36:- module(prolog_hotfix,
37 [ load_hotfixes/1 38 ]). 39:- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/2]). 40:- autoload(library(lists),[member/2,nth1/3]). 41:- autoload(library(option),[merge_options/3,option/2]). 42:- autoload(library(prolog_source),
43 [ prolog_open_source/2,
44 prolog_read_source_term/4,
45 prolog_close_source/1
46 ]). 47:- autoload(library(readutil),[read_line_to_codes/2]).
79load_hotfixes(Dir) :-
80 absolute_file_name(Dir, DirPath,
81 [ file_type(directory),
82 access(read)
83 ]),
84 phrase(prolog_source_files([DirPath]), Files),
85 ensure_dirsep(DirPath, Common),
86 maplist(apply_hotfix(Common), Files).
93prolog_source_files([]) --> !.
94prolog_source_files([H|T]) -->
95 !,
96 prolog_source_files(H),
97 prolog_source_files(T).
98prolog_source_files(F) -->
99 { exists_file(F),
100 file_name_extension(_, Ext, F),
101 user:prolog_file_type(Ext, prolog)
102 },
103 !,
104 [F].
105prolog_source_files(Dir) -->
106 { exists_directory(Dir),
107 !,
108 atom_concat(Dir, '/*', Pattern),
109 expand_file_name(Pattern, Members)
110 },
111 prolog_source_files(Members).
112prolog_source_files(_) -->
113 [].
126apply_hotfix(_HotfixDir, File) :-
127 file_module(File, Module),
128 module_property(Module, file(Loaded)),
129 '$time_source_file'(Loaded, Time, _Type),
130 !,
131 time_file(File, HotfixTime),
132 ( HotfixTime =\= Time
133 -> load_hotfix(File, Loaded)
134 ; true
135 ).
136apply_hotfix(HotfixDir, File) :-
137 atom_concat(HotfixDir, Local, File),
138 atom_concat(/, Local, SlashLocal),
139 findall(Loaded-Time,
140 ( '$time_source_file'(Loaded, Time, user),
141 sub_atom(Loaded, _, _, 0, SlashLocal)
142 ),
143 Pairs),
144 Pairs \== [],
145 !,
146 ( Pairs = [Loaded-Time]
147 -> true
148 ; select_file_to_reload(Pairs, Local, Loaded-Time)
149 ),
150 time_file(File, HotfixTime),
151 ( HotfixTime =\= Time
152 -> load_hotfix(File, Loaded)
153 ; true
154 ).
155apply_hotfix(_HotfixDir, File) :-
156 user:consult(File).
161ensure_dirsep(Dir0, Dir) :-
162 ( sub_atom(Dir0, _, _, 0, /)
163 -> Dir = Dir0
164 ; atom_concat(Dir0, /, Dir)
165 ).
174load_hotfix(File, Loaded) :-
175 time_file(File, Modified),
176 setup_call_cleanup(
177 open(File, read, In),
178 load_hotfix_from_stream(Loaded, In, Modified),
179 close(In)).
181load_hotfix_from_stream(Loaded, In, Modified) :-
182 FixOptions = [ stream(In),
183 modified(Modified),
184 register(false)
185 ],
186 set_stream(In, file_name(Loaded)),
187 findall(M-Opts,
188 source_file_property(Loaded, load_context(M, _, Opts)),
189 Modules),
190 ( Modules = [First-OptsFirst|Rest]
191 -> merge_options(FixOptions, OptsFirst, FirstOptions),
192 load_stream(First:Loaded, FirstOptions),
193 forall(member(Context-Opts, Rest),
194 ( merge_options([if(not_loaded)|FirstOptions], Opts, ORest),
195 load_stream(Context:Loaded, ORest)
196 ))
197 ; load_stream(user:Loaded, FixOptions)
198 ).
200load_stream(Source, Options) :-
201 option(stream(In), Options),
202 setup_call_cleanup(
203 stream_property(In, position(Pos)),
204 load_files(Source, Options),
205 set_stream_position(In, Pos)).
209select_file_to_reload(Pairs, Local, Pair) :-
210 format(user_error,
211 'Hotfix ~w matches multiple loaded files.~n~n',
212 [Local]),
213 forall(nth1(I, Pairs, File-_),
214 format(user_error, '~t~d~6| ~w~n', [I, File])),
215 repeat,
216 format(user_error, '~nPlease select (\'s\' skips hotfix)? ', []),
217 read_line_to_codes(user_input, Line),
218 ( Line == end_of_file
219 -> halt(1)
220 ; atom_codes(s, Line)
221 -> !, fail
222 ; catch(number_codes(N, Line), _, fail)
223 ),
224 nth1(N, Pairs, Pair),
225 !.
231file_module(File, Module) :-
232 catch(file_module_guarded(File, Module), _, fail).
234file_module_guarded(File, Module) :-
235 setup_call_cleanup(
236 prolog_open_source(File, In),
237 prolog_read_source_term(In, _, Expanded, []),
238 prolog_close_source(In)),
239 Expanded = (:- module(Module, _))
Load hotfixes into executables
This library was developed to deal with hotfixing products that are distributed as a Prolog saved state. It assumes the vendor is willing to distribute hotfixes as Prolog source files. These files are placed into a directory. The predicate load_hotfixes/1 replaces files that are loaded into the saved state.
Resolution of the file to load is based on the module if the hotfix file provides a module. If the hotfix file is not a module file and there are multiple loaded source files with the same name from different directories, the hotfix directory must create the minimal directory structure to make the paths unique. If omitted, this library will prompt the user for the file that must be replaced.