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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/regulus/doc/CommandDoc/nuance_parser.txt

Start an {\tt nl-tool} process, and use it to do parsing. Any old {\tt nl-tool} processes are first killed. The current config file needs to include either a {\tt dialogue\_\-rec\_\-params} declaration (for dialogue apps) or a {\tt translation\_\-rec\_\-params} declaration (for speech translation apps); the declaration must contain definitions for {\tt 'package'} and {\tt 'grammar'}. The following is a typical example of a suitable declaration:

\begin{verbatim} regulus_config(dialogue_rec_params, [package=calendar_runtime(recogniser), grammar='.MAIN', 'rec.Pruning=1600', 'rec.DoNBest=TRUE', 'rec.NumNBest=6']). \end{verbatim} Notes: \begin{itemize} \item After {\tt NUANCE\_\-PARSER} is successfully invoked, {\tt nl-tool} is used for ALL parsing, including batch processing with commands like {\tt TRANSLATE\_\-CORPUS} and Prolog calls to {\tt parse\_\-with\_\-current\_\-parser/6}. \item The Nuance parser only returns logical forms, not parse trees. \end{itemize}