30:- module(register, []). 31:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 32:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 33:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). 34:- use_module(openid). 35:- use_module(library(smtp)). 36
37:- http_handler(root(register), register, []). 38:- http_handler(root(submit_registration), submit_registration, []). 39
40register(Request) :-
41 http_parameters(Request,
42 [ for(Kind, [ oneof([wiki,news]),
43 default(wiki)
44 ])
45 ]),
46 site_user(Request, User),
47 reg_title(Kind, Title),
48 reply_html_page(
49 user(form(register(User, Kind))),
50 title(Title),
51 \reg_body(User, Kind)).
53reg_title(wiki, 'Register to edit SWI-Prolog wiki pages').
54reg_title(news, 'Register to manage news postings').
56reg_body(User, Kind) -->
57 reg_explain(Kind),
58 form(User, Kind).
60reg_explain(wiki) -->
61 html({|html||
62 <p>This form allows you to request permission to edit
63 the SWI-Prolog wiki pages. That is, the pages that have
64 an <b>Edit this page</b> in the <b>WIKI</b> menu.
65 </p>
67 <h2 class="wiki">Registration form</h2>
68 |}).
69reg_explain(news) -->
70 html({|html||
71 <p>This form allows you to request permission to post
72 news articles using the menu <b>COMMUNITY/News</b>
73 </p>
75 <h2 class="wiki">Registration form</h2>
76 |}).
79form(UUID, Kind) -->
80 { http_location_by_id(submit_registration, Action),
81 PlaceHolder = 'Please tell us your plans, so that we can \c
82 tell you are a genuine human Prolog user',
83 site_user_property(UUID, name(Name), 'anonymous'),
84 site_user_property(UUID, email(Email), 'unknown')
85 },
86 html(form(action(Action),
87 [ input([type(hidden), name(kind), value(Kind)]),
88 table([ tr([ th([align(right)], 'Name'),
89 td(input([name(name),
90 placeholder(
91 'Name associated to commits'),
92 disabled(disabled),
93 value(Name)
94 ]))
95 ]),
96 tr([ th([align(right)], 'Email'),
97 td(input([name(email),
98 placeholder(
99 'Displayed with GIT commit'),
100 disabled(disabled),
101 value(Email)
102 ]))
103 ]),
104 tr([ th([align(right), valign(top)], 'Comments:'),
105 td([ class(wiki_text), colspan(2) ],
106 textarea([ cols(50),rows(10),name(comment),
107 placeholder(PlaceHolder)
108 ],
109 ''))
110 ]),
111 tr([ td([ colspan(2), align(right) ],
112 input([ type(submit),
113 value('Sent request')
114 ]))
115 ])
116 ])
117 ])).
124submit_registration(Request) :-
125 site_user(Request, UUID),
126 http_parameters(Request,
127 [ comment(Comment, [optional(true)]),
128 kind(Kind, [])
129 ]),
130 mail(UUID, Kind, Comment),
131 reply_html_page(
132 user(mailed(admin, permission(Kind))),
133 title('Mail sent'),
134 [ p([ 'A mail has been sent to the site adminstrator. ',
135 'You will be informed when the account has been ',
136 'created.'
137 ])
138 ]).
140mail(UUID, Kind, Comment) :-
141 smtp_send_mail('jan@swi-prolog.org',
142 message(UUID, Kind, Comment),
143 [ subject('SWI-Prolog permission request'),
144 from('jan@swi-prolog.org')
145 ]).
147message(UUID, Kind, Comment, Out) :-
148 site_user_property(UUID, name(Name), 'anonymous'),
149 site_user_property(UUID, email(EMail), 'unknown'),
150 format(Out, 'New site permission request\n\n', []),
151 format(Out, '\t Kind: ~w~n', [Kind]),
152 format(Out, '\t UUID: ~w~n', [UUID]),
153 format(Out, '\t Name: ~w~n', [Name]),
154 format(Out, '\tE-Mail: ~w~n', [EMail]),
155 format(Out, '~n~w~n', [Comment]).
158site_user_property(UUID, P, Default) :-
159 ( site_user_property(UUID, P)
160 -> true
161 ; arg(1, P, Default)
162 ).
164:- multifile
165 plweb:page_title//1. 166
168plweb:page_title(user(form(register(_User, Kind)))) -->
169 { reg_title(Kind, Title) },
170 html(Title).
171plweb:page_title(user(mailed(To, permission(_Kind)))) -->
172 html('Mail sent to ~w'-[To])