/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi-prolog.org WWW: https://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2006-2024, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(prolog_coverage, [ coverage/1, % :Goal coverage/2, % :Goal, +Options show_coverage/1, % :Options show_coverage/2, % :Goal, +Options (deprecated) cov_save_data/2, % +File, +Options cov_load_data/2, % +File, +Options cov_reset/0, % cov_property/1 % ?Property ]). :- autoload(library(apply), [exclude/3, maplist/2, convlist/3, maplist/3, maplist/4]). :- autoload(library(ordsets), [ord_intersection/3, ord_subtract/3, ord_union/3]). :- autoload(library(pairs), [ group_pairs_by_key/2, pairs_keys_values/3, pairs_values/2, map_list_to_pairs/3 ]). :- autoload(library(ansi_term), [ansi_format/3]). :- autoload(library(filesex), [directory_file_path/3, make_directory_path/1]). :- autoload(library(lists), [append/3, flatten/2, max_list/2, member/2, append/2, sum_list/2]). :- autoload(library(option), [option/2, option/3]). :- autoload(library(readutil), [read_line_to_string/2]). :- use_module(library(prolog_breakpoints), []). :- autoload(library(prolog_clause), [clause_info/4]). :- autoload(library(solution_sequences), [call_nth/2, distinct/2]). :- use_module(library(debug), [debug/3, assertion/1]). :- autoload(library(error), [must_be/2]). :- autoload(library(prolog_code), [pi_head/2]). :- autoload(library(terms), [mapsubterms/3]). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). /** Coverage analysis tool The purpose of this module is to find which part of the program has been used by a certain goal. Usage is defined in terms of clauses for which the _head unification_ succeeded. For each clause we count how often it succeeded and how often it failed. In addition we track all _call sites_, creating goal-by-goal annotated clauses. The result is represented as a list of clause-references. As the references to clauses of dynamic predicates cannot be guaranteed, these are omitted from the result. Using coverage/2 with the option annotate(true), implied by ext(Ext) or dir(Dir), the analysis creates a line-by-line copy of the source files that is annotated with how many times this line was executed and with what logical results. These annotations rely on relating executable code to source locations which is shared by the source level debugger. Source level rewrites due to term or goal expansion may harm the results. The typical usage is to load the program and run the query below to get a report by file with percentages and a directory `cov` holding annotated files that provide line-by-line annotations. See show_coverage/1 for details. ?- coverage(Goal, [dir(cov)]). ## Coverage collection and threads {#coverage-threads} The coverage collect data structure is shared by threads created from the thread that is collecting coverage data. Currently, this thread should be _joined_ before we can operate on the coverage data. ## Combining coverage data from multiple runs {#coverage-merge} The coverage tools allow both combining data from running multiple queries as combining data from multiple Prolog processes. For multiple queries in the same process, coverage data may be collected using coverage/1 which, unlike coverage/2, does not change the non-deterministic semantics of the `Goal` and adds to the already collected data. If no current collection is in progress, the currently collected data can be displayed using show_coverage/1. Coverage data may be saved to a file using cov_save_data/2. Saved data can be reloaded using cov_load_data/2. Data from multiple Prolog runs can be combined in the same file using cov_save_data/2 with the append(true) option. When possible, file locking is used to ensure that concurrect processes can safely use the same data file. The result can be shown by loading the code that was relevant to all runs, use cov_load_data/2 and show the result using show_coverage/1. Note that saving an loading the coverage data saves and restores references to the clauses as the Nth clause of a predicate defined in a specific file. This implies that the program must be loaded in exactly the same way, including optimization level, term/goal expansion and order of _multifile_ predicates. ## Predicate reference {#coverage-predicates} */ :- meta_predicate coverage(0), coverage(0,+), % :Goal, +Options show_coverage(:), % +Options show_coverage(0,+). % :Goal, +Options (deprecated) :- predicate_options(show_coverage/1, 1, [ all(boolean), modules(list(atom)), roots(list), annotate(boolean), ext(atom), dir(atom), line_numbers(boolean), color(boolean) ]). :- predicate_options(coverage/2, 2, [ show(boolean), pass_to(prolog_coverage:show_coverage/1,1) ]). :- predicate_options(cov_save_data/2, 2, [ append(boolean) ]). :- predicate_options(cov_load_data/2, 2, [ load(boolean), silent(boolean) ]). %! coverage(:Goal) % % As call(Goal), collecting coverage information while Goal is % running. If Goal succeeds with a choice point, coverage collection % is suspended and resumed if we backtrack into Goal. Calls to % coverage/1 may be nested. coverage(Goal) :- setup_call_cleanup( '$cov_start'(Level), cov_run(Goal, Level), '$cov_stop'(Level)). cov_run(Goal, Level) :- call(Goal), deterministic(Det), ( Det == true -> true ; ( '$cov_stop'(Level) ; '$cov_start'(Level), fail ) ). %! coverage(:Goal, +Options) is semidet. % % Collect and optionally report coverage by Goal. Goal is executed as % in once/1. Options processed: % % - show(+Boolean) % When `true` (default), call show_coverage/1 passing Options % to show the collected coverage data and reset the data. When % `false`, collect the data but do not reset it. If there is % already existing data the new data is added. coverage(Goal, Options) :- clean_output(Options), setup_call_cleanup( '$cov_start'(Level), once(Goal), cov_finish(Level, Options)). show_coverage(Goal, Options) :- print_message(warning, coverage(deprecated(show_coverage/2))), coverage(Goal, Options). cov_finish(Level, Options) :- option(show(true), Options, true), !, '$cov_stop'(Level), ( Level == 1 -> show_coverage(Options), cov_reset ; true ). cov_finish(Level, _) :- '$cov_stop'(Level). %! show_coverage(+Options) is det. % % Show collected coverage data. By default it reports the percentage % of called and failed clauses related to covered files. Using % dir(Dir), detailed line-by-line annotated files are created in the % directory Dir. Other options control the level of detail. % % - all(+Boolean) % When true, report on any file in which some predicate was % called. % - modules(+Modules) % Only report on files that implement one of the given Modules. % - roots(+Directories) % Only report on files below one of the given roots. Each % directory in Directories can be a specification for % absolute_file_name/3. % - annotate(+Bool) % Create an annotated file for the detailed results. % This is implied if the `ext` or `dir` option are % specified. % - ext(+Ext) % Extension to use for the annotated file. Default is % `.cov`. % - dir(+Dir) % Dump the annotations in the given directory. If not % given, the annotated files are created in the same % directory as the source file. Each clause that is % related to a physical line in the file is annotated % with one of: % % | ### | Clause was never executed. | % | ++N | Clause was entered N times and always succeeded | % | --N | Clause was entered N times and never succeeded | % | +N-M | Clause has succeeded N times and failed M times | % | +N*M | Clause was entered N times and succeeded M times | % % All _call sites_ are annotated using the same conventions, % except that `---` is used to annotate subgoals that were % never called. % - line_numbers(Boolean) % If `true` (default), add line numbers to the annotated file. % - color(Boolean) % Controls using ANSI escape sequences to color the output % in the annotated source. Default is `true`. % - width(+Columns) % Presumed width of the output window. A value of 40 is % considered the minimum. Smaller values are handled as 40. % % For example, run a goal and create annotated files in a directory % `cov` using: % % ?- show_coverage([dir(cov)]). % % @bug Color annotations are created using ANSI escape sequences. On % most systems these are displayed if the file is printed on the % terminal. On most systems `less` may be used with the ``-r`` flag. % Alternatively, programs such as `ansi2html` (Linux) may be used to % convert the files to HTML. It would probably be better to integrate % the output generation with library(pldoc/doc_htmlsrc). show_coverage(_:Options), is_list(Options) => covered(Succeeded, Failed), ( report_hook(Succeeded, Failed) -> true ; file_coverage(Succeeded, Failed, Options) ). show_coverage(_:Goal), Goal=_:Call, callable(Call) => print_message(warning, cov_deprecated(show_coverage)), coverage(Goal, []). show_coverage(_:Options) => must_be(list, Options). %! covered(-Succeeded, -Failed) is det. % % Collect failed and succeeded clauses. covered(Succeeded, Failed) :- findall(Cl, ('$cov_data'(clause(Cl), Enter, 0), Enter > 0), Failed0), findall(Cl, ('$cov_data'(clause(Cl), _, Exit), Exit > 0), Succeeded0), sort(Failed0, Failed), sort(Succeeded0, Succeeded). /******************************* * REPORTING * *******************************/ %! file_coverage(+Succeeded, +Failed, +Options) is det. % % Write a report on the clauses covered organised