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iso_predicates.pl -- Define ISO builtin predicates
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This module describes the ISO core standard built-in predicates. It originates from Logtalk. Note that, although the artistic license would allow redistribution under a new name and interface using the GPL, we preserve the original license.

- Paulo Moura
- Jan Wielemaker @licence GPL+SWI-exception or Artistic 2.0
See also
- predicate_property/2, property iso.
Source iso_builtin_predicate(?Head:callable) is nondet
True if Head describes a builtin defined by the ISO Prolog standard (ISO/IEC 1321 l-l).
Source iso_builtin_function(?Head:callable) is nondet
True if Head describes a builtin arithmetic function as defined by the ISO Prolog standard (ISO/IEC 1321 l-l).