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John McCarthy

Computer Science Department

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305





My 1971 Turing Award Lecture was entitled “Generality in Artificial In-

telligence”. The topic turned out to have been overambitious in that I dis-

covered that I was unable to put my thoughts on the subject in a satisfactory

written form at that time. It would have been better to have reviewed pre-

vious work rather than attempt something new, but such wasn’t my custom

at that time.

I am grateful to the ACM for the opportunity to try again. Unfortunately

for our science, although perhaps fortunately for this project, the problem of

generality in AI is almost as unsolved as ever, although we now have many

ideas not available in 1971. This paper relies heavily on such ideas, but it is

far from a full 1986 survey of approaches for achieving generality. Ideas are

discussed at a length proportional to my familiarity with them rather than

according to some objective criterion.

It was obvious in 1971 and even in 1958 that AI programs suffered from

a lack of generality. It is still obvious, and now there are many more details.

The first gross symptom is that a small addition to the idea of a program

often involves a complete rewrite beginning with the data structures. Some

progress has been made in modularizing data structures, but small modifica-

tions of the search strategies are even less likely to be accomplished without


Another symptom is that no-one knows how to make a general database

of common sense knowledge that could be used by any program that needed

the knowledge. Along with other information, such a database would contain

what a robot would need to know about the effects of moving objects around,

what a person can be expected to know about his family, and the facts about

buying and selling. This doesn’t depend on whether the knowledge is to be

expressed in a logical language or in some other formalism. When we take the

logic approach to AI, lack of generality shows up in that the axioms we devise

to express common sense knowledge are too restricted in their applicability

for a general common sense database.

In my opinion, getting a language

for expressing general common sense knowledge for inclusion in a general

database is the key problem of generality in AI.

Here are some ideas for achieving generality proposed both before and

after 1971. I repeat my disclaimer of comprehensiveness.



Friedberg (1958 and 1959) discussed a completely general way of representing

behavior and provided a way of learning to improve it. Namely, the behavior

is represented by a computer program and learning is accomplished by mak-

ing random modifications to the program and testing the modified program.

The Friedberg approach was successful in learning only how to move a single

bit from one memory cell to another, and its scheme of rewarding instructions

involved in successful runs by reducing their probability of modification was

shown by Herbert Simon (a now substantiated rumor froma 1987 personal

communication) to be inferior to testing each program thoroughly and com-

pletely scrapping any program that wasn’t perfect. No-one seems to have

attempted to follow up the idea of learning by modifying whole programs.

The defect of the Friedberg approach is that while representing behaviors

by programs is entirely general, modifying behaviors by small modifications

to the programs is very special. A small conceptual modification to a behavior

is usually not represented by a small modification to the program, especially

if machine language programs are used and any one small modification to

the text of a program is considered as likely as any other.

It might be worth trying something more analogous to genetic evolution;

duplicates of subroutines would be made, some copies would be modified and

others left unchanged. The learning system would then experiment whether

it was advantageous to change certain calls of the original subroutine to calls

of the modified subroutine. Most likely even this wouldn’t work unless the

relevant small modifications of behavior were obtainable by calls to slightly

modified subroutines. It would probably be necessary to provide for modifi-

cations to the number of arguments of subroutines.

While Friedberg’s problem was learning from experience, all schemes for

representing knowledge by program suffer from similar difficulties when the

object is to combine disparate knowledge or to make programs that modify



One kind of generality in AI comprises methods for finding solutions that are

independent of the problem domain. Allen Newell, Herbert Simon and their

colleagues and students pioneered this approach and continue to pursue it.

Newell and Simon first proposed the General problem Solver GPS in their

(1957) (also see (Ernst and Newell 1969). The initial idea was to represent

problems of some general class as problems of transforming one expression

into another by means of a set of allowed rules. It was even suggested in their

(1960) that improving GPS could be thought of as a problem of this kind.

In my opinion, GPS was unsuccessful as a general problem solver, because

problems don’t take this form in general and because most of the knowledge

about the common sense needed for problem solving and achieving goals is

not simply representable in the form of rules for transforming expressions.

