35:- module(rdfa,
36 [ read_rdfa/3, 37 xml_rdfa/3 38 ]). 39:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db),
40 [ rdf_register_prefix/2,
41 rdf_meta/1,
42 rdf_global_id/2,
43 rdf_equal/2,
44 rdf_is_bnode/1,
45 rdf_global_term/2,
46 rdf_transaction/2,
47 rdf_assert/4,
48 rdf_set_graph/2,
49 op(_,_,_)
50 ]). 51:- use_module(library(xpath),[xpath/3, op(_,_,_)]). 52
53:- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/3,maplist/2,exclude/3,include/3]). 54:- use_module(library(debug),[debugging/1,debug/3]). 55:- autoload(library(error),[instantiation_error/1,type_error/2]). 56:- if(exists_source(library(guitracer))). 57:- autoload(library(gui_tracer),[gtrace/0]). 58:- endif. 59:- autoload(library(lists),[append/2,reverse/2,member/2,append/3]). 60:- autoload(library(option),[merge_options/3,option/2,option/3]). 61:- autoload(library(prolog_stack),[backtrace/1]). 62:- autoload(library(sgml),
63 [ load_xml/3, load_html/3, xml_basechar/1, xml_ideographic/1,
64 xml_digit/1, xml_combining_char/1, xml_extender/1
65 ]). 66:- autoload(library(sgml_write),[xml_write/2]). 67:- autoload(library(uri),
68 [ uri_file_name/2, uri_components/2, uri_data/3, uri_data/4,
69 iri_normalized/3, iri_normalized/2, uri_normalized/3
70 ]). 71:- autoload(library(dcg/basics),[blanks/2,blank/2,alpha_to_lower/3]). 72:- autoload(library(http/http_open),[http_open/3]).
86:- rdf_register_prefix(rdfa, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/rdfa#'). 87
88:- rdf_meta
89 add_triple(+, r, r, o),
90 add_incomplete_triple(+, t). 91
92:- discontiguous
93 term_expansion/2. 94
95:- predicate_options(xml_rdfa/3, 3,
96 [ base(atom),
97 anon_prefix(any),
98 lang(atom),
99 vocab(atom),
100 markup(atom)
101 ]). 102:- predicate_options(read_dom/3, 3,
103 [ pass_to(sgml:load_html/3, 3),
104 pass_to(sgml:load_xml/3, 3)
105 ]). 106:- predicate_options(read_rdfa/3, 3,
107 [ pass_to(read_dom/3, 3),
108 pass_to(xml_rdfa/3, 3),
109 pass_to(system:open/4, 4),
110 pass_to(http_open:http_open/3, 3)
111 ]). 112
126read_rdfa(Input, Triples, Options) :-
127 setup_call_cleanup(
128 open_input(Input, In, NewOptions, Close, Options),
129 read_dom(In, DOM, Options),
130 close_input(Close)),
131 merge_options(Options, NewOptions, RDFaOptions),
132 xml_rdfa(DOM, Triples, RDFaOptions).
134open_input(Input, In, NewOptions, Close, Options) :-
135 open_input2(Input, In, NewOptions, Close0, Options),
136 detect_bom(In, Close0, Close).
138open_input2(stream(In), In, Options, true, _) :-
139 !,
140 ( stream_property(In, file_name(Name)),
141 to_uri(Name, URI)
142 -> Options = [base(URI)]
143 ; Options = []
144 ).
145open_input2(In, In, Options, true, _) :-
146 is_stream(In),
147 !,
148 ( stream_property(In, file_name(Name)),
149 to_uri(Name, URI)
150 -> Options = [base(URI)]
151 ; Options = []
152 ).
153open_input2(URL, In, [base(URL)], close(In), Options) :-
154 atom(URL),
155 uri_file_name(URL, File),
156 !,
157 open(File, read, In, Options).
158open_input2(URL, In, [base(Base)], close(In), Options) :-
159 atom(URL),
160 to_uri2(URL, Base),
161 !,
162 http_open(URL, In, Options).
163open_input2(File, In, [base(URI)], close(In), Options) :-
164 absolute_file_name(File, Path, [access(read)]),
165 uri_file_name(URI, Path),
166 open(Path, read, In, Options).
173detect_bom(In, Close0, Close) :-
174 stream_property(In, type(binary)),
175 stream_property(In, encoding(Enc)),
176 catch(set_stream(In, encoding(bom)),_,fail),
177 !,
178 merge_close(Close0, set_stream(In, encoding(Enc)), Close).
179detect_bom(_, Close, Close).
181merge_close(true, Close, Close) :- !.
182merge_close(Close, _, Close).
184to_uri(URI0, URI) :-
185 to_uri2(URI0, URI),
186 !.
187to_uri(URI0, URI) :-
188 absolute_file_name(URI0, Path),
189 uri_file_name(URI, Path).
191to_uri2(URI0, Base) :-
192 uri_components(URI0, Components),
193 uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme),
194 ground(Scheme),
195 http_scheme(Scheme),
196 !,
197 uri_data(fragment, Components, _, Components2),
198 uri_components(Base, Components2).
204close_input(close(X)) :- close(X).
205close_input(set_stream(In, encoding(Enc))) :- set_stream(In, encoding(Enc)).
207read_dom(In, DOM, Options) :-
208 option(dialect(Dialect), Options),
209 !,
210 ( xml_dialect(Dialect)
211 -> load_xml(stream(In), DOM, Options)
212 ; load_html(stream(In), DOM, Options)
213 ).
214read_dom(In, DOM, Options) :-
215 peek_string(In, 1000, Start),
216 guess_dialect(Start, Dialect),
217 read_dom(In, DOM, [dialect(Dialect)|Options]).
225guess_dialect(Start, Dialect) :-
226 sub_string(Start, _, _, _, "<?xml"),
227 !,
228 Dialect = xml.
229guess_dialect(Start, Dialect) :-
230 sub_string(Start, _, _, _, "<html"),
231 !,
232 ( sub_string(Start, _, _, _, "xmlns:")
233 -> Dialect = xhtml
234 ; string_codes(Start, Codes),
235 phrase(html_doctype(DialectFound), Codes, _)
236 -> Dialect = DialectFound
237 ; Dialect = html
238 ).
