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Pack prolog_uriparser -- prolog/uriparser.pl
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 check_iri(+Iri:atom) is semidet
Succeeds iff `Iri' is an absolute IRI.

TODO: Only checking for URI compliance ATM.

 check_uri(+Uri:atom) is semidet
Succeeds iff `Uri' is an absolute URI.
- existence_error(uri_scheme,Scheme:atom)
 is_http_uri(@Term) is semidet
Succeeds iff Term is an atom that conforms to the URI grammar.
 is_iri(@Term) is semidet
 is_uri(@Term) is semidet
 resolve_uri(+Base:atom, +Relative:atom, +Absolute:atom) is semidet
resolve_uri(+Base:atom, +Relative:atom, -Absolute:atom) is det
 uri_scheme(+Schema:atom) is semidet
uri_scheme(-Schema:atom) is nondet
Succeeds for all and only atoms that denote an URI schema as registered by IANA.
- Last synchronized on 2020-04-13 with the following code:
http_open('https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes-1.csv', In, []),
csv_read_stream(In, Rows, []),
member(Row, Rows),
Row =.. [row,H|_],
See also
- https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml).

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

 uri_components(+URI, -Components) is det
uri_components(-URI, +Components) is det
Break a URI into its 5 basic components according to the RFC-3986 regular expression:
 12            3  4          5       6  7        8 9
Components- is a term uri_components(Scheme, Authority, Path, Search, Fragment). If a URI is parsed, i.e., using mode (+,-), components that are not found are left uninstantiated (variable). See uri_data/3 for accessing this structure.
 uri_data(?Field, +Components, ?Data) is semidet
Provide access the uri_component structure. Defined field-names are: scheme, authority, path, search and fragment
 uri_data(+Field, +Components, +Data, -NewComponents) is semidet
NewComponents is the same as Components with Field set to Data.
 uri_normalized(+URI, -NormalizedURI) is det
NormalizedURI is the normalized form of URI. Normalization is syntactic and involves the following steps:
  • Case Normalization
  • Percent-Encoding Normalization
  • Path Segment Normalization
 iri_normalized(+IRI, -NormalizedIRI) is det
NormalizedIRI is the normalized form of IRI. Normalization is syntactic and involves the following steps:
  • Case Normalization
  • Path Segment Normalization
See also
- This is similar to uri_normalized/2, but does not do normalization of %-escapes.
 uri_normalized_iri(+URI, -NormalizedIRI) is det
As uri_normalized/2, but percent-encoding is translated into IRI Unicode characters. The translation is liberal: valid UTF-8 sequences of %-encoded bytes are mapped to the Unicode character. Other %XX-sequences are mapped to the corresponding ISO-Latin-1 character and sole % characters are left untouched.
See also
- uri_iri/2.
 uri_is_global(+URI) is semidet
True if URI has a scheme. The semantics is the same as the code below, but the implementation is more efficient as it does not need to parse the other components, nor needs to bind the scheme. The condition to demand a scheme of more than one character is added to avoid confusion with DOS path names.
uri_is_global(URI) :-
        uri_components(URI, Components),
        uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme),
        atom_length(Scheme, Len),
        Len > 1.
 uri_resolve(+URI, +Base, -GlobalURI) is det
Resolve a possibly local URI relative to Base. This implements http://labs.apache.org/webarch/uri/rfc/rfc3986.html#relative-transform
 uri_normalized(+URI, +Base, -NormalizedGlobalURI) is det
NormalizedGlobalURI is the normalized global version of URI. Behaves as if defined by:
uri_normalized(URI, Base, NormalizedGlobalURI) :-
        uri_resolve(URI, Base, GlobalURI),
        uri_normalized(GlobalURI, NormalizedGlobalURI).
 iri_normalized(+IRI, +Base, -NormalizedGlobalIRI) is det
NormalizedGlobalIRI is the normalized global version of IRI. This is similar to uri_normalized/3, but does not do %-escape normalization.
 uri_normalized_iri(+URI, +Base, -NormalizedGlobalIRI) is det
NormalizedGlobalIRI is the normalized global IRI of URI. Behaves as if defined by:
uri_normalized(URI, Base, NormalizedGlobalIRI) :-
        uri_resolve(URI, Base, GlobalURI),
        uri_normalized_iri(GlobalURI, NormalizedGlobalIRI).
 uri_query_components(+String, -Query) is det
uri_query_components(-String, +Query) is det
Perform encoding and decoding of an URI query string. Query is a list of fully decoded (Unicode) Name=Value pairs. In mode (-,+), query elements of the forms Name(Value) and Name-Value are also accepted to enhance interoperability with the option and pairs libraries. E.g.
?- uri_query_components(QS, [a=b, c('d+w'), n-'VU Amsterdam']).
QS = 'a=b&c=d%2Bw&n=VU%20Amsterdam'.