However, GPS was the first system to separate the problem solving structure

of goals and subgoals from the particular domain.

If GPS had worked out to be really general, perhaps the Newell and Simon

predictions about rapid success for AI would have been realized. Newell’s cur-

rent candidate for general problem representation is SOAR (Laird, Newell

and Rosenbloom 1987), which, as I understand it, is concerned with trans-

forming one state to another, where the states need not be represented by



The first production systems were done by Newell and Simon in the 1950s,

and the idea was written up in their (1972). A kind of generality is achieved

by using the same goal seeking mechanism for all kinds of problems, changing

only the particular productions. The early production systems have grown

into the current proliferation of expert system shells.

Production systems represent knowledge in the form of facts and rules,

and there is almost always a sharp syntactic distinction between the two.

The facts usually correspond to ground instances of logical formulas, i.e.

the correspond to predicate symbols applied to constant expressions. Un-

like logic-based systems, these facts contain no variables or quantifiers. New

facts are produced by inference, observation and user input. Variables are

reserved for rules, which usually take a pattern-action form. Rules are put

in the system by the programmer or “knowledge engineer” and in most sys-

tems cannot arise via the action of the system. In exchange for accepting

these limitations, the production system programmer gets a relatively fast


Production system programs rarely use fundamental knowledge of the

domain. For example, MYCIN (Buchanan and Shortliffe 1974) has many

rules about how to infer which bacterium is causing an illness based on

symptoms and the result of laboratory tests. However, its formalism has no

way of expressing the fact that bacteria are organisms that grow within the

body. In fact MYCIN has no way of representing processes occuring in time,

although other production systems can represent processes at about the level

of the situation calculus to be described in the next section.

The result of a production system pattern match is a substitution of con-

stants for variables in the pattern part of the rule. Consequently production

systems do not infer general propositions. For example, consider the defini-

tion that a container is sterile if it is sealed against entry by bacteria, and

all the bacteria in it are dead. A production system (or a logic program)

can only use this fact by substituting particular bacteria for the variables.

Thus it cannot reason that heating a sealed container will sterilize it given

that a heated bacterium dies, because it cannot reason about the unenumer-

ated set of bacteria in the container. These matters are discussed further in

(McCarthy 1984).

4 REPRESENTING KNOWLEDGE IN LOGICIt seemed to me in 1958 that small modifications in behavior are most often

representable as small modifications in beliefs about the world, and this

requires a system that represents beliefs explicitly.

“If one wants a machine to be able to discover an abstraction, it seems most

likely that the machine must be able to represent this abstraction in some

relatively simple way” (McCarthy 1959).

The 1958 idea for increasing generality was to use logic to express facts

in a way independent of the way the facts might subsequently be used. It

seemed then and still seems that humans communicate mainly in declarative

sentences rather than in programming languages for good objective reasons

that will apply whether the communicator is a human, a creature from Alpha

Centauri or a computer program. Moreover, the advantages of declarative

information also apply to internal representation. The advantage of declara-

tive information is one of generality. The fact that when two objects collide

they make a noise may be used in particular situations to make a noise, to

avoid making noise, to explain a noise or to explain the absence of noise. (I

guess those cars didn’t collide, because while I heard the squeal of brakes, I

didn’t hear a crash).

Once one decides to build an AI system that represents information

declaratively, one still has to decide what kind of declarative language to

allow. The simplest systems allow only constant predicates applied to con-

stant symbols, e.g. on(Block1, Block2). Next one can allow arbitrary con-

stant terms, built from function symbols, constants and predicate symbols,

e.g. location(Block1) = top(Block2). Prolog databases allow arbitrary Horn

clauses that include free variables, e.g. P (x, y)∧Q(y, z) ⊃ R(x, z), expressing

the Prolog in standard logical notation. Beyond that lies full first order logic

including both existential and universal quantifiers and arbitrary first order

formulas. Within first order logic, the expressive power of a theory depends

on what domains the variables are allowed to range. Important expressive

power comes from using set theory which contains expressions for sets of any

objects in the theory.

