/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2008-2024, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam CWI Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(aggregate, [ aggregate/3, % +Templ, :Goal, -Result aggregate/4, % +Templ, +Discrim, :Goal, -Result aggregate_all/3, % +Templ, :Goal, -Result aggregate_all/4, % +Templ, +Discrim, :Goal, -Result foldall/4, % :Folder, :Goal, +V0, -V) foreach/2, % :Generator, :Goal free_variables/4 % :Generator, :Template, +Vars0, -Vars ]). :- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/4,maplist/5]). :- autoload(library(error), [instantiation_error/1,type_error/2,domain_error/2]). :- autoload(library(lists), [append/3,member/2,sum_list/2,max_list/2,min_list/2]). :- autoload(library(ordsets),[ord_intersection/3]). :- autoload(library(pairs),[pairs_values/2]). :- autoload(library(prolog_code), [mkconj/3]). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- meta_predicate aggregate(?,^,-), aggregate(?,?,^,-), aggregate_all(?,0,-), aggregate_all(?,?,0,-), foldall(2,0,+,-), foreach(0,0). /** Aggregation operators on backtrackable predicates This library provides aggregating operators over the solutions of a predicate. The operations are a generalisation of the bagof/3, setof/3 and findall/3 built-in predicates. Aggregations that can be computed incrementally avoid findall/3 and run in constant memory. The defined aggregation operations are counting, computing the sum, minimum, maximum, a bag of solutions and a set of solutions. We first give a simple example, computing the country with the smallest area: ``` smallest_country(Name, Area) :- aggregate(min(A, N), country(N, A), min(Area, Name)). ``` There are four aggregation predicates (aggregate/3, aggregate/4, aggregate_all/3 and aggregate/4), distinguished on two properties. - aggregate vs. aggregate_all
The aggregate predicates use setof/3 (aggregate/4) or bagof/3 (aggregate/3), dealing with existential qualified variables (`Var^Goal`) and providing multiple solutions for the remaining free variables in `Goal`. The aggregate_all/3 predicate uses findall/3, implicitly qualifying all free variables and providing exactly one solution, while aggregate_all/4 uses sort/2 over solutions that Discriminator (see below) generated using findall/3. - The Discriminator argument
The versions with 4 arguments deduplicate redundant solutions of Goal. Solutions for which both the template variables and Discriminator are identical will be treated as one solution. For example, if we wish to compute the total population of all countries, and for some reason =|country(belgium, 11000000)|= may succeed twice, we can use the following to avoid counting the population of Belgium twice: aggregate(sum(P), Name, country(Name, P), Total) All aggregation predicates support the following operators below in Template. In addition, they allow for an arbitrary named compound term, where each of the arguments is a term from the list below. For example, the term r(min(X), max(X)) computes both the minimum and maximum binding for X. - count Count number of solutions. Same as sum(1). - sum(Expr) Sum of Expr for all solutions. - min(Expr) Minimum of Expr for all solutions. - min(Expr, Witness) A term min(Min, Witness), where Min is the minimal version of Expr over all solutions, and Witness is any other template applied to solutions that produced Min. If multiple solutions provide the same minimum, Witness corresponds to the first solution. - max(Expr) Maximum of Expr for all solutions. - max(Expr, Witness) As