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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/regulus/doc/CommandDoc/ebl_corpus.txt

Points to the file of training examples used as input to the EBL\_\-TREEBANK operation. Intended originally for use for grammar specialisation, but can also be used simply to parse a set of examples to get information about coverage. The format is sent(Atom), so for example a typical line would be \begin{verbatim} sent('switch off the light'). \end{verbatim} (note the closing period).

If the application compiles multiple top-level specialised grammars, the grammars relevant to each example are defined in an optional second argument. For example, if a home control domain had separate grammars for each room, a typical line in the training file might be \begin{verbatim} sent('switch off the light', [bedroom, kitchen, living_room]). \end{verbatim}