Every increase in expressive power carries a price in the required com-

plexity of the reasoning and problem solving programs. To put it another

way, accepting limitations on the expressiveness of one’s declarative informa-

tion allows simplification of the search procedures. Prolog represents a local

optimum in this continuum, because Horn clauses are medium expressive but

can be interpreted directly by a logical problem solver.

One major limitation that is usually accepted is to limit the derivation

of new facts to formulas without variables, i.e to substitute constants for

variables and then do propositional reasoning. It appears that most human

daily activity involves only such reasoning. In principle, Prolog goes slightly

beyond this, because the expressions found as values of variables by Prolog

programs can themselves involve free variables. However, this facility is rarely

used except for intermediate results.

What can’t be done without more of predicate calculus than Prolog allows

is universal generalization. Consider the rationale of canning. We say that a

container is sterile if it is sealed and all the bacteria in it are dead. This can

be expressed as a fragment of a Prolog program as follows.

sterile(X):-sealed(X), notalive-bacterium(Y, X).

alive-bacterium(Y, X):-in(Y, X), bacterium(Y ), alive(Y ).

However, a Prolog program incorporating this fragment directly can ster-

ilize a container only by killing each bacterium individually and would require

that some other part of the program successively generate the names of the

bacteria. It cannot be used to discover or rationalize canning — sealing the

container and then heating it to kill all the bacteria at once. The reasoning

rationalizing canning involves the use of quantifiers in an essential way.

My own opinion is that reasoning and problem solving programs will

eventually have to allow the full use of quantifiers and sets and have strong

enough control methods to use them without combinatorial explosion.

While the 1958 idea was well received, very few attempts were made to

embody it in programs in the immediately following years, the main one

being F. Black’s Harvard PhD thesis of 1964.

I spent most of my time

on what I regarded as preliminary projects, mainly LISP. My main reason

for not attempting an implementation was that I wanted to learn how to

express common sense knowledge in logic first. This is still my goal. I might

be discouraged from continuing to pursue it if people pursuing nonlogical

approaches were having significant success in achieving generality.

(McCarthy and Hayes 1969) made the distinction between epistemological

and heuristic aspects of the AI problem and asserted that generality is more

easily studied epistemologically. The distinction is that the epistemology is

completed when the facts available have as a consequence that a certain strat-

egy is appropriate to achieve the goal, while the heuristic problem involves

the search that finds the appropriate strategy.

Implicit in (McCarthy 1959) was the idea of a general purpose common

sense database. The common sense information possessed by humans would

be written as logical sentences and included in the database. Any goal-

seeking program could consult the database for the facts needed to decide

how to achieve its goal. Especially prominent in the database would be

facts about the effects of actions. The much studied example is the set of

facts about the effects of a robot trying to move objects from one location to

another. This led in the 1960s to the situation calculus (McCarthy and Hayes

1969) which was intended to provide a way of expressing the consequences

of actions independent of the problem.

The basic formalism of the situation calculus is

s(cid:48) = result(e, s),

which asserts that s(cid:48) is the situation that results when event e occurs in

situation s. Here are some situation calculus axioms for moving and painting


Qualified Result-of-Action Axioms

∀xls.clear(top(x), s)clear(l, s)∧¬tooheavy(x)loc(x, result(move(x, l), s)) = l∀xcs.color(x, result(paint(x, c), s)) = c.

Frame Axioms

∀xyls.color(y, result(move(x, l), s)) = color(y, s).

∀xyls.y (cid:54)= x ⊃ loc(y, result(move(x, l), s)) = loc(y, s).

∀xycs.loc(x, result(paint(y, c), s)) = loc(x, s).

∀xycs.y (cid:54)= x ⊃ color(x, result(paint(y, c), s)) = color(x, s).

Notice that all qualifications to the performance of the actions are explicit in

the premisses and that statements (called frame axioms) about what doesn’t

change when an action is performed are explicitly included. Without those

statements it wouldn’t be possible to infer much about result(e2, result(e1, s)),since we wouldn’t know whether the premisses for the event e2 to have its

expected result were fulfilled in result(e1, s).

