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Pack logicmoo_utils -- prolog/hook_database.pl
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This module allows for the following functions: when prolog data changes in database this allows for attribute variables to be put in the data base. Logicmoo_attvar_serializer uses this to add and remove attribute variable in database. It also allows PFC to have more elaborate database interaction.

and Utility LOGICMOO_HOOK_HYBRID Allows one to intercept asserts and retracks to the prolog database. Implement clauses that are not really in the prolog database act as if they are.

- Douglas R. Miles
 clause_safe(?H, ?B) is semidet
Clause Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases.
 mpred_mop(+M, :PRED1Op, ?Term) is semidet
Managed Predicate Mop.
 mpred_op_prolog(?UPARAM1, ?N) is semidet
Managed Predicate Oper. Prolog.
 ain(?N) is semidet[multifile]
Assert If New.
 aina(?N) is semidet[multifile]
 ainz(?N) is semidet[multifile]
 clause_asserted(?C) is semidet
Clause Asserted.
 clause_asserted(?H, ?B) is semidet
Clause Asserted.
 clause_asserted(?M, ?B, -R) is semidet
Clause Asserted.
 retract_eq(?HB) is semidet
Retract Using (==/2) (or =@=/2) ).
 safe_univ(?Call, ?List) is semidet
Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases Univ.
 erase_safe(?VALUE1, ?REF) is semidet
Erase Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