by file to current % output. Show detailed information about the non-coverered clauses % defined in the modules Modules. file_coverage(Succeeded, Failed, Options) :- abolish_module_tables(prolog_coverage), findall(File-PrintFile, report_file(File, PrintFile, Succeeded, Failed, Options), Pairs), Pairs \== [], !, ( option(width(W0), Options) -> W is max(40, W0) ; pairs_values(Pairs, PrintFiles), maplist(atom_length, PrintFiles, Lengths), max_list(Lengths, Longest), IdealWidth is Longest+21, tty_width(Width, Options), W is min(IdealWidth, Width - 2) ), CovCol is W - 6, ClausesCol is CovCol - 6, header('Coverage by File', W), ansi_format(bold, '~w~t~w~*|~t~w~*|~t~w~*|~n', ['File', 'Clauses', ClausesCol, '%Cov', CovCol, '%Fail', W]), hr(W), forall(member(File-_, Pairs), file_summary(File, Succeeded, Failed, W, CovCol, ClausesCol, Options)), hr(W), ( annotate_files(Options) -> forall(member(File-_, Pairs), file_details(File, Succeeded, Failed, Options)), progress_done('done', []) ; true ). file_coverage(_Succeeded, _Failed, _Options) :- print_message(warning, coverage(no_files_to_report)). %! report_file(?File, -PrintFile, -Succeeded, -Failed, +Options) is semidet report_file(File, PrintFile, Succeeded, Failed, Options) :- ( nonvar(File) -> true ; ( source_file(File) ; distinct(File, source_includes(_, File)) ) ), cov_report_file(File, PrintFile, Options), cov_clause_sets(File, Succeeded, Failed, Sets), \+ ( Sets.failed == [], Sets.succeeded == [] ). %! source_includes(?Main, ?Included) is nondet. % % True when Included is (recursively) included in the "true" source % fine Main. :- table source_includes/2. source_includes(Main, Included) :- nonvar(Main), !, source_file_property(Main, includes(File, _Time)), ( Included = File ; source_includes(File, Included) ). source_includes(Main, Included) :- nonvar(Included), !, source_file_property(Included, included_in(Parent, _Time)), ( no_included_file(Parent) -> Main = Parent ; source_includes(Main, Parent) ). source_includes(Main, Included) :- source_file(Main), % generator source_includes(Main, Included). main_source(File, Main) :- no_included_file(File), !, Main = File. main_source(File, Main) :- source_includes(Main, File). %! file_summary(+File, +Succeeded, +Failed, %! +Width, +CovCol, +ClausesCol, +Options) is det. % % Write a summary with the file and clause percentages on a single % line. file_summary(File, Succeeded, Failed, W, CovCol, ClausesCol, Options) :- cov_report_file(File, PrintFile, Options), cov_clause_sets(File, Succeeded, Failed, Sets0), \+ ( Sets0.failed == [], Sets0.succeeded == [] ), !, deduplicate_clauses(File, Sets0, Sets), length(Sets.clauses, AC), length(Sets.uncovered, UC), length(Sets.failed, FC), CP is 100-100*UC/AC, FCP is 100*FC/AC, summary(PrintFile, ClausesCol-8, SFile), format('~w ~`.t ~D~*| ~t~1f~*| ~t~1f~*|~n', [SFile, AC, ClausesCol, CP, CovCol, FCP, W]). file_summary(_,_,_,_,_,_,_). file_details(File, Succeeded, Failed, Options) :- cov_report_file(File, _PrintFile, Options), cov_clause_sets(File, Succeeded, Failed, Sets0), \+ ( Sets0.failed == [], Sets0.succeeded == [] ), !, deduplicate_clauses(File, Sets0, Sets), ord_union(Sets.failed, Sets.succeeded, Covered), detailed_report(Sets.uncovered, Covered, File, Options). file_details(_,_,_,_). %! cov_clause_sets(+File, +Succeeded, +Failed, -Sets) is det. cov_clause_sets(File, Succeeded, Failed, #{ clauses: All_wo_system, succeeded: Succeeded_wo_system, failed: Failed_wo_system, uncovered: Uncovered_wo_system }) :- file_clauses(File, FileClauses), ord_intersection(FileClauses, Failed, FailedInFile), ord_intersection(FileClauses, Succeeded, SucceededInFile), ord_subtract(FileClauses, SucceededInFile, UnCov1), ord_subtract(UnCov1, FailedInFile, Uncovered), clean_set(FileClauses, All_wo_system), clean_set(SucceededInFile, Succeeded_wo_system), clean_set(FailedInFile, Failed_wo_system), clean_set(Uncovered, Uncovered_wo_system). clean_set(Clauses, UserClauses) :- exclude(is_pldoc, Clauses, Clauses_wo_pldoc), exclude(is_system_clause, Clauses_wo_pldoc, UserClauses). is_system_clause(Clause) :- clause_pi(Clause, Name), Name = system:_. is_pldoc(Clause) :- clause_pi(Clause, _Module:Name2/_Arity), pldoc_predicate(Name2). pldoc_predicate('$pldoc'). pldoc_predicate('$mode'). pldoc_predicate('$pred_option'). pldoc_predicate('$exported_op'). % not really PlDoc ... summary(String, MaxLen, Summary) :- string_length(String, Len), ( Len < MaxLen -> Summary = String ; SLen is MaxLen - 5, sub_string(String, _, SLen, 0, End), string_concat('...', End, Summary) ). %! file_clauses(+File, -Set) is det. % % Set are all clauses in File as an ordered