239guess_dialect(Start, Dialect) :-
240 sub_string(Start, _, _, _, "<svg"),
241 !,
242 Dialect = svg.
243guess_dialect(_, xml).
245html_doctype(html5) -->
246 blanks,
247 "<!DOCTYPE", blank, blanks, "html", blanks, ">",
248 !.
249html_doctype(html4) -->
250 blanks,
251 "<!", icase_string(`doctype`), blank, blanks, icase_string(`html`),
252 blank, blanks,
253 icase_string(`public`),
254 blank,
255 !.
257icase_string([]) --> [].
258icase_string([H|T]) --> alpha_to_lower(H), icase_string(T).
281xml_rdfa(DOM, _, _) :-
282 var(DOM),
283 !,
284 instantiation_error(DOM).
285xml_rdfa(DOM, RDF, Options) :-
286 is_list(DOM),
287 !,
288 maplist(xml_rdfa_aux(Options), DOM, RDFList),
289 append(RDFList, RDF).
290xml_rdfa(DOM, RDF, Options) :-
291 DOM = element(_,_,_),
292 !,
293 rdfa_evaluation_context(DOM, EvalContext, Options),
294 process_node(DOM, EvalContext),
295 arg(1, EvalContext.triples, List),
296 reverse(List, RDF0),
297 apply_patterns(RDF0, RDF).
299xml_rdfa(DOM, [], _) :-
300 DOM = pi(_),
301 !.
302xml_rdfa(DOM, _, _) :-
303 type_error(xml_dom, DOM).
305xml_rdfa_aux(Options, DOM, RDF) :-
306 xml_rdfa(DOM, RDF, Options).
308process_node(DOM, EvalContext) :-
309 rdfa_local_context(EvalContext, LocalContext), 310 update_vocab(DOM, LocalContext), 311 update_prefixes(DOM, LocalContext), 312 update_lang(DOM, LocalContext), 313 update_subject(DOM, LocalContext), 314 emit_typeof(DOM, LocalContext), 315 update_list_mapping(DOM, LocalContext), 316 step_7_5_9(DOM, LocalContext), 317 step_7_5_10(DOM, LocalContext), 318 update_property_value(DOM, LocalContext), 319 complete_triples(LocalContext), 320 descent(DOM, LocalContext), 321 complete_lists(LocalContext),
322 !. 323:- if(current_predicate(gtrace/0)). 324process_node(DOM, EvalContext) :-
325 print_message(warning, rdfa(failed(DOM, EvalContext))),
326 ( debugging(rdfa(test))
327 -> gtrace,
328 process_node(DOM, EvalContext)
329 ; true
330 ).
331:- endif.
339rdfa_evaluation_context(DOM, Context, Options) :-
340 Context = rdfa_eval{base:Base, 341 parent_subject:Base, 342 parent_object:null, 343 incomplete_triples:[], 344 list_mapping:ListMapping, 345 lang:Lang, 346 iri_mapping:IRIMappings, 347 term_mapping:TermMappings, 348 vocab:Vocab, 349 bnode_id:bnode(1), 350 markup:Markup, 351 anon_prefix:AnonPrefix,
352 named_bnodes:r{v:_{}},
353 root:DOM, 354 triples:triples([])}, 355 empty_list_mapping(ListMapping),
356 option(markup(Markup), Options, xhtml),
357 base(DOM, Options, Base),
358 default_vocab(Markup, DefaultVocab),
359 option(lang(Lang), Options, ''),
360 option(vocab(Vocab), Options, DefaultVocab),
361 ( option(anon_prefix(AnonPrefix), Options)
362 -> true
363 ; atom_concat('__', Base, AnonPrefix)
364 ),
365 default_prefixes(Markup, DefPrefixes),
366 mapping(prefixes(IRIMappings0), Options),
367 put_dict(DefPrefixes, IRIMappings0, IRIMappings),
368 mapping(terms(TermMappings), Options).
370base(DOM, _Options, Base) :-
371 xpath(DOM, //base(@href=Base), _),
372 !.
373base(_DOM, Options, Base) :-
374 option(base(Base0), Options),
375 rdf_global_id(Base0, Base),
376 !.
377base(_, _, 'http://www.example.org/').
379mapping(Term, Options) :-
380 Term =.. [Name, Value],
381 ( TermG =.. [Name, Var],
382 option(TermG, Options)
383 -> dict_create(Value, Name, Var)
384 ; dict_create(Value, Name, [])
385 ).
392default_prefixes(Markup, _{'':DefPrefix}) :-
393 default_prefix_mapping(Markup, DefPrefix).
401rdfa_core_prefix(dcat, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#').
402rdfa_core_prefix(qb, 'http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#').
403rdfa_core_prefix(grddl, 'http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view#').
404rdfa_core_prefix(ma, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/ma-ont#').
405rdfa_core_prefix(org, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/org#').
406rdfa_core_prefix(owl, 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#').
407rdfa_core_prefix(prov, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#').
408rdfa_core_prefix(rdf, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#').
409rdfa_core_prefix(rdfa, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/rdfa#').
410rdfa_core_prefix(rdfs, 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#').
411rdfa_core_prefix(rif, 'http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#').
412rdfa_core_prefix(rr, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#').
413rdfa_core_prefix(sd, 'http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description#').
414rdfa_core_prefix(skos, 'http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#').
415rdfa_core_prefix(skosxl, 'http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos-xl#').
416rdfa_core_prefix(wdr, 'http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder#').
417rdfa_core_prefix(void, 'http://rdfs.org/ns/void#').
418rdfa_core_prefix(wdrs, 'http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#').
419rdfa_core_prefix(xhv, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#').
420rdfa_core_prefix(xml, 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace').
421rdfa_core_prefix(xsd, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#').
