstCert, Error) is det
Used by SSL to verify the certificate.