Futhermore, it should be noticed that the situation calculus applies only

when it is reasonable to reason about discrete events, each of which results

in a new total situation. Continuous events and concurrent events are not


Unfortunately, it wasn’t very feasible to use the situation calculus in

the manner proposed, even for problems meeting its restrictions.

In the

first place, using general purpose theorem provers made the programs run

too slowly, since the theorem provers of 1969 (Green 1969) had no way of

controlling the search. This led to STRIPS (Fikes and Nilsson 1971) which

reduced the use of logic to reasoning within a situation. Unfortunately, the

STRIPS formalizations were much more special than full situation calculus.

The facts that were included in the axioms had to be delicately chosen in

order to avoid the introduction of contradictions arising from the failure to

delete a sentence that wouldn’t be true in the situation that resulted from

an action.


The second problem with the situation calculus axioms is that they were

again not general enough. This was the qualification problem, and a possible

way around it wasn’t discovered until the late 1970s. Consider putting an

axiom in a common sense database asserting that birds can fly. Clearly

the axiom must be qualified in some way since penguins, dead birds and

birds whose feet are encased in concrete can’t fly. A careful construction of

the axiom might succeed in including the exceptions of penguins and dead

birds, but clearly we can think up as many additional exceptions like birds

with their feet encased in concrete as we like. Formalized nonmonotonic

reasoning (see (McCarthy 1980, 1986), (Doyle 1977), (McDermott and Doyle

1980) and (Reiter 1980)) provides a formal way of saying that a bird can

fly unless there is an abnormal circumstance and reasoning that only the

abnormal circumstances whose existence follows from the facts being taken

into account will be considered.

Non-monotonicity has considerably increased the possibility of expressing

general knowledge about the effects of events in the situation calculus. It has

also provided a way of solving the frame problem, which constituted another

obstacle to generality that was already noted in (McCarthy and Hayes 1969).

The frame problem (The term has been variously used, but I had it first.)

occurs when there are several actions available each of which changes certain

features of the situation. Somehow it is necesary to say that an action changes

only the features of the situation to which it directly refers. When there is a

fixed set of actions and features, it can be explicitly stated which features are

unchanged by an action, even though it may take a lot of axioms. However, if

we imagine that additional features of situations and additional actions may

be added to the database, we face the problem that the axiomatization of

an action is never completed. (McCarthy 1986) indicates how to handle this

using circumscription, but Lifschitz (1985) has shown that circumscription

needs to be improved and has made proposals for this.

Here are some situation calculus axioms for moving and painting blocks

taken from (McCarthy 1986).

Axioms about Locations and the Effects of Moving Objects

∀xes.¬ab(aspect1(x, e, s))loc(x, result(e, s)) = loc(x, s)

asserts that objects normally do not change their locations. More specifi-

cally, an object does not change its location unless the triple consisting of

the object, the event that occurs, and the situation in which it occurs are

abnormal in apect1.

∀xls.ab(aspect1(x, move(x, l), s))

However, moving an object to a location in a situation is abnormal in aspect1.

∀xls.¬ab(aspect3(x, l, s))loc(x, result(move(x, l), s)) = l

Unless the relevant triple is abnormal in aspect3, the action of moving an

object to a location l results in its being at l.

Axioms about Colors and Painting

∀xes.¬ab(aspect2(x, e, s))color(x, result(e, s)) = color(x, s)

∀xcs.ab(aspect2(x, paint(x, c), s))

∀xcs.¬ab(aspect4(x, c, s))color(x, result(paint(x, c), s)) = c

Thes three axioms give the corresponding facts about what changes the color

of an object.

This treats the qualification problem, because any number of conditions

that may be imagined as preventing moving or painting can be added later

and asserted to imply the corresponding ab aspect . . .. It treats the frame

problem in that we don’t have to say that moving doesn’t affect colors and

painting locations.

Even with formalized nonmonotonic reasoning, the general commonsense

database still seems elusive. The problem is writing axioms that satisfy our

notions of incorporating the general facts about a phenomenon. Whenever

we tentatively decide on some axioms, we are able to think of situations in

which they don’t apply and a generalization is called for. Moreover, the

difficulties that are thought of are often ad hoc like that of the bird with its

feet encased in concrete.


