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Pack onepointfour_basics -- prolog/dict_settings.pl
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 get_setting(+SettingsDict, +Key, ?Value, +Default)
Instantiate Value to the value stored under Key in SettingsDict. If it is missing, unifies Value with Default.
 get_setting_tuned(+SettingsDict, +Key, ?Value, @Tuned)
Same as get_setting/3, but with Tuned = 'soft', the predicate just fail instead of throwing. Set Tuned = 'hard' (or anything else) to recover get_setting/3 behaviour
 get_setting(+SettingsDict, +Key, ?Value)
Instantiate Value to the value stored under Key in SettingsDict. If it is missing a (non-ISO) error term error(dict_error(missing_entry,Key)) is thrown.