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Pack plml -- prolog/plml.pl
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ml_eng - Any atom identifying a Matlab engine.

ml_stmt - A Matlab statement

X;Y     :: ml_stmt :-  X::ml_stmt, Y::ml_stmt.
X,Y     :: ml_stmt :-  X::ml_stmt, Y::ml_stmt.
X=Y     :: ml_stmt :-  X::ml_lval, Y::ml_expr.
hide(X) :: ml_stmt :-  X::ml_stmt.
ml_expr(A)       % A Matlab expression, possibly with multiple return values
ml_loc ---> mat(atom,atom).  % Matbase locator

Matlab expression syntax

The Matlab expression syntax adopted by this module allows Prolog terms to represent or denote Matlab expressions. Let T be the domain of recognised Prolog terms (corresponding to the type ml_expr), and M be the domain of Matlab expressions written in Matlab syntax. Then V : T->M is the valuation function which maps Prolog term X to Matlab expression V[X]. These are some of the constructs it recognises:

Constructs valid only in top level statements, not subexpressions:

X;Y             % |--> V[X]; V[Y]  (sequential evaluation hiding first result)
X,Y             % |--> V[X], V[Y]  (sequential evaluation displaying first result)
X=Y             % |--> V[X]=V[Y] (assignment, X must denote a valid left-value)
hide(X)         % |--> V[X]; (execute X but hide return value)
if(X,Y)         % |--> if V[X], V[Y], end
if(X,Y,Z)       % |--> if V[X], V[Y], else V[Z], end

Things that look and work like Matlab syntax (more or less):

+X              % |--> uplus(V[X])
-X              % |--> uminus(V[X])
X+Y             % |--> plus(V[X],V[Y])
X-Y             % |--> minus(V[X],V[Y])
X^Y             % |--> mpower(V[X],V[Y])
X*Y             % |--> mtimes(V[X],V[Y])
X/Y             % |--> mrdivide(V[X],V[Y])
X\Y             % |--> mldivide(V[X],V[Y])
X.^Y            % |--> power(V[X],V[Y])
X.*Y            % |--> times(V[X],V[Y])
X./Y            % |--> rdivide(V[X],V[Y])
X.\Y            % |--> ldivide(V[X],V[Y])
X:Y:Z           % |--> colon(V[X],V[Y],V[Z])
X:Z             % |--> colon(V[X],V[Z])
X>Z             % |--> gt(V[X],V[Y])
X>=Z            % |--> ge(V[X],V[Y])
X<Z             % |--> lt(V[X],V[Y])
X=<Z            % |--> le(V[X],V[Y])
X==Z            % |--> eq(V[X],V[Y])
[X1,X2,...]     % |--> [ V[X1], V[X2], ... ]
[X1;X2;...]     % |--> [ V[X1]; V[X2]; ... ]
{X1,X2,...}     % |--> { V[X1], V[X2], ... }
{X1;X2;...}     % |--> { V[X1]; V[X2]; ... }
@X              % |--> @V[X] (function handle)

Things that do not look like Matlab syntax but provide standard Matlab features:

'Infinity'      % |--> inf (positive infinity)
'Nan'           % |--> nan (not a number)
X``             % |--> ctranpose(V[X]) (conjugate transpose, V[X]')
X#Y             % |--> getfield(V[X],V[q(Y)])
X\\Y            % |--> @(V[X])V[Y] (same as lambda(X,Y))
\\Y             % |--> @()V[Y] (same as thunk(Y))
lambda(X,Y)     % |--> @(V[X])V[Y] (anonymous function with arguments X)
thunk(Y)        % |--> @()V[Y] (anonymous function with no arguments)
vector(X)       % |--> horzcat(V[X1],V[X2], ...)
atvector(X)     % as vector but assumes elements of X are assumed all atomic
cell(X)         % construct 1xN cell array from elements of X
`X              % same as q(X)
q(X)            % wrap V[X] in single quotes (escaping internal quotes)
tq(X)           % wrap TeX expression in single quotes (escape internal quotes)

Referencing different value representations.

mat(X,Y)           % denotes a value in the Matbase using a dbload expression
mx(X:mx_blob)      % denotes an MX Matlab array in SWI memory
ws(X:ws_blob)      % denotes a variable in a Matlab workspace
wsseq(X:ws_blob)   % workspace variable containing list as cell array.

