I'm very pleased that Learn Prolog Now! and SWI-Prolog have joined forces. I have written a proxy server that rewrites LPN on the fly, adding a `run' button to source and queries that open an instance of SWISH embedded in the LPN page.
It is all still a bit clumsy. Patrick, Johan and Kristina have agreed to make the sources of LPN available under the CC-SA license. This allows us to improve the LPN text and examples and make sure the right sources and queries are sent to SWISH when clicking the run button.
Please have a look at http://lpn.swi-prolog.org. The header points to the GitHub repositories of LPN, the proxy server (of course in Prolog) and SWISH.
This is also a call to see who is willing to help and turn this into a great online resource.
Comments are of course welcome. General discussion can go here. If the subject is more a `todo' or bug, please use the issues page of the GitHub repositories.