422rdfa_core_prefix(cc, 'http://creativecommons.org/ns#').
423rdfa_core_prefix(ctag, 'http://commontag.org/ns#').
424rdfa_core_prefix(dc, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/').
425rdfa_core_prefix(dcterms, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/').
426rdfa_core_prefix(dc11, 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/').
427rdfa_core_prefix(foaf, 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/').
428rdfa_core_prefix(gr, 'http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#').
429rdfa_core_prefix(ical, 'http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/icaltzd#').
430rdfa_core_prefix(og, 'http://ogp.me/ns#').
431rdfa_core_prefix(rev, 'http://purl.org/stuff/rev#').
432rdfa_core_prefix(sioc, 'http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#').
433rdfa_core_prefix(v, 'http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/#').
434rdfa_core_prefix(vcard, 'http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#').
435rdfa_core_prefix(schema, 'http://schema.org/').
437default_prefix_mapping(xhtml, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#') :- !.
438default_prefix_mapping(_, 'http://www.example.org/').
440default_vocab(_, '').
446rdfa_local_context(EvalContext, LocalContext) :-
447 LocalContext = rdfa_local{skip_element:false,
448 new_subject:null,
449 current_object_resource:null,
450 typed_resource:null,
451 iri_mapping:IRIMappings,
452 incomplete_triples:[],
453 list_mapping:ListMapping,
454 lang:Lang,
455 term_mapping:TermMapping,
456 vocab:Vocab,
457 eval_context:EvalContext
458 },
459 _{ iri_mapping:IRIMappings,
460 list_mapping:ListMapping,
461 lang:Lang,
462 term_mapping:TermMapping,
463 vocab:Vocab
464 } :< EvalContext.
471update_vocab(DOM, Context) :-
472 xpath(DOM, /(*(@vocab=Vocab0)), _),
473 !,
474 ( Vocab0 == ''
475 -> Vocab = '' 476 ; iri(Vocab0, Vocab, Context)
477 ),
478 nb_set_dict(vocab, Context, Vocab),
479 add_triple(Context,
480 Context.eval_context.base,
481 rdfa:usesVocabulary,
482 Vocab).
483update_vocab(_, _).
490update_prefixes(DOM, Context) :-
491 DOM=element(_,Attrs,_),
492 xmlns_dict(Attrs, _{}, Dict0),
493 ( xpath(DOM, /(*(@prefix=PrefixDecl)), _)
494 -> prefix_dict(PrefixDecl, Dict0, Dict)
495 ; Dict = Dict0
496 ),
497 Dict \= _{},
498 !,
499 put_dict(Dict, Context.iri_mapping, NewMapping),
500 b_set_dict(iri_mapping, Context, NewMapping).
501update_prefixes(_, _).
503xmlns_dict([], Dict, Dict).
504xmlns_dict([Attr=IRI|T0], Dict0, Dict) :-
505 ( Attr = xmlns:Name
506 ; atom_concat('xmlns:', Name, Attr)
507 ),
508 !,
509 downcase_atom(Name, Prefix),
510 put_dict(Prefix, Dict0, IRI, Dict1),
511 xmlns_dict(T0, Dict1, Dict).
512xmlns_dict([_|T0], Dict0, Dict) :-
513 xmlns_dict(T0, Dict0, Dict).
515prefix_dict(Text, Dict0, Dict) :-
516 atom_codes(Text, Codes),
517 phrase(prefixes(Dict0, Dict), Codes).
523update_lang(DOM, Context) :-
524 DOM=element(_,Attrs,_),
525 ( ( memberchk(xml:lang=Lang, Attrs) 526 ; memberchk('xml:lang'=Lang, Attrs) 527 ; memberchk(lang=Lang, Attrs) 528 )
529 -> nb_set_dict(lang, Context, Lang)
530 ; true
531 ),
532 ( ( memberchk(xml:base=Base, Attrs) 533 ; memberchk('xml:base'=Base, Attrs) 534 )
535 -> nb_set_dict(base, Context.eval_context, Base)
536 ; true
537 ).
544update_subject(DOM, Context) :-
545 DOM=element(E,Attrs,_),
546 \+ has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Context),
547 \+ has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Context), 548 !,
549 ( memberchk(property=_, Attrs),
550 \+ memberchk(content=_, Attrs),
551 \+ memberchk(datatype=_, Attrs)
552 -> ( ( about(DOM, About, Context) 553 ; About = Context.eval_context.parent_object
554 ),
555 About \== null
556 -> nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, About)
557 ; true
558 ),
559 ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs)
560 -> ( ( iri_attr(about, Attrs, TypedIRI, Context),
561 TypedIRI \== null
562 ; DOM == Context.eval_context.root
563 -> iri('', TypedIRI, Context)
564 ; ( iri_attr(resource, Attrs, TypedIRI, Context)
565 ; iri_attr(href, Attrs, TypedIRI, Context)
566 ; iri_attr(src, Attrs, TypedIRI, Context)
567 ; new_bnode(TypedIRI, Context)
568 ),
569 TypedIRI \== null
570 -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, TypedIRI),
571 nb_set_dict(current_object_resource, Context, TypedIRI)
572 )
573 -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, TypedIRI)
574 ; true
575 )
576 ; true
577 )
578 ; ( new_subject_attr_2(SubjectAttr), 579 memberchk(SubjectAttr=About0, Attrs),
580 attr_convert(SubjectAttr, About0, About, Context),
581 About \== null
582 -> true
583 ; html_root(E, Context),
584 About = Context.eval_context.parent_object,
585 About \== null
586 -> true
587 ; DOM == Context.eval_context.root
588 -> iri('', About, Context)
589 ; memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs)
590 -> new_bnode(About, Context)
591 ; About = Context.eval_context.parent_object,
592 About \== null
593 -> ( \+ memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs)
594 -> nb_set_dict(skip_element, Context, true)
595 ; true
596 )
597 ),
598 debug(rdfa(new_subject), '~w: set new_subject to ~p', [E, About]),
599 nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, About),
600 ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs)
601 -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, About)
602 ; true
603 )
604 ).
