/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2017-2025, VU University Amsterdam CWI Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(prolog_jiti, [ jiti_list/0, jiti_list/1, % +Spec jiti_suggest_modes/1, % :Spec jiti_suggest_modes/0 ]). :- autoload(library(apply), [maplist/2, foldl/4, convlist/3]). :- autoload(library(dcg/basics), [number/3]). :- autoload(library(ansi_term), [ansi_format/3]). :- autoload(library(prolog_code), [pi_head/2, most_general_goal/2]). :- autoload(library(listing), [portray_clause/1]). :- autoload(library(lists), [append/2]). :- autoload(library(ordsets), [ord_subtract/3]). :- meta_predicate jiti_list(:), jiti_suggest_modes(:). /** Just In Time Indexing (JITI) utilities This module provides utilities to examine just-in-time indexes created by the system and can help diagnosing space and performance issues. @tbd Use print_message/2 and dynamically figure out the column width. */ %! jiti_list is det. %! jiti_list(:Spec) is det. % % List the JITI (Just In Time Indexes) of selected predicates. The % predicate jiti_list/0 list all just-in-time indexed predicates. The % predicate jiti_list/1 takes one of the patterns below. All parts % except for Name can be variables. The last pattern takes an % arbitrary number of arguments. % % - Module:Head % - Module:Name/Arity % - Module:Name % % The columns use the following notation: % % - The _Indexed_ column describes the argument(s) indexed: % - A plain integer refers to a 1-based argument number % - ``A+B`` is a multi-argument index on the arguments `A` and `B`. % - ``P:L`` is a deep-index `L` on sub-argument `P`. For example, % ``1/2:2+3`` is an index of the 2nd and 3rd argument of the % 2nd argument of a compound on the first argument of the predicate. % This implies `x` and `y` in the head p(f(_,g(_,x,y))) % - The `Buckets` specifies the number of buckets of the hash table % - The `Speedup` specifies the selectivity of the index % - The `Flags` describes additional properties, currently: % - ``L`` denotes that the index contains multiple compound % terms with the same name/arity that may be used to create % deep indexes. The deep indexes themselves are created % as just-in-time indexes. % - ``V`` denotes the index is _virtual_, i.e., it has not yet % been materialized. jiti_list :- jiti_list(_:_). jiti_list(Spec) :- spec_head(Spec, Head), !, jiti_list(Head). jiti_list(Head) :- tty_width(TTYW), findall(Head-Indexed, ( predicate_property(Head, indexed(Indexed)), \+ predicate_property(Head, imported_from(_)) ), Pairs), PredColW is TTYW-41, TableWidth is TTYW-1, ansi_format(bold, 'Predicate~*|~w ~t~10+~w ~t~w~14+ ~t~w~9+ ~t~w~7+~n', [PredColW, '#Clauses', 'Index','Buckets','Speedup','Flags']), format('~`\u2015t~*|~n', [TableWidth]), maplist(print_indexes(PredColW), Pairs). print_indexes(PredColW, Head-List) :- foldl(print_index(PredColW, Head), List, 1, _). :- det(print_index/5). print_index(PredColW, QHead, Dict, N, N1) :- QHead = (M:Head), N1 is N+1, _{arguments:Args, position:Pos, buckets:Buckets, speedup:Speedup, list:List, realised:R} :< Dict, predicate_property(M:Head, number_of_clauses(CCount)), head_pi(QHead, PI), phrase(iarg_spec(Pos, Args), ArgsS), phrase(iflags(List, R), Flags), istyle(R, Style), CCountColZ is PredColW+8, ( N == 1 -> ansi_format(bold, '~q', [PI]), format(' ~t~D~*| ', [CCount, CCountColZ]) ; format(' ~t~*| ', [CCountColZ]) ), ansi_format(Style, '~|~s ~t~D~14+ ~t~1f~9+ ~s~n', [ArgsS,Buckets,Speedup,Flags]). iarg_spec([], [N]) ==> number(N). iarg_spec([], List) ==> plus_list(List). iarg_spec(Deep, Args) ==> deep_list(Deep), iarg_spec([], Args). plus_list([H|T]) --> number(H), ( {T==[]} -> [] ; "+", plus_list(T) ). deep_list([Last]) --> !, number(Last), ":". deep_list([H|T]) --> number(H), "/", deep_list(T). iflags(true, R) ==> "L", irealised(R). iflags(false, R) ==> "", irealised(R). irealised(false) ==> "V". irealised(true) ==> "". istyle(true, code). istyle(false, comment). head_pi(Head, PI) :- predicate_property(Head, non_terminal), !, pi_head(PI0, Head), dcg_pi(PI0, PI). head_pi(Head, PI) :- pi_head(PI, Head). dcg_pi(M:Name/Arity, DCG) => Arity2 