min(Expr, Witness), but producing the maximum result. - set(X) An ordered set with all solutions for X. - bag(X) A list of all solutions for X. __Acknowledgements__ _|The development of this library was sponsored by SecuritEase, http://www.securitease.com |_ @compat Quintus, SICStus 4. The forall/2 is a SWI-Prolog built-in and term_variables/3 is a SWI-Prolog built-in with __different semantics__. The foldall/4 primitive is a SWI-Prolog addition. @tbd Analysing the aggregation template and compiling a predicate for the list aggregation can be done at compile time. @tbd aggregate_all/3 can be rewritten to run in constant space using non-backtrackable assignment on a term. */ /******************************* * AGGREGATE * *******************************/ %! aggregate(+Template, :Goal, -Result) is nondet. % % Aggregate bindings in Goal according to Template. The aggregate/3 % version performs bagof/3 on Goal. aggregate(Template, Goal0, Result) :- template_to_pattern(bag, Template, Pattern, Goal0, Goal, Aggregate), bagof(Pattern, Goal, List), aggregate_list(Aggregate, List, Result). %! aggregate(+Template, +Discriminator, :Goal, -Result) is nondet. % % Aggregate bindings in Goal according to Template. The aggregate/4 % version performs setof/3 on Goal. aggregate(Template, Discriminator, Goal0, Result) :- template_to_pattern(bag, Template, Pattern, Goal0, Goal, Aggregate), setof(Discriminator-Pattern, Goal, Pairs), pairs_values(Pairs, List), aggregate_list(Aggregate, List, Result). %! aggregate_all(+Template, :Goal, -Result) is semidet. % % Aggregate bindings in Goal according to Template. The % aggregate_all/3 version performs findall/3 on Goal. Note that this % predicate fails if Template contains one or more of min(X), max(X), % min(X,Witness) or max(X,Witness) and Goal has no solutions, i.e., % the minimum and maximum of an empty set is undefined. % % The Template values `count`, sum(X), max(X), min(X), max(X,W) and % min(X,W) are processed incrementally rather than using findall/3 and % run in constant memory. % % @see foldall/4 to "fold" over all answers. aggregate_all(Var, _, _) :- var(Var), !, instantiation_error(Var). aggregate_all(count, Goal, Count) :- !, aggregate_all(sum(1), Goal, Count). aggregate_all(sum(X), Goal, Sum) :- !, State = state(0), ( call(Goal), arg(1, State, S0), S is S0 + X, nb_setarg(1, State, S), fail ; arg(1, State, Sum) ). aggregate_all(max(X), Goal, Max) :- !, State = state(X), ( call(Goal), arg(1, State, M0), M is max(M0,X), nb_setarg(1, State, M), fail ; arg(1, State, Max), nonvar(Max) ). aggregate_all(min(X), Goal, Min) :- !, State = state(X), ( call(Goal), arg(1, State, M0), M is min(M0,X), nb_setarg(1, State, M), fail ; arg(1, State, Min), nonvar(Min) ). aggregate_all(max(X,W), Goal, max(Max,Witness)) :- !, State = state(false, _Max, _Witness), ( call(Goal), ( State = state(true, Max0, _) -> X > Max0, nb_setarg(2, State, X), nb_setarg(3, State, W) ; number(X) -> nb_setarg(1, State, true), nb_setarg(2, State, X), nb_setarg(3, State, W) ; type_error(number, X) ), fail ; State = state(true, Max, Witness) ). aggregate_all(min(X,W), Goal, min(Min,Witness)) :- !, State = state(false, _Min, _Witness), ( call(Goal), ( State = state(true, Min0, _) -> X < Min0, nb_setarg(2, State, X), nb_setarg(3, State, W) ; number(X) -> nb_setarg(1, State, true), nb_setarg(2, State, X), nb_setarg(3, State, W) ; type_error(number, X) ), fail ; State = state(true, Min, Witness) ). aggregate_all(Template, Goal0, Result) :- template_to_pattern(all, Template, Pattern, Goal0, Goal, Aggregate), findall(Pattern, Goal, List), aggregate_list(Aggregate, List, Result). %! aggregate_all(+Template, +Discriminator, :Goal, -Result) is