set. file_clauses(File, Set) :- findall(Cl, clause_source(Cl, File, _), Clauses), sort(Clauses, Set). %! clause_source(+Clause, -File, -Line) is semidet. %! clause_source(-Clause, +File, -Line) is semidet. clause_source(Clause, File, Line) :- nonvar(Clause), !, clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)). clause_source(Clause, File, Line) :- clause_in_file(File, File, Clause, Line). clause_source(Clause, File, Line) :- source_includes(Main, File), clause_in_file(Main, File, Clause, Line). clause_in_file(Main, Source, Clause, Line) :- Pred = _:_, source_file(Pred, Main), \+ predicate_property(Pred, multifile), nth_clause(Pred, _Index, Clause), clause_property(Clause, file(Source)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)). clause_in_file(_Main, Source, Clause, Line) :- Pred = _:_, predicate_property(Pred, multifile), nth_clause(Pred, _Index, Clause), clause_property(Clause, file(Source)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)). %! deduplicate_clauses(+File, +ClauseSetsIn, -ClauseSetsOut) is det. % % @arg ClauseSetsIn is a dict with `clauses`, `uncovered`, `failed` % and `succeeded`. deduplicate_clauses(File, Set, Set) :- no_included_file(File), !. deduplicate_clauses(_File, SetIn, SetOut) :- _{clauses:AC, uncovered:UC, failed:FC, succeeded:FS} :< SetIn, clause_duplicates(AC, AC1), clause_duplicates(UC, UC1), clause_duplicates(FC, FC1), clause_duplicates(FS, FS1), exclude(covered_in_some_file(AC1, FC, FS), UC1, UC2), exclude(succeeded_in_some_file(AC1, FS), FC1, FC2), SetOut = SetIn.put(_{clauses:AC1, uncovered:UC2, failed:FC2, succeeded:FS1}). no_included_file(File) :- source_file(File). %! clause_duplicates(+Clauses, -Sets) is det. % % Assuming Clauses is a list of clauses associated with a file that % was included multiple times, get the equivalent clauses as sets. % Note that we know all Clauses come from the same file. % % @arg Sets is an ordered set of ordered sets of clause references % that form an equivalence group. clause_duplicates(Clauses, Sets) :- maplist(clause_dedup_data, Clauses, Dedups), sort(2, @=<, Dedups, ByMain), % first my line sort(1, @=<, ByMain, ByLine), % then by main clause_sets(ByLine, Sets0), sort(Sets0, Sets). clause_dedup_data(Clause, dd(Line, Main, Clause)) :- clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)), clause_property(Clause, source(Main)). clause_sets([], []). clause_sets([H|T0], Sets) :- same_line_clauses(H, SameL, T0, T1), same_line_clause_sets([H|SameL], Sets, More), clause_sets(T1, More). same_line_clauses(CRef, [H|TS], [H|T0], T) :- arg(1, CRef, Line), arg(1, H, Line), !, same_line_clauses(CRef, TS, T0, T). same_line_clauses(_, [], L, L). %! same_line_clause_sets(+DDClauses, -Sets, ?Tail) is det. % % Given that DDClauses is a list of dd(Line, File, Clause) each with % the same `Line` and ordered on File, compute the sets of equivalent % clauses. % % First we deal with the common case where there is at most one clause % per file. Then we consider them all the same. same_line_clause_sets([], Sets, Sets) :- !. same_line_clause_sets(SameL, Sets, More) :- map_list_to_pairs(arg(2), SameL, Pairs), group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, ByFile), pairs_values(ByFile, FileSets), \+ member([_,_|_], FileSets), !, maplist(arg(3), SameL, Clauses0), sort(Clauses0, Clauses), Sets = [Clauses|More]. same_line_clause_sets([H|T0], [Clauses|Sets], More) :- same_clauses(H, Same, T0, T), maplist(arg(3), [H|Same], Clauses0), sort(Clauses0, Clauses), same_line_clause_sets(T, Sets, More). same_clauses(CRef, [Same|TS], L0, L) :- select(Same, L0, L1), same_clause(CRef, Same), !, same_clauses(CRef, TS, L1, L). same_clauses(_, [], L, L). same_clause(dd(L1, F1, C1), dd(L2, F2, C2)) :- assertion(L1 == L2), F1 \== F2, clause_property(C1, size(Size)), clause_property(C2, size(Size)), clause(Head0, Body1, C1), clause(Head1, Body2, C2), mapsubterms(unqualify, (Head0:-Body1), Clause1), mapsubterms(unqualify, (Head1:-Body2), Clause2), Clause1 =@= Clause2. unqualify(_:X, X). covered_in_some_file(AllEQ, Failed, Succeeded, UncoveredSet) :- member(Clause, UncoveredSet), member(EQSet, AllEQ), memberchk(Clause, EQSet), !, member(Cl2, EQSet), ( memberchk(Cl2, Succeeded) ; memberchk(Cl2, Failed) ), !. covered_in_some_file(_AllEQ, _Failed, _Succeeded, _UncoveredSet) :- assertion(fail). succeeded_in_some_file(AllEQ, Succeeded, FailedSet) :- member(Clause, FailedSet), member(EQSet, AllEQ), memberchk(Clause, EQSet), !, member(Cl2, EQSet), memberchk(Cl2, Succeeded), !. succeeded_in_some_file(_AllEQ, _Succeeded, _FailedSet) :- assertion(fail). %! cov_report_file(+File, -PrintFile, +Options) is semidet. % % Whether or not to report on File. Scenarios: % % - all(true) % Report on every file. % - modules(List) % Report