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Pack webconsole -- prolog/webconsole.pl |
The library(webconsole)
allows for writing classical query/reply
programs that use a web-browser for I/O. In the typical user scenarion,
the application calls wc_start/0 to open a browser. Next, it calls one
of wc_format/2,3,4 or wc_html/1,2 to send output to the browser and or
calls wc_ask/2,4 to request data from the user.
The home-page can be customized by defining a handler for wc_home
. See
wc_home/1 for the default page.
Here is an example run:
?- [library(webconsole)]. ?- wc_start. % opens browser ?- wc_format('Hello ~w', [world]). ?- wc_html(p(['Hello ', b(world)])). ?- wc_ask([age(Age)], [p('How old are you'), input([name(age)])]). Age = 24. % type 24 <enter>
The user can customize the output page by defining an HTTP
handler with the id wc_home
(see http_handler/3). The
predicate wc_home/1 provides the simple default page.
element. Multiple output areas can be
created, each with their own id. The default id is
.?- wc_format('Hello ~w', [world]).
, clear the output area before adding the new
content.?- wc_write([p(['Hello ', b(world)])]).
, clear the output area before adding the new
holding a form
with ID
. A form-area is used with wc_ask/3 and wc_ask/4.form
element. Each Name in the
Result list must be covered by an equally named input element in
the form.
?- wc_ask([ age(Age) ], [ p('How old are you?'), input([name(age)]) ]). Age = 24.
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.