semidet. % % Aggregate bindings in Goal according to Template. The % aggregate_all/4 version performs findall/3 followed by sort/2 on % Goal. See aggregate_all/3 to understand why this predicate can % fail. aggregate_all(Template, Discriminator, Goal0, Result) :- template_to_pattern(all, Template, Pattern, Goal0, Goal, Aggregate), findall(Discriminator-Pattern, Goal, Pairs0), sort(Pairs0, Pairs), pairs_values(Pairs, List), aggregate_list(Aggregate, List, Result). template_to_pattern(All, Template, Pattern, Goal0, Goal, Aggregate) :- template_to_pattern(Template, Pattern, Post, Vars, Aggregate), existential_vars(Goal0, Goal1, AllVars, Vars), clean_body((Goal1, Post), Goal2), ( All == bag -> add_existential_vars(AllVars, Goal2, Goal) ; Goal = Goal2 ). existential_vars(Var, Var) --> { var(Var) }, !. existential_vars(Var^G0, G) --> !, [Var], existential_vars(G0, G). existential_vars(M:G0, M:G) --> !, existential_vars(G0, G). existential_vars(G, G) --> []. add_existential_vars([], G, G). add_existential_vars([H|T], G0, H^G1) :- add_existential_vars(T, G0, G1). %! clean_body(+Goal0, -Goal) is det. % % Remove redundant `true` from Goal0. clean_body((Goal0,Goal1), Goal) => clean_body(Goal0, GoalA), clean_body(Goal1, GoalB), mkconj(GoalA, GoalB, Goal). clean_body(Goal0, Goal) => Goal = Goal0. %! template_to_pattern(+Template, -Pattern, -Post, -Vars, -Aggregate) % % Determine which parts of the goal we must remember in the % findall/3 pattern. % % @arg Post is a body-term that evaluates expressions to reduce % storage requirements. % @arg Vars is a list of intermediate variables that must be % added to the existential variables for bagof/3. % @arg Aggregate defines the aggregation operation to execute. template_to_pattern(Term, Pattern, Goal, Vars, Aggregate) :- templ_to_pattern(Term, Pattern, Goal, Vars, Aggregate), !. template_to_pattern(Term, Pattern, Goal, Vars, term(MinNeeded, Functor, AggregateArgs)) :- compound(Term), !, Term =.. [Functor|Args0], templates_to_patterns(Args0, Args, Goal, Vars, AggregateArgs), needs_one(AggregateArgs, MinNeeded), Pattern =.. [Functor|Args]. template_to_pattern(Term, _, _, _, _) :- invalid_template(Term). templ_to_pattern(sum(X), X, true, [], sum) :- var(X), !. templ_to_pattern(sum(X0), X, X is X0, [X0], sum) :- !. templ_to_pattern(count, 1, true, [], count) :- !. templ_to_pattern(min(X), X, true, [], min) :- var(X), !. templ_to_pattern(min(X0), X, X is X0, [X0], min) :- !. templ_to_pattern(min(X0, Witness), X-Witness, X is X0, [X0], min_witness) :- !. templ_to_pattern(max(X0), X, X is X0, [X0], max) :- !. templ_to_pattern(max(X0, Witness), X-Witness, X is X0, [X0], max_witness) :- !. templ_to_pattern(set(X), X, true, [], set) :- !. templ_to_pattern(bag(X), X, true, [], bag) :- !. templates_to_patterns([], [], true, [], []). templates_to_patterns([H0], [H], G, Vars, [A]) :- !, sub_template_to_pattern(H0, H, G, Vars, A). templates_to_patterns([H0|T0], [H|T], (G0,G), Vars, [A0|A]) :- sub_template_to_pattern(H0, H, G0, V0, A0), append(V0, RV, Vars), templates_to_patterns(T0, T, G, RV, A). sub_template_to_pattern(Term, Pattern, Goal, Vars, Aggregate) :- templ_to_pattern(Term, Pattern, Goal, Vars, Aggregate), !. sub_template_to_pattern(Term, _, _, _, _) :- invalid_template(Term). invalid_template(Term) :- callable(Term), !, domain_error(aggregate_template, Term). invalid_template(Term) :- type_error(aggregate_template, Term). %! needs_one(+Ops, -OneOrZero) % % If