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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/regulus/doc/CommandDoc/load_translate.txt

Load all translation-related files defined in the currently valid config file. These consist of a subset of the following; the set of files required depends on whether translation is interlingua-based or direct, and whether translation is from source to target, from source to interlingua, or from interlingua to target.


\item An interlingua checking grammar compiled into generation form, defined by the {\tt interlingua\_\-structure} config file entry. Required if translation is interlingua-based.

item An interlingua declarations file defined by the {\tt interlingua\_\-declarations} config file entry. Required if translation is interlingua-based.

\item One or more to\_\-interlingua rules files defined by the {\tt to\_\-interlingua\_\-rules} config file entry. Required if translation is interlingua-based.

\item One or more from\_\-interlingua rules files defined by the {\tt from\_\-interlingua\_\-rules} config file entry. Required if translation is interlingua-based.

\item An ellipsis classes file (optional) defined by the {\tt ellipsis\_\-classes} config file entry. If this is defined, you need to compile it first using the {\tt COMPILE\_\-ELLIPSIS\_\-PATTERNS} command.

\item A generation grammar file (required, unless translation is from source to interlingua) defined by the {\tt generation\_\-rules} config file entry. This should be the compiled form of a Regulus grammar for the target language. The compiled generation grammar must first be created using the {\tt LOAD\_\-GENERATION} command.

\item A generation preferences file (optional) defined by the {\tt generation\_\-preferences} config file entry.

\item A collocations file (optional) defined by the {\tt collocation\_\-rules} config file entry.

\item An orthography rules file (optional) defined by the {\tt orthography\_\-rules} config file entry.

\item One or more transfer rules files defined by the {\tt transfer\_\-rules} config file entry. This is only required for direct (i.e.\ non-interlingua-based) translation applications.


If the config file entries {\tt wavfile\_\-directory} and {\tt wavfile\_\-recording\_\-script} are defined, implying that output speech will be produced using recorded wavfiles, this command also produces a new version of the file defined by {\tt wavfile\_\-recording\_\-script}.