This corresponds to "serialization/deserialization" in Java and other languages.
You CAN but shouldn't use this for reading input typed in by the user.
?- with_output_to( string(Buf), write_term(a(b,c,[1,2,3],var(ZZ)),[])), % serialize a term as string to "Buf" read_term_from_atom(Buf, T, []). % unserialize a term from Buf into T Buf = "a(b,c,[1,2,3],var(_7256))", % the serialized term T = a(b, c, [1, 2, 3], var(_7848)). % the usnerialized term; not the fresh unbound variable with the default name _7848
Use readutil
for user querying:
: Read utilities
format("Answer me!\n"), read_line_to_string(user_input,S1), string_lower(S1,S2), (member(S2,["yes","1","ok","y","ja","oui"]) -> format("OK!") ; (format("NOK"), fail)).
Answer me! |: YES OK!