Predicates for porting a BibTeX file or entry to its RDF simile.
- author
- - Gimenez, Christian
- license
- - GPLv3
- guess_sufix(+Author:term, +Title:string, -Sufix:term)
- Try to create the IRI Suffix from the author a title of a bibtex.
- guess_subject(+BibEntry:term, -Subject:term) is det
- guess_subject(+BibEntry:term, +Subject:term) is det
- True iff Subject is a guessed abbreviated URI we should use for the provided BibEntry.
We need a dynamic predicate paper_prefix/1 defined if a prefix should be used for Subject.
- bibtex_to_rdf(+BibEntry:term, +Graph:term) is det
- Assert all BibTeX fields into the RDF Graph.
- bibtexfile_to_rdf(+BibtexFile:term, +Graph:term)
- Parse the file and store all BibEntries in the Graph.
- Arguments:
BibtexFile | - A term with the BibTeX file path. |
Graph | - A RDF graph created with rdf_create_graph/1. |