of the file implements one of the modules in List. % - roots(+Dirs) % Report if the file appears below one of Dirs. % - (default) % Report if the file implements a `user` or `test` module. cov_report_file(File, _, _) :- source_file(cov_report_file(_,_,_), File), !, fail. % do not report on myself cov_report_file(File, File, Options) :- option(all(true), Options), !. cov_report_file(File, File, Options) :- option(modules(Modules), Options), file_module(File, M), memberchk(M, Modules), !. cov_report_file(File, PrintFile, Options) :- option(roots(Roots), Options), !, must_be(list, Roots), member(Root, Roots), absolute_file_name(Root, Path, [ file_type(directory), solutions(all), file_errors(fail) ]), ensure_slash(Path, Path1), atom_concat(Path1, PrintFile, File), !. cov_report_file(File, File, _Options) :- ( file_module(File, M), module_property(M, class(user)) -> true ; forall(source_file_property(File, module(M)), module_property(M, class(test))) ). file_module(File, Module) :- source_file_property(File, module(Module)). file_module(File, Module) :- source_includes(Main, File), file_module(Main, Module). ensure_slash(Path, Path) :- sub_atom(Path, _, _, 0, /), !. ensure_slash(Path, Path1) :- atom_concat(Path, /, Path1). %! annotate_files(+Options) is semidet. annotate_files(Options) :- ( option(annotate(true), Options) ; option(dir(_), Options) ; option(ext(_), Options) ), !. %! detailed_report(+Uncovered, +Covered, +File:atom, +Options) is det % % Generate a detailed report for File. Depending on Options, this % either creates an annotated version of File or it generates a per % clause report of non-covered clauses. % % @arg Uncovered is a list of uncovered clauses. If File is an % included file, it is a list of sets of clause references that % represent the same clause. % @arg Covered is a list of covered clauses. As with Uncovered, % this is a list of sets for an included File detailed_report(Uncovered, Covered, File, Options):- annotate_files(Options), !, convlist(line_annotation(File, uncovered), Uncovered, Annot1), convlist(line_annotation(File, covered), Covered, Annot20), flatten(Annot20, Annot2), append(Annot1, Annot2, AnnotationsLen), pairs_keys_values(AnnotationsLen, Annotations, Lens), max_list(Lens, MaxLen), Margin is MaxLen+1, annotate_file(File, Annotations, [margin(Margin)|Options]). detailed_report(Uncovered, _, File, _Options):- convlist(uncovered_clause_line(File), Uncovered, Pairs), sort(Pairs, Pairs_sorted), group_pairs_by_key(Pairs_sorted, Compact_pairs), nl, file_base_name(File, Base), format('~2|Clauses not covered from file ~p~n', [Base]), format('~4|Predicate ~59|Clauses at lines ~n', []), maplist(print_clause_line, Compact_pairs), nl. line_annotation(File, uncovered, Clause, Annotation) :- !, clause_or_set_source_location(Clause, File, Line), Annotation = (Line-ansi(error,###))-3. line_annotation(File, covered, ClauseOrSet, [HeadAllot|CallSites]) :- clause_or_set_source_location(ClauseOrSet, File, Line), clause_or_set_cov_data(ClauseOrSet, Entered, Exited), line_annotation_msg(line_anot(Line, 0, Entered, Exited), HeadAllot), flatten([ClauseOrSet], Clauses), maplist(clause_call_site_annotations, Clauses, AnnotSets), append(AnnotSets, Annots), join_annots(Annots, Joined), maplist(line_annotation_msg, Joined, CallSites), check_correct_offsets(Clauses, AnnotSets). clause_or_set_source_location([Clause|_], File, Line) => clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)). clause_or_set_source_location(Clause, File, Line) => clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)). clause_or_set_cov_data(Clause, Entered, Exited), blob(Clause, clause) => '$cov_data'(clause(Clause), Entered, Exited). clause_or_set_cov_data(Clauses, Entered, Exited) => maplist(clause_or_set_cov_data, Clauses, LEntered, LExited), sum_list(LEntered, Entered), sum_list(LExited, Exited). line_annotation_msg(line_anot(Line, _PC, Entered, Exited), (Line-Annot)-Len) :- ( Exited == Entered -> format(string(Text), '++~D', [Entered]), Annot = ansi(comment, Text) ; Exited == 0 -> format(string(Text), '--~D', [Entered]), Annot = ansi(warning, Text) ; Exited < Entered -> Failed is Entered - Exited, format(string(Text), '+~D-~D', [Exited, Failed]), Annot = ansi(comment, Text) ; format(string(Text), '+~D*~D', [Entered, Exited]), Annot = ansi(fg(cyan), Text) ), string_length(Text, Len). uncovered_clause_line(File, Code, Name-Line) :- clause_or_set_source_location(Clause, File, Line), ( Code = [Clause|_] % included file; omit module -> clause_pi(Clause, _:Name) ; clause_pi(Code, Name) ). %! clause_pi(+Clause, -Name) is det. % % Return the clause predicate indicator as