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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/regulus/doc/CommandDoc/make_target_sent_corpus.txt

Relevant to translation applications. Take the results held in the file indicated by {\tt translation\_\-corpus\_\-results} and turn them into a sent-formatted file. Put the result in the file indicated by {\tt target\_\-sent\_\-corpus}. Thus, for example, the call \begin{verbatim} MAKE_TARGET_SENT_CORPUS .MAIN \end{verbatim} will create a file where, for each translation {\tt $\langle$Sent$\rangle$} in {\tt translation\_\-corpus\_\-results}, the file {\tt target\_\-sent\_\-corpus} will contain a record of the form \begin{verbatim} sent(<Sent>). \end{verbatim}