605update_subject(DOM, Context) :-
606 DOM=element(_,Attrs,_), 607 ( iri_attr(about, Attrs, NewSubject, Context)
608 -> nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, NewSubject),
609 ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs)
610 -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, NewSubject)
611 ; true
612 )
613 ; true 614 615 -> ( DOM == Context.eval_context.root
616 -> iri('', NewSubject, Context),
617 nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, NewSubject),
618 ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs)
619 -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context, NewSubject)
620 ; true
621 )
622 ; NewSubject = Context.eval_context.parent_object,
623 NewSubject \== null
624 -> nb_set_dict(new_subject, Context, NewSubject)
625 ; true
626 )
627 ),
628 ( ( iri_attr(resource, Attrs, CurrentObjectResource, Context)
629 ; iri_attr(href, Attrs, CurrentObjectResource, Context)
630 ; iri_attr(src, Attrs, CurrentObjectResource, Context)
631 ; memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs),
632 \+ memberchk(about=_, Attrs),
633 new_bnode(CurrentObjectResource, Context)
634 ),
635 CurrentObjectResource \== null
636 -> nb_set_dict(current_object_resource, Context, CurrentObjectResource)
637 ; true
638 ),
639 ( memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs),
640 \+ memberchk(about=_, Attrs)
641 -> nb_set_dict(typed_resource, Context,
642 Context.current_object_resource)
643 ; true
644 ).
651html_root(head, Context) :- html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup).
652html_root(body, Context) :- html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup).
661emit_typeof(DOM, Context) :-
662 DOM = element(_,Attrs,_),
663 Subject = Context.typed_resource,
664 Subject \== null,
665 memberchk(typeof=TypeOf, Attrs),
666 !,
667 iri_list(TypeOf, IRIs, Context),
668 maplist(type_triple(Context), IRIs).
669emit_typeof(_, _).
671type_triple(Context, IRI) :-
672 add_triple(Context, Context.typed_resource, rdf:type, IRI).
678update_list_mapping(_DOM, Context) :-
679 Context.new_subject \== null,
680 Context.new_subject \== Context.eval_context.parent_object,
681 !,
682 empty_list_mapping(ListMapping),
683 b_set_dict(list_mapping, Context, ListMapping).
684update_list_mapping(_, _).
696get_list_mapping(IRI, list_mapping(Dict), Dict.get(IRI)).
698add_list_mapping(IRI, LM, List) :-
699 LM = list_mapping(Dict),
700 setarg(1, LM, Dict.put(IRI, List)).
702list_mapping_pairs(list_mapping(Dict), Pairs) :-
703 dict_pairs(Dict, _, Pairs).
708step_7_5_9(_DOM, Context) :-
709 Context.current_object_resource == null,
710 !.
711step_7_5_9(DOM, Context) :-
712 DOM = element(_,Attrs,_),
713 memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs),
714 has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context),
715 !,
716 iri_list(Rel, Preds, Context),
717 CurrentObjectResource = Context.current_object_resource,
718 maplist(add_property_list(Context, CurrentObjectResource),
719 Preds).
720step_7_5_9(DOM, Context) :-
721 DOM = element(_,Attrs,_),
722 ( has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context),
723 \+ memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs)
724 -> iri_list(Rel, RelIRIs, Context),
725 maplist(rel_triple(Context), RelIRIs)
726 ; true
727 ),
728 ( has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Rev, Context)
729 -> iri_list(Rev, RevIRIs, Context),
730 maplist(rev_triple(Context), RevIRIs)
731 ; true
732 ).
734rel_triple(Context, IRI) :-
735 add_triple(Context,
736 Context.new_subject, IRI, Context.current_object_resource).
738rev_triple(Context, IRI) :-
739 add_triple(Context,
740 Context.current_object_resource, IRI, Context.new_subject).
746step_7_5_10(_DOM, Context) :-
747 Context.current_object_resource \== null,
748 !.
749step_7_5_10(DOM, Context) :-
750 DOM = element(_,Attrs,_),
751 memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs),
752 has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context),
753 !,
754 set_current_object_resource_to_bnode(Context),
755 iri_list(Rel, IRIs, Context),
756 maplist(incomplete_ll_triple(Context), IRIs).
757step_7_5_10(DOM, Context) :-
758 DOM = element(_,Attrs,_),
759 ( has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context),
760 \+ memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs)
761 -> iri_list(Rel, RelIRIs, Context),
762 set_current_object_resource_to_bnode(Context),
763 maplist(incomplete_rel_triple(Context), RelIRIs)
764 ; true
765 ),
766 ( has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Rev, Context)
767 -> iri_list(Rev, RevIRIs, Context),
768 set_current_object_resource_to_bnode(Context),
769 maplist(incomplete_rev_triple(Context), RevIRIs)
770 ; true
771 ).
773set_current_object_resource_to_bnode(Context) :-
774 new_bnode(BNode, Context),
775 b_set_dict(current_object_resource, Context, BNode).
777incomplete_ll_triple(Context, IRI) :-
778 LM = Context.list_mapping,
779 ( get_list_mapping(IRI, LM, LL)
780 -> true
781 ; LL = list([]),
782 add_list_mapping(IRI, LM, LL)
783 ),
784 add_incomplete_triple(Context, _{list:LL, direction:none}).
786incomplete_rel_triple(Context, IRI) :-
787 add_incomplete_triple(Context, _{predicate:IRI, direction:forward}).
789incomplete_rev_triple(Context, IRI) :-
790 add_incomplete_triple(Context, _{predicate:IRI, direction:reverse}).