Reasoning about knowledge, belief or goals requires extensions of the do-

main of objects reasoned about. For example, a program that does backward

chaining on goals used them directly as sentences, e.g. on(Block1, Block2),

i.e. the symbol on is used as a predicate constant of the language. How-

ever, a program that wants to say directly that on(Block1, Block2) should

be postponed until on(Block2, Block3) has been achieved, needs a sentence

like precedes(on(Block2, Block3), on(Block1, Block2)), and if this is to be a

sentence of first-order logic, then the symbol on must be taken as a func-

tion symbol, and on(Block1, Block2) regarded as an object in the first order


This process of making objects out of sentences and other entities is called

reification. It is necessary for expressive power but again leads to complica-

tions in reasoning. It is discussed in (McCarthy 1979).



Whenever we write an axiom, a critic can say that the axiom is true only

in a certain context. With a little ingenuity the critic can usually devise a

more general contex in which the precise form of the axiom doesn’t hold.

Looking at human reasoning as reflected in language emphasizes this point.

Consider axiomatizing “on” so as to draw appropriate consequences from

the information expressed in the sentence, “The book is on the table”. The

critic may propose to haggle about the precise meaning of “on” inventing

difficulties about what can be between the book and the table or about how

much gravity there has to be in a spacecraft in order to use the word “on”

and whether centrifugal force counts. Thus we encounter Socratic puzzles

over what the concepts mean in complete generality and encounter examples

that never arise in life. There simply isn’t a most general context.

Conversely, if we axiomatize at a fairly high level of generality, the axioms

are often longer than is convenient in special situations. Thus humans find

it useful to say, “The book is on the table” omitting reference to time and

precise identifications of what book and what table. This problem of how

general to be arises whether the general common sense knowledge is expressed

in logic, in program or in some other formalism. (Some people propose that

the knowledge is internally expressed in the form of examples only, but strong

mechanisms using analogy and similarity permit their more general use. I

wish them good fortune in formulating precise proposals about what these

mechansims are).

A possible way out involves formalizing the notion of context and combin-

ing it with the circumscription method of nonmonotonic reasoning. We add

a context parameter to the functions and predicates in our axioms. Each ax-

iom makes its assertion about a certain context. Further axioms tell us that

facts are inherited by more restricted context unless exceptions are asserted.

Each assertions is also nonmonotonically assumed to apply in any particular

more general context, but there again are exceptions. For example, the rules

about birds flying implicitly assume that there is an atmosphere to fly in. In

a more general context this might not be assumed. It remains to determine

how inheritance to more general contexts differs from inheritance to more

specific contexts.

Suppose that whenever a sentence p is present in the memory of a com-

puter, we consider it as in a particular context and as an abbreviation for the

sentence holds(p, C) where C is the name of a context. Some contexts are

very specific, so that Watson is a doctor in the context of Sherlock Holmes

stories and a baritone psychologist in a tragic opera about the history of


There is a relation c1 ≤ c2 meaning that context c2 is more general than

context c1. We allow sentences like holds(c1 ≤ c2, c0) so that even statements

relating contexts can have contexts. The theory would not provide for any

“most general context” any more than Zermelo-Frankel set theory provides

for a most general set.

A logical system using contexts might provide operations of entering and

leaving a context yielding what we might call ultra-natural deduction allowing

a sequence of reasoning like

holds(p, C)






holds(q, C).


This resembles the usual logical natural deduction systems, but for reasons

beyond the scope of this lecture, it is probably not correct to regard contexts

as equivalent to sets of assumptions — not even infinite sets of assumptions.

All this is unpleasantly vague, but it’s a lot more than could be said in

Black, F., (1964). A Deductive Question Answering System, Doctoral Dis-

sertation, Harvard University.

Buchanan, B.G. and Shortliffe, E.H, eds., (1984). Rule-based expert systems:

the MYCIN experiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project.

Davis, Randall; Buchanan, Bruce; and Shortliffe, Edward (1977). Production

Rules as a Representation for a Knowledge-Based Consultation Program,

Artificial Intelligence, Volume 8, Number 1, February.


