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TAP Input/Output Test Suite

Definition of input/output tests for the XML Validator following the Test Anything Protocol (TAP).

Run Tests

The defined tests can be run using the following command:

swipl -q -g main -t halt -s test.pl

This produces a TAP compatible output like the following:

TAP version 13
ok 1 - [schema:element_string] Simple xs:string
ok 2 - [schema:element_string] Empty xs:string
ok 3 - [schema:element_integer] Simple xs:integer
ok 4 - [xpath:constructor] boolean(true)

The test output lines have the following format: `(ok|not okay) <test number> - [<type>:<file name>] <test name> (fail)?`.

  • `(ok|not okay)` in association with `(fail)?` indicates the success of the test case.
  • `<test number>` is an ascending number identifying the test case.
  • `<type>` is either schema or xpath.
    • If it is schema, the test validates an XML instance against a specific XML schema. The schema is located inside the schema directory as `<file name>.xsd` and the corresponding instances are embedded in `<file name>.pl` inside the validation directory.
    • If it is xpath, the test is a simple `<INPUT> ==> <OUTPUT>` test for the `xpath_expr(<INPUT>, <OUTPUT>) predicate. The test itself is defined in the file <file name>.pl` inside the xpath directory.
  • `<test name>` is a verbal description of the test case.

Define Tests

Schema validation tests

The goal of this test type is to assert the correctness of the xsd_validate(SCHEMA, INSTANCE) predicate inside xsd.pl and therefore to validate a given XML instance against an XML schema document.

The test runner looks for pairs of `*.xsd` files in the schema directory and corresponding `*.pl` files inside the validation directory with the same file name. After that, the pairs are validated and the test results are printed out.

The XML schema is provided as a regular `*.xsd` file.

However, the XML instance is embedded inside prolog code by using the `{|xml|| ... |}` quasi quotation:

`<test name>`(fail)?:
  <!-- some XML instance, i.e. XML document -->

Please note that the `<test name>` must be given as an atom and be unique within a certain validation file.

To define failing tests, i.e. to define XML documents which should be recognized as no valid instances of the given XML Schema, simply extend the `<test name> by (fail)`, e.g. 'Not a valid integer'(fail).

XPath Unit Tests

The goal of this test type is to assert the correctness of the xpath_expr(IN, OUT) predicate defined inside xpath.pl and therefore to validate a given XPath expression.

The test runner looks for test definitions of the form `<IN> ==> <OUT>` in an arbitrary `*.pl` file inside the xpath directory. After that, `xpath_expr(<IN>, <OUT>)` is called and the result is printed out.

If `<OUT> is false`, it is a negative test, which asserts, that `<IN>` is not a valid XPath expression: e.g. `decimal('test') ==> false.`.

Otherwise, `<IN>` has to be evaluated to `<OUT> inside xpath_expr`: e.g. `decimal('+1.234') ==> data('decimal', [1.234]).`.

Meta-validate Tested XSD Files

As the used XSD files in the test/schema subfolder are created manually, it might be useful to check if they really satisfy the XML Schema 1.1 Meta-Schema, i.e., that they are valid XSD 1.1 documents. This test can be run via `make test.xsd`, which expects the Apache Xerces2-J samples directory set as JAXP_PATH environment varaible.

Windows users, you can meta-validate the XSD files using the following command:

for /r test/schema %f in (*.xsd) do java jaxp.SourceValidator -xsd11 -a %f

The (system) environment variable PATH has to contain an entry to the binary folder of the JDK, JAVA_HOME has to point to the JDK directory and CLASSPATH has to contain entries pointing to all `*.jar` files inside the extracted Xerces2-J archieve in order to function properly.