797update_property_value(DOM, Context) :-
798 DOM = element(Element,Attrs,Content),
799 memberchk(property=PropSpec, Attrs),
800 !,
801 iri_list(PropSpec, Preds, Context),
802 ( memberchk(datatype=DTSpec, Attrs)
803 -> ( DTSpec \== '',
804 term_or_curie_or_absiri(DTSpec, DataType, Context),
805 DataType \== null
806 -> ( ( rdf_equal(rdf:'XMLLiteral', DataType)
807 ; rdf_equal(rdf:'HTML', DataType)
808 )
809 -> content_xml(Content, Text)
810 ; content_text(DOM, Text, Context)
811 ),
812 Obj0 = literal(type(DataType, Text))
813 ; content_text(DOM, Text, Context),
814 Obj0 = literal(Text)
815 )
816 ; memberchk(content=Text, Attrs)
817 -> Obj0 = literal(Text)
818 ; \+ has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Context),
819 \+ has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Context),
820 821 ( iri_attr(resource, Attrs, Obj0, Context)
822 ; iri_attr(href, Attrs, Obj0, Context)
823 ; iri_attr(src, Attrs, Obj0, Context)
824 ),
825 Obj0 \== null
826 -> true
827 ; ( memberchk(datetime=DateTime, Attrs)
828 ; Element == time,
829 Content = [DateTime]
830 ),
831 html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup)
832 -> ( date_time_type(DateTime, DataType)
833 -> Obj0 = literal(type(DataType, DateTime))
834 ; Obj0 = literal(DateTime)
835 )
836 ; memberchk(typeof=_, Attrs),
837 \+ memberchk(about=_, Attrs)
838 -> Obj0 = Context.typed_resource
839 ; content_text(Content, Text, Context), 840 Obj0 = literal(Text)
841 ),
842 ( Obj0 = literal(Text),
843 atomic(Text),
844 Context.lang \== ''
845 -> Obj = literal(lang(Context.lang, Text))
846 ; Obj = Obj0
847 ),
848 ( memberchk(inlist=_, Attrs)
849 -> maplist(add_property_list(Context, Obj), Preds)
850 ; NewSubject = Context.new_subject,
851 maplist(add_property(Context, NewSubject, Obj), Preds)
852 ).
853update_property_value(_, _).
855add_property_list(Context, Obj, Pred) :-
856 LM = Context.list_mapping,
857 ( get_list_mapping(Pred, LM, LL)
858 -> LL = list(Old),
859 setarg(1, LL, [Obj|Old])
860 ; add_list_mapping(Pred, LM, list([Obj]))
861 ).
863add_property(Context, Subject, Object, Pred) :-
864 add_triple(Context, Subject, Pred, Object).
866content_text(element(_,Attrs,_), Text, _Context) :-
867 memberchk(content=Text, Attrs),
868 !.
869content_text(element(_,Attrs,_), Text, Context) :-
870 memberchk(datetime=Text, Attrs),
871 html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup),
872 !.
873content_text(element(_,_,Content), Text, _Context) :-
874 !,
875 phrase(text_nodes(Content), Texts),
876 atomic_list_concat(Texts, Text).
877content_text(Content, Text, _Context) :-
878 !,
879 phrase(text_nodes(Content), Texts),
880 atomic_list_concat(Texts, Text).
882text_nodes([]) --> !.
883text_nodes([H|T]) --> !, text_nodes(H), text_nodes(T).
884text_nodes(element(_,_,Content)) --> !, text_nodes(Content).
885text_nodes(CDATA) --> [CDATA].
887content_xml(DOM, Text) :-
888 with_output_to(atom(Text), xml_write(DOM, [header(false)])).
894complete_triples(Context) :-
895 Context.skip_element == false,
896 Context.new_subject \== null,
897 Context.eval_context.incomplete_triples \== [],
898 !,
899 reverse(Context.eval_context.incomplete_triples, Incomplete),
900 maplist(complete_triple(Context), Incomplete).
903complete_triple(Context, Dict) :-
904 complete_triple(Dict.direction, Dict, Context).
906complete_triple(none, Dict, Context) :-
907 List = Dict.list,
908 List = list(Old),
909 setarg(1, List, [Context.new_subject|Old]).
910complete_triple(forward, Dict, Context) :-
911 add_triple(Context,
912 Context.eval_context.parent_subject,
913 Dict.predicate,
914 Context.new_subject).
915complete_triple(reverse, Dict, Context) :-
916 add_triple(Context,
917 Context.new_subject,
918 Dict.predicate,
919 Context.eval_context.parent_subject).
926descent(element(_,_,Content), Context) :-
927 ( Context.skip_element == true
928 -> maplist(descent_skip(Context), Content)
929 ; maplist(descent_no_skip(Context), Content)
930 ).
932descent_skip(Context, DOM) :-
933 DOM = element(E,_,_),
934 !,
935 debug(rdfa(descent), 'skip: ~w: new_subject=~p',
936 [E, Context.new_subject]),
937 process_node(DOM, Context.eval_context.put(
938 _{ lang:Context.lang,
939 vocab:Context.vocab,
940 iri_mapping:Context.iri_mapping
941 })).
942descent_skip(_, _).
944descent_no_skip(Context, DOM) :-
945 DOM = element(E,_,_),
946 !,
947 ( ParentSubject = Context.new_subject,
948 ParentSubject \== null
949 -> true
950 ; ParentSubject = Context.eval_context.parent_subject
951 ),
952 ( ParentObject = Context.current_object_resource,
953 ParentObject \== null
954 -> true
955 ; ParentObject = ParentSubject
956 ),
957 debug(rdfa(descent), 'no skip: ~w: parent subject = ~p, object = ~p',
958 [E, ParentSubject, ParentObject]),
959 process_node(DOM, Context.eval_context.put(
960 _{ parent_subject:ParentSubject,
961 parent_object:ParentObject,
962 iri_mapping:Context.iri_mapping,
963 incomplete_triples:Context.incomplete_triples,
964 list_mapping:Context.list_mapping,
965 lang:Context.lang,
966 vocab:Context.vocab
967 })).
968descent_no_skip(_, _).
974complete_lists(Context) :-
975 empty_list_mapping(Context.list_mapping),
976 !.