?- uri_query_components('a=b&c=d%2Bw&n=VU%20Amsterdam', Q).
Q = [a=b, c='d+w', n='VU Amsterdam'].
 uri_authority_components(+Authority, -Components) is det
uri_authority_components(-Authority, +Components) is det
Break-down the authority component of a URI. The fields of the structure Components can be accessed using uri_authority_data/3. This predicate deals with IPv6 addresses written as [ip], returning the ip as host, without the enclosing []. When constructing an authority string and the host contains :, the host is embraced in []. If [] is not used correctly, the behavior should be considered poorly defined. If there is no balancing `]` or the host part does not end with `]`, these characters are considered normal characters and part of the (invalid) host name.
 uri_authority_data(+Field, ?Components, ?Data) is semidet
Provide access the uri_authority structure. Defined field-names are: user, password, host and port
 uri_encoded(+Component, +Value, -Encoded) is det
uri_encoded(+Component, -Value, +Encoded) is det
Encoded is the URI encoding for Value. When encoding (Value->Encoded), Component specifies the URI component where the value is used. It is one of query_value, fragment, path or segment. Besides alphanumerical characters, the following characters are passed verbatim (the set is split in logical groups according to RFC3986).
query_value, fragment
"-._~" | "!$'()*,;" | "@" | "/?"
"-._~" | "!$&'()*,;=" | "@" | "/"
"-._~" | "!$&'()*,;=" | "@"
 uri_iri(+URI, -IRI) is det
uri_iri(-URI, +IRI) is det
Convert between a URI, encoded in US-ASCII and an IRI. An IRI is a fully expanded Unicode string. Unicode strings are first encoded into UTF-8, after which %-encoding takes place.
- syntax_error(Culprit) in mode (+,-) if URI is not a legally percent-encoded UTF-8 string.
 uri_file_name(+URI, -FileName) is semidet
uri_file_name(-URI, +FileName) is det
Convert between a URI and a local file_name. This protocol is covered by RFC 1738. Please note that file-URIs use absolute paths. The mode (-, +) translates a possible relative path into an absolute one.
 uri_edit(+Actions, +URI0, -URI) is det
Modify a URI according to Actions. Actions is either a single action or a (nested) list of actions. Defined primitive actions are:
Set the Scheme of the URI (typically http, https, etc.)
Add/set the user of the authority component.
Add/set the password of the authority component.
Add/set the host (or ip address) of the authority component.
Add/set the port of the authority component.
Set/extend the path component. If Path is not absolute it is taken relative to the path of URI0.
Extend the Key=Value pairs of the current search (query) component. New values replace existing values. If KeyValues is written as =(KeyValues) the current search component is ignored. KeyValues is a list, whose elements are one of Key=Value, Key-Value or `Key(Value)`.
Set the Fragment of the uri.

Components can be removed by using a variable as value, except from path which can be reset using path(/) and query which can be dropped using query(=([])).

URI0- is either a valid uri or a variable to start fresh.