one of the operations in Ops needs at least one answer, % unify OneOrZero to 1. Else 0. needs_one(Ops, 1) :- member(Op, Ops), needs_one(Op), !. needs_one(_, 0). needs_one(min). needs_one(min_witness). needs_one(max). needs_one(max_witness). %! aggregate_list(+Op, +List, -Answer) is semidet. % % Aggregate the answer from the list produced by findall/3, % bagof/3 or setof/3. The latter two cases deal with compound % answers. % % @tbd Compile code for incremental state update, which we will use % for aggregate_all/3 as well. We should be using goal_expansion % to generate these clauses. aggregate_list(bag, List0, List) :- !, List = List0. aggregate_list(set, List, Set) :- !, sort(List, Set). aggregate_list(sum, List, Sum) :- sum_list(List, Sum). aggregate_list(count, List, Count) :- length(List, Count). aggregate_list(max, List, Sum) :- max_list(List, Sum). aggregate_list(max_witness, List, max(Max, Witness)) :- max_pair(List, Max, Witness). aggregate_list(min, List, Sum) :- min_list(List, Sum). aggregate_list(min_witness, List, min(Min, Witness)) :- min_pair(List, Min, Witness). aggregate_list(term(0, Functor, Ops), List, Result) :- !, maplist(state0, Ops, StateArgs, FinishArgs), State0 =.. [Functor|StateArgs], aggregate_term_list(List, Ops, State0, Result0), finish_result(Ops, FinishArgs, Result0, Result). aggregate_list(term(1, Functor, Ops), [H|List], Result) :- H =.. [Functor|Args], maplist(state1, Ops, Args, StateArgs, FinishArgs), State0 =.. [Functor|StateArgs], aggregate_term_list(List, Ops, State0, Result0), finish_result(Ops, FinishArgs, Result0, Result). aggregate_term_list([], _, State, State). aggregate_term_list([H|T], Ops, State0, State) :- step_term(Ops, H, State0, State1), aggregate_term_list(T, Ops, State1, State). %! min_pair(+Pairs, -Key, -Value) is det. %! max_pair(+Pairs, -Key, -Value) is det. % % True if Key-Value has the smallest/largest key in Pairs. If % multiple pairs share the smallest/largest key, the first pair is % returned. min_pair([M0-W0|T], M, W) :- min_pair(T, M0, W0, M, W). min_pair([], M, W, M, W). min_pair([M0-W0|T], M1, W1, M, W) :- ( M0 < M1 -> min_pair(T, M0, W0, M, W) ; min_pair(T, M1, W1, M, W) ). max_pair([M0-W0|T], M, W) :- max_pair(T, M0, W0, M, W). max_pair([], M, W, M, W). max_pair([M0-W0|T], M1, W1, M, W) :- ( M0 > M1 -> max_pair(T, M0, W0, M, W) ; max_pair(T, M1, W1, M, W) ). %! step(+AggregateAction, +New, +State0, -State1). step(bag, X, [X|L], L). step(set, X, [X|L], L). step(count, _, X0, X1) :- succ(X0, X1). step(sum, X, X0, X1) :- X1 is X0+X. step(max, X, X0, X1) :- X1 is max(X0, X). step(min, X, X0, X1) :- X1 is min(X0, X). step(max_witness, X-W, X0-W0, X1-W1) :- ( X > X0 -> X1 = X, W1 = W ; X1 = X0, W1 = W0 ). step(min_witness, X-W, X0-W0, X1-W1) :- ( X < X0 -> X1 = X, W1 = W ; X1 = X0, W1 = W0 ). step(term(Ops), Row, Row0, Row1) :- step_term(Ops, Row, Row0, Row1). step_term(Ops, Row, Row0, Row1) :- functor(Row, Name, Arity), functor(Row1, Name, Arity), step_list(Ops, 1, Row, Row0, Row1). step_list([], _, _, _, _). step_list([Op|OpT], Arg, Row, Row0, Row1) :- arg(Arg, Row, X), arg(Arg, Row0, X0), arg(Arg, Row1, X1), step(Op, X, X0, X1), succ(Arg, Arg1), step_list(OpT, Arg1, Row, Row0, Row1). finish_result(Ops, Finish, R0, R) :- functor(R0, Functor, Arity), functor(R, Functor, Arity), finish_result(Ops, Finish, 1, R0, R). finish_result([], _, _, _, _). finish_result([Op|OpT], [F|FT], I, R0, R) :- arg(I, R0, A0), arg(I, R, A), finish_result1(Op, F, A0, A), succ(I, I2), finish_result(OpT, FT, I2, R0, R). finish_result1(bag, Bag0, [], Bag) :- !, Bag = Bag0. finish_result1(set, Bag, [], Set) :- !, sort(Bag, Set). finish_result1(max_witness, _, M-W, R) :- !, R = max(M,W). finish_result1(min_witness, _, M-W, R) :- !, R = min(M,W). finish_result1(_, _, A, A). %! state0(+Op, -State, -Finish) state0(bag, L, L). state0(set, L, L). state0(count, 0, _). state0(sum, 0, _). %! state1(+Op, +First, -State, -Finish) state1(bag, X, L, [X|L]) :- !. state1(set, X, L, [X|L]) :- !. state1(_, X, X, _). /******************************* * FOLDALL * *******************************/ %! foldall(:Folder, :Goal, +V0, -V) is det. % % Use Folder to fold V0 to V using all answers of Goal. This predicate % generates all answers for Goal and for each answer it calls % call(Folder,V0,V1). This predicate provides behaviour similar to % aggregate_all/3-4, but operates in constant space and allows for % custom aggregation (Folder) operators. The example below uses plus/3 % to realise aggregate_all(sum(X), between(1,10,X), Sum). % % ?- foldall(plus(X), between(1,10,X), 0, Sum). % Sum = 55 % % The implementation uses nb_setarg/3 for non-backtrackable state % updates. % % @see aggregate_all/3-4, foldl/4-7, nb_setarg/3. foldall(Op, Goal, V0, V) :- State = state(V0), ( call(Goal), arg(1, State, S0), call(Op, S0, S), nb_setarg(1, State, S), fail ; arg(1, State, V) ). /******************************* * FOREACH * *******************************/ %! foreach(:Generator, :Goal) % % True when the conjunction of _instances_ of Goal created from % solutions for Generator is true. Except for term copying, this could % be implemented as below. % % ``` % foreach(Generator, Goal) :- % findall(Goal, Generator, Goals), % maplist(call, Goals). % ``` % % The actual implementation uses findall/3 on a template created from % the variables _shared_ between Generator and Goal. Subsequently, it % uses every instance of this template to instantiate Goal, call Goal % and undo _only_ the instantiation of the template and _not_ other % instantiations created by running Goal. Here is an example: % % ``` % ?- foreach(between(1,4,X), dif(X,Y)), Y = 5. % Y = 5. % ?- foreach(between(1,4,X), dif(X,Y)), Y = 3. % false. % ``` % % The predicate foreach/2 is mostly used if Goal performs % backtrackable destructive assignment on terms. Attributed variables % (underlying constraints) are an example. Another example of a % backtrackable data structure is in library(hashtable). If we care % only about the side effects (I/O, dynamic database, etc.) or the % truth value of Goal, forall/2 is a faster and simpler alternative. % If Goal instantiates its arguments it is will often fail as the % argument cannot be instantiated to multiple values. It is possible % to incrementally _grow_ an argument: % % ``` % ?- foreach(between(1,4,X), member(X, L)). % L = [1,2,3,4|_]. % ``` % % Note that SWI-Prolog up to version 8.3.4 created copies of Goal % using copy_term/2 for each iteration, this makes the current % implementation unable to properly handle compound terms (in Goal's % arguments) that share variables with the Generator. As a workaround % you can define a goal that does not use compound terms, like in this % example: % % ``` % mem(E,L) :- % mem/2 hides the compound argument from foreach/2 % member(r(E),L). % % ?