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Reference Manual
4.32 Formatted Write
format/1Defined as‘format(Format) :- format(Format, []).Source
format/2Format is an atom, list of character codes, or a Prolog string.
format/3As format/2, but write the output on the given Output.
format_predicate/2If a sequence ~c (tilde, followed by some character) is found, the format/3 and friends first check whether the user has defined a predicate to handle the format.
current_format_predicate/2True when ~Code is handled by the user-defined predicate specified by Head.
Sec. 4.32.2Format
Sec. 4.32.3Programming Format
writef/2Formatted write.Source
Sec. 4.32Formatted Write
swritef/2Equivalent to swritef(String, Format, []).Source
4.35 Operating System Interaction
format_time/3Modelled after POSIX strftime(), using GNU extensions.
format_time/4Format time given a specified Locale.
parse_time/2Same as parse_time(Text, _Format, Stamp).Source
A.6 library(charsio): I/O on Lists of Character Codes
format_to_chars/3Use format/2 to write to a list of character codes.Source
format_to_chars/4Use format/2 to write to a difference list of character codes.Source
A.7 library(check): Consistency checking
list_format_errors/0List argument errors for format/2,3.Source
list_format_errors/1List argument errors for format/2,3.Source
A.2 library(ansi_term): Print decorated text to ANSI consoles
ansi_format/3Format text with ANSI attributes.Source
2.10 Overview of the Debugger
Sec. Commands
12.9 Foreign access to Prolog IO streams
SdprintfX()Same as Sdprintf() but doesn't have the format-checking attribute.
SsnprintfX()Same as Ssnprintf() but doesn't have the format-checking attribute.
SfprintfX()Same as Sfprintf() but doesn't have the format-checking attribute, which can trigger compiler warnings if the format does not match the arguments.
4.17 Input and output
fast_read/2Read Term using the fast serialization format from the Input stream.
fast_write/2Write Term using the fast serialization format to the Output stream.
A.14 library(debug): Print debug messages and test assertions
debug/3Format a message if debug topic is enabled.Source