977complete_lists(Context) :-
978 ( CurrentSubject = Context.new_subject,
979 CurrentSubject \== null
980 -> true
981 ; CurrentSubject = Context.eval_context.base
982 ),
983 list_mapping_pairs(Context.list_mapping, Pairs),
984 maplist(complete_list(Context, CurrentSubject), Pairs).
986complete_list(Context, _, IRI-_) :-
987 get_list_mapping(IRI, Context.eval_context.list_mapping, _),
988 !.
989complete_list(Context, CurrentSubject, IRI-list(List0)) :-
990 reverse(List0, List),
991 emit_list(List, ListURI, Context),
992 add_triple(Context, CurrentSubject, IRI, ListURI).
994emit_list([], NIL, _) :-
995 rdf_equal(NIL, rdf:nil).
996emit_list([H|T], URI, Context) :-
997 emit_list(T, TailURI, Context),
998 new_bnode(URI, Context),
999 add_triple(Context, URI, rdf:first, H),
1000 add_triple(Context, URI, rdf:rest, TailURI).
1011has_attribute(Name, Attrs, Context) :-
1012 has_attribute(Name, Attrs, _, Context).
1014has_attribute(rel, Attrs, Rel, Context) :-
1015 memberchk(rel=Rel, Attrs),
1016 html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup),
1017 memberchk(property=_, Attrs),
1018 !,
1019 html_non_empty_rel(Rel, Context).
1020has_attribute(rev, Attrs, Rev, Context) :-
1021 memberchk(rev=Rev, Attrs),
1022 html_markup(Context.eval_context.markup),
1023 memberchk(property=_, Attrs),
1024 !,
1025 html_non_empty_rel(Rev, Context).
1026has_attribute(Name, Attrs, Value, _Context) :-
1027 memberchk(Name=Value, Attrs).
1029html_non_empty_rel(Spec, Context) :-
1030 Sep = "\s\t\n\r",
1031 split_string(Spec, Sep, Sep, SpecList),
1032 member(Spec1, SpecList),
1033 safe_curie_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec1, _, Context),
1034 !.
1039iri_attr(Name, Attrs, IRI, Context) :-
1040 memberchk(Name=IRI0, Attrs),
1041 attr_convert(Name, IRI0, IRI, Context).
1043attr_convert(about, Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1044 safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(Spec, IRI, Context).
1045attr_convert(href, Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1046 iri(Spec, IRI, Context).
1047attr_convert(src, Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1048 iri(Spec, IRI, Context).
1049attr_convert(resource, Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1050 safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(Spec, IRI, Context).
1051attr_convert(vocab, Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1052 iri(Spec, IRI, Context).
1053attr_convert(datatype, Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1054 term_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context).
1057about(DOM, About, Context) :-
1058 DOM=element(_,Attrs,_),
1059 ( memberchk(about=About0, Attrs)
1060 -> safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(About0, About, Context)
1061 ; DOM == Context.eval_context.root
1062 -> iri('', About, Context)
1063 ).
1070new_bnode(BNode, Context) :-
1071 EvalCtx = Context.eval_context,
1072 Node = EvalCtx.bnode_id,
1073 arg(1, Node, Id),
1074 succ(Id, Id1),
1075 nb_setarg(1, Node, Id1),
1076 Prefix = EvalCtx.anon_prefix,
1077 ( atom(Prefix)
1078 -> atom_concat(Prefix, Id, BNode)
1079 ; BNode = bnode(Id)
1080 ).
1086iri_list(Spec, IRIs, Context) :-
1087 Sep = "\s\t\n\r",
1088 split_string(Spec, Sep, Sep, SpecList),
1089 ( SpecList == [""]
1090 -> IRIs = []
1091 ; maplist(ctx_to_iri(Context), SpecList, IRIs0),
1092 exclude(==(null), IRIs0, IRIs)
1093 ).
1095ctx_to_iri(Context, Spec, IRI) :-
1096 term_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context).
1102iri(Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1103 iri_normalized(Spec, Context.eval_context.base, IRI).
1105abs_iri(Spec, IRI) :-
1106 uri_components(Spec, Components),
1107 uri_data(authority, Components, Authority), nonvar(Authority),
1108 uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), nonvar(Scheme),
1109 !,
1110 iri_normalized(Spec, IRI).
1118safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1119 safe_curie_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context),
1120 !.
1121safe_curie_or_curie_or_iri(Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1122 uri_normalized(Spec, Context.eval_context.base, IRI).
1124safe_curie_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, _Context) :-
1125 abs_iri(Spec, IRI0),
1126 !,
1127 IRI = IRI0.
1128safe_curie_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1129 atom_codes(Spec, Codes),
1130 ( safe_curie(Codes, Curie)
1131 -> ( phrase(curie(IRI, Context), Curie)
1132 -> true
1133 ; IRI = null
1134 )
1135 ; phrase(curie(IRI, Context), Codes)
1136 ).
1138safe_curie(Codes, Curie) :-
1139 append([0'[|Curie], `]`, Codes).
1141curie(IRI, Context) -->
1142 "_:", !, reference_or_empty(Reference),
1143 { IRI = Context.eval_context.named_bnodes.v.get(Reference)
1144 -> true
1145 ; new_bnode(IRI, Context),
1146 b_set_dict(v, Context.eval_context.named_bnodes,
1147 Context.eval_context.named_bnodes.v.put(Reference, IRI))
1148 }.
1149curie(IRI, Context) -->
1150 ":", !, reference_or_empty(Reference),
1151 { atom_concat(Context.iri_mapping.get(''), Reference, IRI) }.
1152curie(IRI, Context) -->
1153 nc_name(Prefix), ":", !, reference_or_empty(Reference),
1154 { atom_concat(Context.iri_mapping.get(Prefix), Reference, IRI0)
1155 -> IRI = IRI0
1156 ; rdfa_core_prefix(Prefix, URIPrefix)
1157 -> atom_concat(URIPrefix, Reference, IRI)
1158 }.
