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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/ace_in_gf/words/Words300/README.md

Words 300

Small multilingual vocabulary based on the GF resource grammar library test lexicon.

Adding support for a new language is simple, just create a new file containing a single line, e.g. for German:

concrete Words300Ger of Words300 =
        AttemptoGer ** Words300I with
                (Syntax = SyntaxGer),
                (Lexicon = LexiconGer) ;

The Syntax-module is needed for the mkCN which converts the N category words to CN needed by the multilingual ACE grammar. The Lexicon-module contains all the words: simple nouns (~200), transitive verbs (~50) and proper names (only 2).


Generating sentences

To randomly generate 10 trees corresponding to questions (category QS) and linearize them to all the languages, use:

echo "gr -cat=QS -number=10 | l -treebank -bind" | gf --run Words300.pgf

or generate trees of certain form (instead of category):

echo "gr -number=10 (qsText ?) | l -treebank -bind" | gf --run Words300.pgf

Note that cat=QS should give the same result as `(qsText ?)`.

To generate declarative sentences use S instead of QS or `(sText ?)` instead of `(qsText ?)`.

To generate with probabilities pick a file from the probs-directory and add -probs=probs/filename.probs as an argument to gr.


  • think about Ace, Ape, Eng
  • question_N and reason_N missing in some languages (pg -missing)
  • think about adding
    • N2, N3, V2Q, etc.
    • A2 (supported by ACE-in-GF)
    • A and V (supported by ACE-to-OWL)
  • document where do these words come from