is Arity-2, DCG = M:Name//Arity2. dcg_pi(Name/Arity, DCG) => Arity2 is Arity-2, DCG = Name//Arity2. /******************************* * MODES * *******************************/ %! jiti_suggest_modes is det. %! jiti_suggest_modes(:Spec) is det. % % Propose modes for the predicates referenced by Spec. This utility % may be executed _after_ a clean load of your program and after % running the program. It searches for static predicates that have % been called and (thus) have been examined for candidate indexes. If % candidate indexes have not been materialized this implies that the % predicate was never called with a nonvar value for the corresponding % argument. Adding a mode/1 declaration may be used to inform the % system thereof. The system will never examine arguments for indexing % that have been declared as mode `-`. % % __Note:__ This predicate merely detects that some predicate is never % called with instantiated specific arguments __during this run__. The % user should verify whether the suggested `-` arguments are correct % and typically complete the mode by changing `?` into `+` (or `-`) % where applicable. Currently, in SWI-Prolog, mode/1 declarations have % no effect on the semantics of the code. In particular, a predicate % that declares some argument as `-` may be called with this argument % instantiated. This may change in the future. % % @arg Spec uses the same conventions as jiti_list/1. jiti_suggest_modes :- jiti_suggest_modes(_:_). jiti_suggest_modes(Partial) :- spec_head(Partial, Head), !, jiti_suggest_modes(Head). jiti_suggest_modes(Head) :- Head = M:_, freeze(M, module_property(M, class(user))), findall(Head-Indexed, ( predicate_property(Head, indexed(Indexed)), \+ predicate_property(Head, imported_from(_)) ), Pairs), convlist(suggest_mode, Pairs, Modes), ( Modes == [] -> print_message(informational, jiti(no_modes(Head))) ; maplist(portray_clause, Modes) ). suggest_mode((M:Head)-Indexes, (:- mode(M:GenHead))) :- convlist(not_realised_index_arg, Indexes, FArgs), convlist(realised_index_arg, Indexes, ArgsL), append(ArgsL, Realised), sort(FArgs, Sargs), sort(Realised, RArgs), ord_subtract(Sargs, RArgs, Args), Args \== [], !, most_general_goal(Head, GenHead), make_mode(Args, GenHead). not_realised_index_arg(Index, Arg) :- _{ arguments:[Arg], position:[], realised:false } :< Index. realised_index_arg(Index, Args) :- _{ arguments:Args, position:[], realised:true } :< Index. make_mode([], GenHead) => functor(GenHead, _, Arity), set_any(1, Arity, GenHead). make_mode([H|T], GenHead) => arg(H, GenHead, -), make_mode(T, GenHead). set_any(I, Arity, GenHead), arg(I, GenHead, Var) => ( var(Var) -> Var = '?' ; true ), I2 is I+1, set_any(I2, Arity, GenHead). set_any(_, _, _) => true. /******************************* * SPECIFY PREDICATES * *******************************/ spec_head(Module:Name/Arity, Head), atom(Name), integer(Arity) => Head = Module:Head0, functor(Head0, Name, Arity). spec_head(Module:Name/Arity, Head), atom(Name), var(Arity) => Head = Module:Head0, freeze(Head0, functor(Head0, Name, _)). spec_head(Module:Name, Head), atom(Name) => Head = Module:Head0, freeze(Head0, functor(Head0, Name, _)). spec_head(_, _) => fail. /******************************* * OUTPUT * *******************************/ tty_width(W) :- catch(tty_size(_, TtyW), _, fail), !, W is max(65, TtyW). tty_width(80). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(jiti(no_modes(M:Head))) --> { var(Head) }, [ 'No mode suggestions for predicates in module ~p'-[M] ]. prolog:message(jiti(no_modes(Head))) --> { numbervars(Head, 0, _, [singletons(true)]) }, [ 'No mode suggestions for ~p'-[Head] ].