Module:Name/Arity. clause_pi(Clause, Name) :- clause(Module:Head, _, Clause), functor(Head,F,A), Name=Module:F/A. print_clause_line((Module:Name/Arity)-Lines):- term_string(Module:Name, Complete_name), summary(Complete_name, 54, SName), format('~4|~w~t~59|~p~n', [SName/Arity, Lines]). /******************************* * LINE LEVEL CALL SITES * *******************************/ join_annots(Annots, Joined) :- sort(2, @=<, Annots, ByPC), join_annots_(ByPC, Joined0), sort(1, @=<, Joined0, Joined). join_annots_([], []). join_annots_([H0|T0], [H|T]) :- sum_annot_counts(H0, H, T0, T1), join_annots_(T1, T). sum_annot_counts(line_anot(Line, PC, Enter1, Exit1), Final, [line_anot(Line, PC, Enter2, Exit2)|T0], T) :- !, Enter is Enter1 + Enter2, Exit is Exit1 + Exit2, sum_annot_counts(line_anot(Line, PC, Enter, Exit), Final, T0, T). sum_annot_counts(Sum, Sum, T, T). %! clause_call_site_annotations(+Clause, -Annotations) is det. % % @arg Annotations is a list line_anot(Line, PC, Entered, Exited) clause_call_site_annotations(Clause, Annots) :- findall(Annot, clause_call_site_annotation(Clause, Annot), Annots). clause_call_site_annotation(ClauseRef, line_anot(Line, NextPC, Entered, Exited)) :- clause_call_site(ClauseRef, PC-NextPC, Line:_LPos), ( '$cov_data'(call_site(ClauseRef, NextPC), Entered, Exited) -> true ; '$fetch_vm'(ClauseRef, PC, _, VMI), \+ no_annotate_call_site(VMI) -> Entered = 0, Exited = 0 ). no_annotate_call_site(i_enter). no_annotate_call_site(i_exit). no_annotate_call_site(i_cut). clause_call_site(ClauseRef, PC-NextPC, Pos) :- clause_info(ClauseRef, File, TermPos, _NameOffset), '$break_pc'(ClauseRef, PC, NextPC), '$clause_term_position'(ClauseRef, NextPC, List), catch(prolog_breakpoints:range(List, TermPos, SubPos), E, true), ( var(E) -> arg(1, SubPos, A), file_offset_pos(File, A, Pos) ; print_message(warning, coverage(clause_info(ClauseRef))), fail ). file_offset_pos(File, A, Line:LPos) :- file_text(File, String), State = start(1, 0), call_nth(sub_string(String, S, _, _, "\n"), NLine), ( S >= A -> !, State = start(Line, SLine), LPos is A-SLine ; NS is S+1, NLine1 is NLine+1, nb_setarg(1, State, NLine1), nb_setarg(2, State, NS), fail ). file_text(File, String) :- setup_call_cleanup( open(File, read, In), read_string(In, _, String), close(In)). %! check_correct_offsets(+Clauses, +Annotations) is det. % % Verify that all PC's that were annotated have been generated as % possible call sites. check_correct_offsets([Clause|_], [Annots|_]) :- maplist(arg(2), Annots, PCs), check_covered_call_sites(Clause, PCs). check_covered_call_sites(Clause, Reported) :- findall(PC, ('$cov_data'(call_site(Clause,PC), Enter, _), Enter > 0), Seen), sort(Reported, SReported), sort(Seen, SSeen), ord_subtract(SSeen, SReported, Missed), ( Missed == [] -> true ; print_message(warning, coverage(unreported_call_sites(Clause, Missed))) ). /******************************* * ANNOTATE * *******************************/ clean_output(Options) :- option(dir(Dir), Options), !, option(ext(Ext), Options, cov), format(atom(Pattern), '~w/*.~w', [Dir, Ext]), expand_file_name(Pattern, Files), maplist(delete_file, Files). clean_output(Options) :- forall(source_file(File), clean_output(File, Options)). clean_output(File, Options) :- option(ext(Ext), Options, cov), file_name_extension(File, Ext, CovFile), ( exists_file(CovFile) -> E = error(_,_), catch(delete_file(CovFile), E, print_message(warning, E)) ; true ). %! annotate_file(+File, +Annotations, +Options) is det. % % Create an annotated copy of File. Annotations is a list of % `LineNo-Annotation`, where `Annotation` is atomic or a term % Format-Args, optionally embedded in ansi(Code, Annotation). annotate_file(Source, Annotations, Options) :- option(ext(Ext), Options, cov), ( option(dir(Dir), Options) -> file_base_name(Source, Base), file_name_extension(Base, Ext, CovFile), directory_file_path(Dir, CovFile, CovPath), make_directory_path(Dir) ; file_name_extension(Source, Ext, CovPath) ), summary(Source, 30, SSource), progress('Annotating ~w in ~w ... ', [SSource,CovPath]), keysort(Annotations, SortedAnnotations), setup_call_cleanup( open(Source, read, In), setup_call_cleanup( open(CovPath, write, Out), annotate(In, Out, SortedAnnotations, Options), close(Out)), close(In)). annotate(In, Out, Annotations, Options) :- ( option(color(true), Options, true) -> set_stream(Out, tty(true)) ; true ), annotate(In, Out, Annotations, 0, Options). annotate(In, Out, Annotations, LineNo0, Options) :- read_line_to_string(In, Line), ( Line == end_of_file -> true ; succ(LineNo0, LineNo), margins(LMargin, CMargin, Options), line_no(LineNo, Out, LMargin), annotations(LineNo, Out, LMargin, Annotations, Annotations1), format(Out, '~t~*|~s~n', [CMargin, Line]), annotate(In, Out, Annotations1, LineNo, Options) ). annotations(Line, Out, LMargin, [Line-Annot|T0], T) :- !, write_annotation(Out, Annot), ( T0 = [Line-_|_] -> with_output_to(Out, ansi_format(bold, ' \u2bb0~n~t~*|', [LMargin])), annotations(Line, Out, LMargin, T0, T) ; T = T0 ). annotations(_, _, _, Annots, Annots). write_annotation(Out, ansi(Code, Fmt-Args)) => with_output_to(Out, ansi_format(Code, Fmt, Args)). write_annotation(Out, ansi(Code, Fmt)) => with_output_to(Out, ansi_format(Code, Fmt, [])). write_annotation(Out, Fmt-Args) => format(Out, Fmt, Args). write_annotation(Out, Fmt) => format(Out, Fmt, []). line_no(_, _, 0) :- !. line_no(Line, Out, LMargin) :- with_output_to(Out, ansi_format(fg(127,127,127), '~t~d ~*|', [Line, LMargin])). margins(LMargin, Margin, Options) :- option(line_numbers(true), Options, true), !, option(line_number_margin(LMargin), Options, 6), option(margin(AMargin), Options, 4), Margin is LMargin+AMargin. margins(0, Margin, Options) :- option(margin(Margin), Options, 4). %! report_hook(+Succeeded, +Failed) is semidet. % % This hook is called after the data collection. It is passed a list % of objects that have succeeded as well as a list of objects that % have failed. The objects are one of % % - ClauseRef % The specified clause % - call_site(ClauseRef, PC) % A call was make in ClauseRef at the given program counter. :- multifile report_hook/2. /******************************* * SAVE/RELOAD * *******************************/ %! cov_save_data(+File, +Options) is det. % % Save the coverage information to File. Options: % % - append(true) % Append to File rather than truncating the data if the file % exists. % % The File is opened using lock(exclusive), which implies that, % provided the OS and file system implements file locking, multiple % processes may save coverage data to the same file. % % The saved data is highly specific to the setup in which it has been % created. It can typically only be reloaded using cov_load_data/2 in % the same Prolog executable using the same options and with all % relevant source file unmodified at the same location. % % Reproducibility can be improved by using `.qlf` files or _saved % states_. :- thread_local saved_clause/2. % Clause, Ref cov_save_data(File, Options) :- ( option(append(true), Options) -> Mode = append ; Mode = write ), absolute_file_name(File, Path, [ access(write) ]), setup_call_cleanup( open(Path, Mode, Out, [ encoding(utf8), lock(exclusive) ]), cov_save_to_stream(Out), ( retractall(saved_clause(_,_)), close(Out))). cov_save_to_stream(Out) :- get_time(Now), format(Out, 'cov_begin_data(~1f).~n', [Now]), forall('$cov_data'(Site, Enter, Exit), cov_save_entry(Out, Site, Enter, Exit)), format(Out, 'cov_end_data.~n', []). :- det(cov_save_entry/4). cov_save_entry(Out, call_site(Clause, PC), Enter, Exit) => save_clause(Out, Clause, Ref), ( nonvar(Ref) -> format(Out, '~q.~n', [cs(Ref, PC, Enter, Exit)]) ; true ). cov_save_entry(Out, clause(Clause), Enter, Exit) => save_clause(Out, Clause, Ref), ( nonvar(Ref) -> format(Out, '~q.~n', [cs(Ref, Enter, Exit)]) ; true ). save_clause(_Out, Clause, Ref) :- saved_clause(Clause, Ref), !. save_clause(Out, Clause, Ref) :- clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)), clause_property(Clause, size(Bytes)), clause_property(Clause, predicate(PI)), main_source(File, Main), source_file_property(Main, load_context(Module, Location, Options)), nth_clause(_, Nth, Clause), !, ( predicate_property(saved_clause(_,_), number_of_clauses(N)) -> Ref is N+1 ; Ref = 1 ), format(Out, '~q.~n', [cl(PI, Nth, Bytes, Main, File:Line, Module, Location, Options, Ref)]), assertz(saved_clause(Clause, Ref)). save_clause(_Out, Clause, _Ref) :- debug(cov(save), 'Could not save clause ~p', [Clause]). %! cov_load_data(+File, +Options) is det. % % Reload coverage data from File. Options: % % - load(true) % If specified and the file in which a clauses is expected to % exist, load the file using load_files/2 with the same options % as used to initially load the file. % - silent(+Boolean) % When `true`, do not emit messages on not loaded source files. % % Data is assumed to be reliable if the Nth-clause of a predicate is % loaded from the same file at the same line number and has the same % size. Unreliable data is ignored, silently if silent(true) is used. :- thread_local warned/1. cov_load_data(File, Options) :- absolute_file_name(File, Path, [ access(read) ]), setup_call_cleanup( open(Path, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]), cov_load_data_from_stream(In, Options), ( retractall(saved_clause(_,_)), retractall(warned(_)), close(In))). cov_load_data_from_stream(In, Options) :- read_term(In, Term, []), cov_load_data_from_stream(Term, In, Options). cov_load_data_from_stream(end_of_file, _, _) :- !. cov_load_data_from_stream(Term, In, Options) :- cov_restore_data(Term, Options), read_term(In, Term2, []), cov_load_data_from_stream(Term2, In, Options). cov_restore_data(cov_begin_data(_), _Options) => true. cov_restore_data(cl(PI, Nth, Bytes, Main, File:Line, Module, _Location, LoadOptions, Ref), Options) => ( restore_clause(PI, Nth, Bytes, File, Line, Ref) -> true ; source_file(File) -> warn(File, coverage(source_changed(File, PI))) ; option(load(true), Options) -> load_files(Module:Main, [if(not_loaded)|LoadOptions]), ( restore_clause(PI, Nth, Bytes, File, Line, Ref) -> true ; warn(File, coverage(source_changed(File, PI))) ) ; option(silent(true), Options) -> true ; warn(File, coverage(no_source(File))) ). cov_restore_data(cs(Ref, PC, Enter, Exit), _Options) => ( saved_clause(Clause, Ref) -> '$cov_add'(call_site(Clause, PC), Enter, Exit) ; true ). cov_restore_data(cs(Ref, Enter, Exit), _Options) => ( saved_clause(Clause, Ref) -> '$cov_add'(clause(Clause), Enter, Exit) ; true ). cov_restore_data(cov_end_data, _Options) => retractall(saved_clause(_,_)). restore_clause(PI, _Nth, Bytes, File, Line, Ref) :- pi_head(PI, Head), predicate_property(Head, multifile), !, ( nth_clause(Head, _, Clause), clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)), clause_property(Clause, size(Bytes)) -> assertz(saved_clause(Clause, Ref)) ; warn(File, coverage(no_multifile_source(File:Line, PI))) ). restore_clause(PI, Nth, Bytes, File, Line, Ref) :- pi_head(PI, Head), ( nth_clause(Head, Nth, Clause) -> ( clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)), clause_property(Clause, size(Bytes)) -> assertz(saved_clause(Clause, Ref)) ; warn(File, coverage(source_changed(File:Line, PI, Nth))) ) ). warn(Term, _Msg) :- warned(Term), !. warn(Term, Msg) :- assertz(warned(Term)), print_message(warning, Msg). %! cov_reset is det. % % Discard all collected coverage data. This predicate raises a % permission error if coverage collection is in progress. cov_reset :- '$cov_reset'. %! cov_property(?Property) % % True when coverage analysis satisfies Property. Currently defined % properties are: % % - active(?Nesting) % True when coverage data is being collected. Nesting expresses % the nesting of coverage/1 calls and is normally 1 (one). cov_property(active(Level)) :- '$cov_active'(Level). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(coverage(Msg)) --> message(Msg). message(no_files_to_report) --> [ 'No coverage events in selected files'-[] ]. message(clause_info(ClauseRef)) --> [ 'Inconsistent clause info for '-[] ], clause_msg(ClauseRef). message(unreported_call_sites(ClauseRef, PCList)) --> [ 'Failed to report call sites for '-[] ], clause_msg(ClauseRef), [ nl, ' Missed at these PC offsets: ~p'-[PCList] ]. message(source_changed(File, PI)) --> [ 'Predicate ', ansi(code, '~p', [PI]), ' cannot be found while file ', url(File), ' is loaded.' ]. message(no_source(File)) --> [ 'File ', url(File), ' is not loaded. Please re-run with ', nl, 'file loaded or use the ', ansi(code, 'load(true)', []), ' option.' ]. message(no_multifile_source(Location, PI)) --> [ 'Could not find matching clause for multifile predicate ', ansi(code, '~p', [PI]), ' at ', url(Location) ]. message(source_changed(File:Line, PI, Nth)) --> [ '~D-th clause for '-[Nth], ansi(code, '~p', [PI]), ' cannot be found at ', url(File:Line), '.' ]. message(deprecated(show_coverage/2)) --> [ 'show_coverage/2 is deprecated. Please use coverage/2', nl, 'with the same arguments.' ]. clause_msg(ClauseRef) --> { clause_pi(ClauseRef, PI), clause_property(ClauseRef, file(File)), clause_property(ClauseRef, line_count(Line)) }, [ '~p at'-[PI], nl, ' ', url(File:Line) ]. /******************************* * TTY PRINT SUPPORT * *******************************/ progress(_, _) :- current_prolog_flag(verbose, silent), !. progress(Format, Args) :- stream_property(user_output, tty(true)), !, format(user_output, '\r\e[2K', []), ansi_format(comment, Format, Args), flush_output(user_output). progress(Format, Args) :- format(Format, Args), nl. progress_done(_,_) :- current_prolog_flag(verbose, silent), !. progress_done(Format, Args) :- stream_property(user_output, tty(true)), !, ansi_format(comment, Format, Args), nl. progress_done(_, _). header(Title, Width) :- hr(Width), ansi_format([bold], '~t~w~t~*|', [Title,Width]), nl. hr(Width) :- format('~N~`\u2015t~*|~n', [Width]). %! tty_width(-Width, +Options) is det. tty_width(W, Options) :- option(width(W), Options), !. :- if(current_predicate(tty_size/2)). tty_width(W, _Options) :- catch(tty_size(_, TtyW), _, fail), !, W is max(60, TtyW). :- endif. tty_width(78, _).