1164term_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, _Context) :-
1165 abs_iri(Spec, IRI0),
1166 !,
1167 IRI = IRI0.
1168term_or_curie_or_absiri(Spec, IRI, Context) :-
1169 atom_codes(Spec, Codes),
1170 ( phrase(term(Term), Codes),
1171 downcase_atom(Term, LwrCase)
1172 -> ( Vocab = Context.vocab,
1173 Vocab \== ''
1174 -> atom_concat(Vocab, Term, IRI)
1175 ; term_iri(LwrCase, Context.eval_context.markup, IRI0)
1176 -> IRI = IRI0
1177 ; IRI = Context.term_mapping.get(Term)
1178 -> true
1179 ; dict_pairs(Context.term_mapping, _Tag, Pairs),
1180 member(TermCaps-IRI, Pairs),
1181 downcase_atom(TermCaps, LwrCase)
1182 -> true
1183 ; IRI = null
1184 )
1185 ; phrase(curie(IRI, Context), Codes)
1186 -> true
1187 ; uri_normalized(Spec, Context.eval_context.base, IRI)
1188 ).
1194term_expansion(term_iri(Term, Markup), term_iri(Term, Markup, URI)) :-
1195 default_prefix_mapping(Markup, Prefix),
1196 atom_concat(Prefix, Term, URI).
1198term_iri(alternate, xhtml).
1199term_iri(appendix, xhtml).
1200term_iri(cite, xhtml).
1201term_iri(bookmark, xhtml).
1202term_iri(contents, xhtml).
1203term_iri(chapter, xhtml).
1204term_iri(copyright, xhtml).
1205term_iri(first, xhtml).
1206term_iri(glossary, xhtml).
1207term_iri(help, xhtml).
1208term_iri(icon, xhtml).
1209term_iri(index, xhtml).
1210term_iri(last, xhtml).
1211term_iri(meta, xhtml).
1212term_iri(next, xhtml).
1213term_iri(prev, xhtml).
1214term_iri(previous, xhtml).
1215term_iri(section, xhtml).
1216term_iri(start, xhtml).
1217term_iri(stylesheet, xhtml).
1218term_iri(subsection, xhtml).
1219term_iri(top, xhtml).
1220term_iri(up, xhtml).
1221term_iri(p3pv1, xhtml).
1223term_iri(describedby, _, 'http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#describedby').
1224term_iri(license, _, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#license').
1225term_iri(role, _, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#role').
1227 1230
1231prefixes(Dict0, Dict) -->
1232 ws, nc_name(Name), ws, ":", ws, reference(IRI), !, ws,
1233 prefixes(Dict0.put(Name,IRI), Dict).
1234prefixes(Dict, Dict) --> [].
1236ws --> ws1, !, ws.
1237ws --> [].
1239ws1 --> " ".
1240ws1 --> "\t".
1241ws1 --> "\r".
1242ws1 --> "\n".
1244nc_name(Name) -->
1245 [H], {nc_name_start_code(H)},
1246 nc_name_codes(Codes),
1247 { atom_codes(Name0, [H|Codes]),
1248 downcase_atom(Name0, Name)
1249 }.
1255term(Term) -->
1256 [H], {nc_name_start_code(H)},
1257 term_codes(Codes),
1258 { atom_codes(Term, [H|Codes])
1259 }.
1262nc_name_codes([H|T]) --> nc_name_code(H), !, nc_name_codes(T).
1263nc_name_codes([]) --> [].
1265nc_name_code(H) --> [H], {nc_name_code(H)}.
1267term_codes([H|T]) --> term_code(H), !, term_codes(T).
1268term_codes([]) --> [].
1270term_code(H) --> [H], {term_code(H)}.
1272nc_name_start_code(0':) :- !, fail.
1273nc_name_start_code(C) :- xml_basechar(C), !.
1274nc_name_start_code(C) :- xml_ideographic(C).
1276nc_name_code(0':) :- !, fail.
1277nc_name_code(C) :- xml_basechar(C), !.
1278nc_name_code(C) :- xml_digit(C), !.
1279nc_name_code(C) :- xml_ideographic(C), !.
1280nc_name_code(C) :- xml_combining_char(C), !.
1281nc_name_code(C) :- xml_extender(C), !.
1283term_code(0'/) :- !.
1284term_code(C) :- nc_name_code(C).
1286reference(IRI) -->
1287 [H],
1288 reference_codes(T),
1289 { atom_codes(IRI, [H|T]) }.
1291reference_codes([]) --> ws1, !.
1292reference_codes([H|T]) --> [H], !, reference_codes(T).
1293reference_codes([]) --> [].
1295reference_or_empty(IRI) -->
1296 reference_codes(Codes),
1297 { atom_codes(IRI, Codes) }.
1305date_time_type(DateTime, DataType) :-
1306 atom_codes(DateTime, Codes),
1307 phrase(date_time_type(DataType), Codes).
1309date_time_type(DT) --> duration, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:duration) }.
1310date_time_type(DT) --> date_time, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:dateTime) }.
1311date_time_type(DT) --> date, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:date) }.
1312date_time_type(DT) --> time, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:time) }.
1313date_time_type(DT) --> gyearmonth, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:gYearMonth) }.
1314date_time_type(DT) --> gyear, !, { rdf_equal(DT, xsd:gYear) }.
1316duration --> opt_minus, "P",
1317 opt_dy, opt_dm, opt_dd,
1318 ( "T"
1319 -> opt_dh, opt_dm, opt_ds
1320 ; ""
1321 ).
1323date_time --> opt_minus, yyyy, "-", !, mM, "-", dd,
1324 "T", hh, ":", mm, ":", ss, opt_fraction, opt_zzzzzz.
1325date --> opt_minus, yyyy, "-", !, mM, "-", dd.
1326time --> hh, ":", mm, ":", ss, opt_fraction.
1327gyearmonth --> opt_minus, yyyy, "-", !, mM.
1328gyear --> opt_minus, yyyy.
1330opt_minus --> "-", !.
1331opt_minus --> "".
1333yyyy --> dnzs, d, d, d, d.