Doyle, J. (1977). Truth Maintenance Systems for Problem Solving, Proc. 5th

IJCAI, p. 247.

Ernst, George W. and Allen Newell (1969). GPS: A Case Study in Generality

and Problem Solving, Academic Press.

Fikes, R, and Nils Nilsson, (1971). STRIPS: A New Approach to the Applica-

tion of Theorem Proving to Problem Solving, Artificial Intelligence, Volume

2, Numbers 3,4, January, pp. 189-208.

Friedberg, R.M. (1958). A Learning Machine, IBM Journal of Research,

Volume 2, Number 1, January, pp. 2-13.

Friedberg, R.M., B. Dunham and J.H. North (1959). A Learning Machine,

Part II, IBM Journal of Research, Volume 3, Number 3, July, pp. 282-287.

Green, C.(1969). Theorem-proving by Resolution as a Basis for Question

Answering Systems, in Machine Intelligence 4, pp. 183-205 (eds. Meltzer,

B. and Michie, D.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Laird, John E., Allen Newell and Paul S. Rosenbloom (1987). Soar: An

Architecture for General Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence 33, pp. 1–64.

Lifschitz, Vladimir (1985). Computing Circumscription, in Proceedings of

the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1,

1985, pp. 121–127.

McCarthy, John (1959). Programs with Common Sense, in Proceedings of the

Teddington Conference on the Mechanization of Thought Processes, London:

Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. (Reprinted in McCarthy 1990).

McCarthy, John and Patrick Hayes (1969). Some Philosophical Problems

from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence, in B. Meltzer and D. Michie

(eds), Machine Intelligence 4, Edinburgh University.

(Reprinted in B. L.

Webber and N. J. Nilsson (eds.), Readings in Artificial Intelligence, Tioga,

1981, pp. 431–450; also in M. J. Ginsberg (ed.), Readings in Nonmonotonic

Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann, 1987, pp. 26–45; also in McCarthy 1990.)

McCarthy, John (1979). First Order Theories of Individual Concepts and

Propositions, in Michie, Donald (ed.) Machine Intelligence 9, Ellis Horwood.

(Reprinted in McCarthy 1990.)

McCarthy, John (1984). Some Expert Systems Need Common Sense, in Com-

puter Culture: The Scientific, Intellectual and Social Impact of the Computer,

Heinz Pagels, ed. vol. 426, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

(Reprinted in McCarthy 1990.)

McCarthy, John (1980). Circumscription — A Form of Nonmonotonic Rea-

soning, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 13, Numbers 1,2. (Reprinted in B. L.

Webber and N. J. Nilsson (eds.), Readings in Artificial Intelligence, Tioga,

1981, pp. 466–472; also in M. J. Ginsberg (ed.), Readings in Nonmonotonic

Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann, 1987, pp. 145–152; also in McCarthy 1990.)

McCarthy, John (1986). Applications of Circumscription to Formalizing

Common Sense Knowledge Artificial Intelligence 28, pp. 89–116. (Reprinted

in M. J. Ginsberg (ed.), Readings in Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Morgan Kauf-

mann, 1987, pp. 153–166; also in McCarthy 1990.)

McCarthy, John (1990). Formalizing Common Sense, Ablex 1990.

McDermott, D. and Doyle, J. (1980). Nonmonotonic Logic I. Artificial In-

telligence, Volume 13, Numbers 1,2, pp. 41-72.

Newell, A., J. C. Shaw and H. A. Simon (1957). Preliminary Description

of General Problem Solving Program-I (GPS-I), CIP Working Paper #7,

Carnegie Institute of Technology, Dec.

Newell, A., J. C. Shaw and H. A. Simon, (1960). A variety of intelligent

learning in a General Problem Solver, in Self-Organizing Systems, Yovits

M.C., and Cameron, S. eds., Pergammon Press, Elmford, N.Y., pp 153-189.

Newell, A. and H. A. Simon (1972). Human Problem Solving, Prentice-Hall.

Reiter, Raymond (1980). A Logic for Default Reasoning, Artificial Intelli-

gence, Volume 13, Numbers 1,2, April.

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