This module provides the handler for =/autocomplete/ac_predicate=, which
implements autocompletion for the website. This handler is called from
searchbox_script//1 in
- prolog:doc_search_field(+Options) is det[private]
- Emit the manual-search field. This is a hook into PlDoc to
override the PlDoc search field. In theory, all searches on the
website should now be using the search box as defined in See searchbox_script//1.
- ac_predicate(+Request)[private]
- HTTP handler to reply autocompletion
- obj_name(+Object, -Label, -Class) is det[private]
- Provide the (autocomplete) label for Object and its class. The
class may be used to style the hit in www/css/plweb.css.
- To be done
- - : There are a lot of similar things around in the code.
- update_autocompletion_map[private]
- Assert that the token map is out of data.
- fill_token_map is det[private]
- Examine the objects that are suitable for autocompletion,
name_object(Name, Object, Category)
- Two RDF literal maps, one with the Name of the object and
one with all tokens in Name.
- keep_best_doc is det[private]
- Filter the documentation objects found in name_object/3,
removing `inferior' objects.
- completion_target(+Object0, +Summary, -Object, -Name) is semidet[private]
- True when we can do completion on Object based on Name.
- sub_token(+Label, -Token) is nondet[private]