- foreach( between(1,5,N), mem(N,L)). % ``` foreach(Generator, Goal) :- term_variables(Generator, GenVars0), sort(GenVars0, GenVars), term_variables(Goal, GoalVars0), sort(GoalVars0, GoalVars), ord_intersection(GenVars, GoalVars, SharedVars), Templ =.. [v|SharedVars], findall(Templ, Generator, List), prove_list(List, Templ, Goal). prove_list([], _, _). prove_list([H|T], Templ, Goal) :- Templ = H, call(Goal), '$unbind_template'(Templ), prove_list(T, Templ, Goal). %! free_variables(:Generator, +Template, +VarList0, -VarList) is det. % % Find free variables in bagof/setof template. In order to handle % variables properly, we have to find all the universally % quantified variables in the Generator. All variables as yet % unbound are universally quantified, unless % % 1. they occur in the template % 2. they are bound by X^P, setof/3, or bagof/3 % % free_variables(Generator, Template, OldList, NewList) finds this % set using OldList as an accumulator. % % @author Richard O'Keefe % @author Jan Wielemaker (made some SWI-Prolog enhancements) % @license Public domain (from DEC10 library). % @tbd Distinguish between control-structures and data terms. % @tbd Exploit our built-in term_variables/2 at some places? free_variables(Term, Bound, VarList, [Term|VarList]) :- var(Term), term_is_free_of(Bound, Term), list_is_free_of(VarList, Term), !. free_variables(Term, _Bound, VarList, VarList) :- var(Term), !. free_variables(Term, Bound, OldList, NewList) :- explicit_binding(Term, Bound, NewTerm, NewBound), !, free_variables(NewTerm, NewBound, OldList, NewList). free_variables(Term, Bound, OldList, NewList) :- functor(Term, _, N), free_variables(N, Term, Bound, OldList, NewList). free_variables(0, _, _, VarList, VarList) :- !. free_variables(N, Term, Bound, OldList, NewList) :- arg(N, Term, Argument), free_variables(Argument, Bound, OldList, MidList), M is N-1, !, free_variables(M, Term, Bound, MidList, NewList). % explicit_binding checks for goals known to existentially quantify % one or more variables. In particular \+ is quite common. explicit_binding(\+ _Goal, Bound, fail, Bound ) :- !. explicit_binding(not(_Goal), Bound, fail, Bound ) :- !. explicit_binding(Var^Goal, Bound, Goal, Bound+Var) :- !. explicit_binding(setof(Var,Goal,Set), Bound, Goal-Set, Bound+Var) :- !. explicit_binding(bagof(Var,Goal,Bag), Bound, Goal-Bag, Bound+Var) :- !. %! term_is_free_of(+Term, +Var) is semidet. % % True if Var does not appear in Term. This has been rewritten % from the DEC10 library source to exploit our non-deterministic % arg/3. term_is_free_of(Term, Var) :- \+ var_in_term(Term, Var). var_in_term(Term, Var) :- Var == Term, !. var_in_term(Term, Var) :- compound(Term), arg(_, Term, Arg), var_in_term(Arg, Var), !. %! list_is_free_of(+List, +Var) is semidet. % % True if Var is not in List. list_is_free_of([Head|Tail], Var) :- Head \== Var, !, list_is_free_of(Tail, Var). list_is_free_of([], _). % term_variables(+Term, +Vars0, -Vars) is det. % % True if Vars is the union of variables in Term and Vars0. % We cannot have this as term_variables/3 is already defined % as a difference-list version of term_variables/2. %term_variables(Term, Vars0, Vars) :- % term_variables(Term+Vars0, Vars). %! sandbox:safe_meta(+Goal, -Called) is semidet. % % Declare the aggregate meta-calls safe. This cannot be proven due % to the manipulations of the argument Goal. :- multifile sandbox:safe_meta_predicate/1. sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(aggregate:foreach/2). sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(aggregate:aggregate/3). sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(aggregate:aggregate/4). sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(aggregate:aggregate_all/3). sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(aggregate:aggregate_all/4).