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Pack web -- prolog/web/response.pl
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 exists(-Response:response) is det
Unifies Response with an empty response term.
 exists(-Response:response, +Attributes:list(pair)) is det
Unifies Response with a fresh response term that has the given named Attributes.
 well_formed(+Response) is semidet
True if Response is a proper response term.
 body(+Response:response, -Stream:stream) is det
body(?Response:response, +Stream:stream) is semidet
True if Response body can be read from Stream.
 content_type(+Response:response, -ContentType:atom) is det
content_type(?Response:response, +ContentType:atom) is semidet
True if Response includes a Content-Type header whose value is ContentType.
 status_code(+Response:response, -Code:integer) is det
status_code(?Response:response, +Code:integer) is semidet
True if Response has the HTTP status Code.