1335dnzs --> "".
1336dnzs --> dnz, dnzs.
1338opt_fraction --> ".", !, ds.
1339opt_fraction --> "".
1341mM --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M >= 1, M =< 12 }.
1342dd --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M >= 1, M =< 31 }.
1343hh --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M =< 23 }.
1344mm --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M =< 59 }.
1345ss --> d(V1), d(V2), { M is V1*10+V2, M =< 59 }.
1347d(V) --> [D], { between(0'0, 0'9, D), V is D-0'0 }.
1348d --> [D], { between(0'0, 0'9, D) }.
1349dnz --> [D], { between(0'1, 0'9, D) }.
1351ds --> d, !, ds.
1352ds --> "".
1354opt_zzzzzz --> sign, hh, ":", mm.
1355opt_zzzzzz --> "Z".
1356opt_zzzzzz --> "".
1358sign --> "+".
1359sign --> "-".
1361opt_dy --> ( int, "Y" | "" ).
1362opt_dm --> ( int, "M" | "" ).
1363opt_dd --> ( int, "D" | "" ).
1364opt_dh --> ( int, "H" | "" ).
1365opt_ds --> ( int, ("." -> int ; ""), "S" | "" ).
1367int --> d, ds.
1380add_triple(Context, S, P, O) :-
1381 ( debugging(rdfa(triple))
1382 -> debug(rdfa(triple), 'Added { ~p ~p ~p }', [S,P,O]),
1383 backtrace(4)
1384 ; true
1385 ),
1386 valid_subject(S),
1387 valid_predicate(P),
1388 valid_object(O),
1389 !,
1390 Triples = Context.eval_context.triples,
1391 arg(1, Triples, Old),
1392 setarg(1, Triples, [rdf(S,P,O)|Old]).
1393add_triple(_, _, _, _). 1394
1395valid_subject(S) :- S \== null.
1396valid_predicate(P) :- P \== null, \+ rdf_is_bnode(P).
1397valid_object(O) :- O \== null, ( atom(O) -> true ; valid_literal(O) ).
1399valid_literal(literal(Plain)) :-
1400 atom(Plain),
1401 !.
1402valid_literal(literal(type(T, _))) :-
1403 !,
1404 T \== null.
1407add_incomplete_triple(Context, Dict) :-
1408 debug(rdfa(incomplete), 'Incomplete: ~p', [Dict]),
1409 b_set_dict(incomplete_triples, Context,
1410 [ Dict
1411 | Context.incomplete_triples
1412 ]).
1429apply_patterns(TriplesIn, TriplesOut) :-
1430 referenced_patterns(TriplesIn, Pairs),
1431 ( Pairs == []
1432 -> TriplesOut = TriplesIn
1433 ; sort(Pairs, UniquePairs),
1434 dict_pairs(Dict, _, UniquePairs),
1435 pattern_properties(TriplesIn, Dict),
1436 delete_invalid_patterns(Dict, Patterns),
1437 phrase(apply_patterns(TriplesIn, Patterns), TriplesOut)
1438 ).
1440term_expansion(TIn, TOut) :-
1441 rdf_global_term(TIn, TOut).
1443referenced_patterns([], []).
1444referenced_patterns([rdf(_,rdfa:copy,O)|T0], [O-[]|T]) :-
1445 !,
1446 referenced_patterns(T0, T).
1447referenced_patterns([_|T0], T) :-
1448 referenced_patterns(T0, T).
1450pattern_properties([], _).
1451pattern_properties([rdf(S,P,O)|T], Dict) :-
1452 ignore(b_set_dict(S, Dict, [P-O|Dict.get(S)])),
1453 pattern_properties(T, Dict).
1455delete_invalid_patterns(Patterns0, Patterns) :-
1456 dict_pairs(Patterns0, Tag, Pairs0),
1457 include(rdfa_pattern, Pairs0, Pairs),
1458 dict_pairs(Patterns, Tag, Pairs).
1460rdfa_pattern(_-PO) :-
1461 memberchk((rdf:type)-(rdfa:'Pattern'), PO).
1463apply_patterns([], _) --> [].
1464apply_patterns([rdf(S,rdfa:copy,O)|T0], Dict) -->
1465 !,
1466 copy_pattern(Dict.O, S),
1467 apply_patterns(T0, Dict).
1468apply_patterns([rdf(S,_,_)|T0], Dict) -->
1469 { _ = Dict.get(S) },
1470 !,
1471 apply_patterns(T0, Dict).
1472apply_patterns([H|T], Dict) -->
1473 [H],
1474 apply_patterns(T, Dict).
1476copy_pattern([], _) --> [].
1477copy_pattern([(rdf:type)-(rdfa:'Pattern')|T], S) -->
1478 !,
1479 copy_pattern(T, S).
1480copy_pattern([P-O|T], S) -->
1481 [rdf(S,P,O)],
1482 copy_pattern(T, S).
1485 1488
1489:- multifile
1490 rdf_db:rdf_load_stream/3,
1491 rdf_db:rdf_file_type/2.
1499rdf_db:rdf_load_stream(rdfa, Stream, _Module:Options1):-
1500 rdf_db:graph(Options1, Graph),
1501 atom_concat('__', Graph, BNodePrefix),
1502 merge_options([anon_prefix(BNodePrefix)], Options1, Options2),
1503 read_rdfa(Stream, Triples, Options2),
1504 rdf_transaction(( forall(member(rdf(S,P,O), Triples),
1505 rdf_assert(S, P, O, Graph)),
1506 rdf_set_graph(Graph, modified(false))
1507 ),
1508 parse(Graph)).
1510rdf_db:rdf_file_type(html, rdfa)
Extract RDF from an HTML or XML DOM
This module implements extraction of RDFa triples from parsed XML or HTML documents. It has two interfaces: read_rdfa/3 to read triples from some input (stream, file, URL) and xml_rdfa/3 to extract triples from an HTML or XML document that is already parsed with load_html/3 or load_xml/3.