Tricky bits.

apply(X,AX)        % X must denote a function or array, applied to list of arguments AX.
cref(X,Y)          % cell dereference, |--> V[X]{ V[Y1], V[Y2], ... }
arr(Lists)         % multidimensional array from nested lists.
arr(Lists,Dims)    % multidimensional array from nested lists.

Things to bypass default formatting

noeval(_)          % triggers a failure when processed
atom(X)            % write atom X as write/1
term(X)            % write term X as write/1
\(P)               % escape and call phrase P directly to generate Matlab string
$(X)               % calls pl2ml_hook/2, denotes V[Y] where plml_hook(X,Y).
'$VAR'(N)          % gets formatted as p_N where N is assumed to be atomic.

All other Prolog atoms are written using write/1, while other Prolog terms are assumed to be calls to Matlab functions named according to the head functor. Thus V[ <head>( <arg1>, <arg2>, ...) ] = <head>(V[<arg1>, V[<arg2>], ...).

There are some incompatibilities between Matlab syntax and Prolog syntax, that is, syntactic structures that Prolog cannot parse correctly:

  • 'Command line' syntax, ie where a function of string arguments: "save('x','Y')" can be written as "save x Y" in Matlab, but in Prolog, you must use function call syntax with quoted arguments: save(`x,`'Y').
  • Matlab's postfix transpose operator "x'" must be written using a different posfix operator "x``" or function call syntax "ctranspose(x)".
  • Matlab cell referencing using braces, as in x{1,2} must be written as "cref(x,1,2)".
  • Field referencing using dot (.), eg x.thing - currently resolved by using hash (#) operator, eg x#thing.
  • Using variables as arrays and indexing them. The problem is that Prolog doesn't let you write a term with a variable as the head functor.
To be done
- Use mat(I) and tmp(I) as types to include engine Id.

Clarify relationship between return values and valid Matlab denotation.

Reshape/2 array representation: reshape([ ... ],Size) Expression language: arr(Vals,Shape,InnerFunctor) - allows efficient representation of arrays of arbitrary things. Will require more strict nested list form.

Deprecate old array(Vals::Type) and cell(Vals::Type) left-value syntax.

Remove I from ml_expr//2 and add to mx type?

 ml_close(+Id:ml_eng) is det
Close Matlab session associated with Id.
 ml_exec(+Id:ml_eng, +Expr:ml_expr) is det
Execute Matlab expression without returning any values.
 ml_eval(+Id:ml_eng, +Expr:ml_expr, +Types:list(type), -Res:list(ml_val)) is det
Evaluate Matlab expression binding return values to results list Res. This new form uses an explicit output types list, so Res can be completely unbound on entry even when multiple values are required.
 ml_test(+Id:ml_eng, +X:ml_expr(bool)) is semidet
Succeeds if X evaluates to true in Matlab session Id.
 ===(Y:ml_vals(A), X:ml_expr(A)) is det
Evaluate Matlab expression X as in ml_eval/4, binding one or more return values to Y. If Y is unbound or a single ml_val(_), only the first return value is bound. If Y is a list, multiple return values are processed.
 leftval(+TVal:tagged(T), -T:type, -Val:T) is det
True if TVal is a tagged value whos type is T and value is Val.
 ??(X:ml_expr(_)) is det
Execute Matlab expression X as with ml_exec/2, without returning any values. Uses current (last opened) engine
 ???(X:ml_expr(bool)) is semidet
Evaluate Matlab boolean expression X as with ml_test/2. Uses current (last opened) engine
 compileoptions(+Opts:list(ml_options), -Prefs:ml_expr(options)) is det
Convert list of option specifiers into a Matlab expression representing options (ie a struct). Each specifier can be a Name:Value pair, a name to be looked up in the optionset/2 predicate, a nested list of ml_options compileoptions :: list (optionset | atom:value | struct) -> struct. NB. option types are as follows:
X :: ml_options :- optionset(X,_).
X :: ml_options :- X :: ml_option(_).
X :: ml_options :- X :: list(ml_options).
X :: ml_options :- X :: ml_expr(struct(_)).

ml_option(A) ---> atom:ml_expr(A).

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 ml_open(Arg1, Arg2)
 ml_open(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 ml_ws_name(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 term_mlstring(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 term_texatom(Arg1, Arg2)
 wsvar(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 persist_item(Arg1, Arg2)
 matbase_mat(Arg1, Arg2)
 dropmat(Arg1, Arg2)
 exportmat(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 multiplot(Arg1, Arg2)