/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 2013, VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(pack_info, [ update_pack_metadata/0, update_pack_metadata_in_background/0, pack_file_hierarchy//1, % +Pack pack_readme//1, % +Pack pack_file_details/3, % +Pack, +File, +Options clean_pack_info/1, % +Pack pack_archive/3 % ?Pack, ?Hash, ?Archive ]). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/mimetype)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(http/html_head)). :- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_wiki)). :- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_html), [ doc_for_file/2 % other imports conflict ]). % with doc_wiki :- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_htmlsrc)). :- use_module(library(prolog_xref)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(pack_analyzer). :- use_module(pack_mirror). :- use_module(pack). :- use_module(wiki). /** Visual (web) components that show info about packs */ /******************************* * COLLECT INFO * *******************************/ :- dynamic pack_archive/3, % ?Pack, ?Hash, ?Archive pack_file/4, % ?Pack, ?File, ?Info, ?XrefID xreffed_pack/2. %% update_pack_metadata is det. %% update_pack_metadata_in_background is det. % % Destroy and recompute all pack meta-data. % update_pack_metadata_in_background/0 runs update_pack_metadata/0 % in a detached thread. update_pack_metadata :- absolute_file_name(log('pack-warnings.log'), LogFile, [ access(write) ]), setup_call_cleanup( ( open(LogFile, write, ErrorOut, [encoding(utf8)]), asserta((user:thread_message_hook(_Term, Kind, Lines) :- ( must_print(Kind) -> print_message_lines(ErrorOut, kind(Kind), Lines) ; true ))) ), ( clean_pack_metadata, mirror_packs, xref_packs ), close(ErrorOut)). must_print(warning). must_print(error). clean_pack_metadata :- retractall(pack_archive(_,_,_)), forall(retract(pack_file(_,_,_,XrefID)), ( xref_current_source(XrefID) -> xref_clean(XrefID) ; true )), retractall(xreffed_pack(_,_)). update_pack_metadata_in_background :- thread_create(update_pack_metadata, _, [ detached(true), alias(update_pack_metadata) ]). %% mirror_packs % % Mirror the latest versions of all known packs mirror_packs :- forall(pack(Pack), mirror_pack(Pack)). %% mirror_pack(+Pack) % % Process a pack, collecting the relevant information into the % (local) Prolog database. Automatically reprocesses the pack if % the pack has been upgraded. mirror_pack(Pack) :- pack_mirror(Pack, ArchiveFile, Hash), absolute_file_name(ArchiveFile, ArchivePath), ( pack_archive(Pack, Hash, ArchivePath) -> true ; clean_pack_info(Pack), pack_members(ArchivePath, Members), maplist(assert_file_info(Pack, ArchivePath), Members), assertz(pack_archive(Pack, Hash, ArchivePath)) ), !. mirror_pack(Pack) :- print_message(warning, pack(mirror_failed(Pack))). assert_file_info(Pack, ArchivePath, file(File, Size)) :- ( pack_prolog_entry(File) -> directory_file_path(ArchivePath, File, XrefID), assertz(pack_file(Pack, File, file(Size), XrefID)) ; assertz(pack_file(Pack, File, file(Size), -)) ). assert_file_info(Pack, _, link(File, Target)) :- assertz(pack_file(Pack, File, link(Target), -)). %% clean_pack_info(+Pack) % % Remove the collected info for Pack clean_pack_info(Pack) :- retractall(pack_archive(Pack,_,_)), forall(retract(pack_file(Pack, _, _, XrefID)), ( XrefID == (-) -> true ; xref_clean(XrefID) )). %% xref_packs % % Cross-reference all mirrored packs xref_packs :- !. xref_packs :- forall(pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive), ( debug(pack(xref), 'Cross-referencing pack ~w', [Pack]), ensure_xref_pack(Archive))). ensure_xref_pack(Pack) :- xreffed_pack(Pack, _), !. ensure_xref_pack(Pack) :- xref_pack(Pack), get_time(Time), asserta(xreffed_pack(Pack, Time)). /******************************* * VISUALS * *******************************/ %% pack_file_hierarchy(+Pack)// is det. % % Create a =ul= for all files that appear in the pack. Maybe we % should consider a tree-styled nested =ul=? pack_file_hierarchy(Pack) --> html(h2(class(wiki), 'Contents of pack "~w"'-[Pack])), { mirror_pack(Pack), pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive), ensure_xref_pack(Archive), findall(File, pack_file(Pack, File, _Size, _XrefID), Files), files_to_tree(Files, Trees) }, pack_size(Pack), html_requires(css('ul_tree.css')), html(div(class('pack-files'), ul(class(tree), \dir_nodes(Pack, Trees)))). pack_size(Pack) --> { aggregate_all( sum(Size)-count, pack_file(Pack, _Name, file(Size), _XrefID), Total-Count) }, html(p([ 'Pack contains ', \n('~D', Count), ' files holding a total of ', b(\n(human, Total)), ' bytes.' ])). dir_nodes(_, []) --> []. dir_nodes(Pack, [H|T]) --> dir_node(H, Pack), dir_nodes(Pack, T). dir_node(leaf(File), Pack) --> !, html(li(class(file), \pack_file_link(Pack, File))). dir_node(tree(Dir, SubTrees), Pack) --> html(li(class(dir), [ span(class(dir), Dir), ul(class(dir), \dir_nodes(Pack, SubTrees)) ])). pack_file_link(Pack, File) --> { file_base_name(File, Label), http_link_to_id(pack_file_details, [], HREF0), atomic_list_concat([HREF0, Pack, File], /, HREF) }, html(a(href(HREF), Label)), file_hierarchy_info(Pack, File). file_hierarchy_info(Pack, File) --> { pack_file(Pack, File, file(Size), XrefID) }, !, html(span(class('file-tree-info'), [ '(', \n(human, Size), ' bytes', \prolog_file_info(Pack, File, XrefID), ')' ])). file_hierarchy_info(_,_) --> []. prolog_file_info(_, _, -) --> !. prolog_file_info(_Pack, File, XrefID) --> module_info(File, XrefID). module_info(File, XrefID) --> { xref_module(XrefID, Module), !, file_base_name(File, Base), file_name_extension(Clean, _, Base) }, ( {Module == Clean} -> [] ; html(span(class('module-mismatch'), Module)) ). module_info(_, _) --> html([', ', span(class(warning), 'not a module')]). %% files_to_tree(+Files:list(atom), -Tree) is det. % % Creates a tree from a list of file names. A tree is a term % % * tree(Dir, SubTrees) % * leaf(File) files_to_tree(Files, Tree) :- map_list_to_pairs(path_of, Files, Pairs), keysort(Pairs, Sorted), make_tree(Sorted, Tree). path_of(File, Segments) :- atomic_list_concat(Segments, /, File). make_tree([], []). make_tree([H|T], [Node|More]) :- first_path(H, HS, Dir), ( HS = []-File -> Node = leaf(File), Rest = T ; Node = tree(Dir, SubTrees), same_first_path(T, Dir, TS, Rest), make_tree([HS|TS], SubTrees) ), make_tree(Rest, More). first_path([Dir|Sub]-File, Sub-File, Dir). same_first_path([], _, [], []) :- !. same_first_path([H|T], Dir, [HS|TS], Rest) :- first_path(H, HS, Dir), !, same_first_path(T, Dir, TS, Rest). same_first_path(Rest, _, [], Rest). %% n(+Format, +Value)// % % HTML component to emit a number. n(Fmt, Value) --> { number_html(Fmt, Value, HTML) }, html(HTML). number_html(human, Value, HTML) :- integer(Value), !, human_count(Value, HTML). number_html(Fmt, Value, HTML) :- number(Value), !, HTML = Fmt-[Value]. number_html(_, Value, '~p'-[Value]). human_count(Number, HTML) :- Number < 1024, !, HTML = '~d'-[Number]. human_count(Number, HTML) :- Number < 1024*1024, !, KB is Number/1024, digits(KB, N), HTML = '~*fK'-[N, KB]. human_count(Number, HTML) :- Number < 1024*1024*1024, !, MB is Number/(1024*1024), digits(MB, N), HTML = '~*fM'-[N, MB]. human_count(Number, HTML) :- TB is Number/(1024*1024*1024), digits(TB, N), HTML = '~*fG'-[N, TB]. digits(Count, N) :- ( Count < 100 -> N = 1 ; N = 0 ). %% pack_readme(+Pack)// % % Insert readme information if provided. pack_readme(Pack) --> { pack_readme_file(Pack, File, Size) }, pack_readme(Pack, File, Size). pack_readme(_Pack, File, Size) --> { MaxSize = 50000, Size > MaxSize }, !, html(p(class(warning), 'Readme file ~w too large (~D bytes; maximum size is ~D)'- [File, Size, MaxSize])). pack_readme(Pack, File, _) --> { pack_archive(Pack, _, Archive), format(atom(FileURL), '~w/~w', [Archive, File]), setup_call_cleanup( pack_open_entry(Archive, File, Stream), read_stream_to_codes(Stream, String), close(Stream)), setup_call_cleanup( b_setval(pldoc_file, FileURL), wiki_codes_to_dom(String, [], DOM), nb_delete(pldoc_file)) }, html(DOM). pack_readme_file(Pack, Readme, Size) :- mirror_pack(Pack), pack_file(Pack, Readme, file(Size), -), downcase_atom(Readme, Key), readme_file(Key). readme_file(readme). readme_file('readme.txt'). readme_file('readme.md'). %% pack_file_details(+Pack, +File, +Options) is det. % % Reply with an web-page with details on File in Pack. Options: % % * show(+Show) % One of =doc=, =src=, =raw= % * public_only(+Bool) % % @tbd Is rendering files without checking them a good idea? pack_file_details(Pack, _File, _Options) :- mirror_pack(Pack), pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive), ensure_xref_pack(Archive), fail. pack_file_details(Pack, File, Options) :- pack_file(Pack, File, file(_Size), XrefID), XrefID \== (-), option(show(Show), Options, doc), ( Show == doc -> !, format(atom(Title), 'Pack ~w -- ~w', [Pack, File]), doc_for_file(XrefID, [ title(Title), edit(false) ]) ; Show == src -> !, pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive), directory_file_path(Archive, File, Path), format('Content-type: text/html~n~n'), source_to_html(Path, stream(current_output), []) ). pack_file_details(Pack, File, _Options) :- pack_file(Pack, File, file(Size), -), file_base_name(File, Base), downcase_atom(Base, BaseLwr), wiki_file(BaseLwr), !, format(atom(Title), 'Pack ~w -- ~w', [Pack, File]), reply_html_page( pack(text, Title), title(Title), \pack_readme(Pack, File, Size)). pack_file_details(Pack, File, _Options) :- pack_file(Pack, File, file(_Size), -), pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive), file_mime_type(File, MimeType), format('Content-type: ~w~n~n', [MimeType]), setup_call_cleanup( pack_open_entry(Archive, File, Stream), copy_stream_data(Stream, current_output), close(Stream)), !. pack_file_details(Pack, File, _Options) :- format(atom(Title), 'Pack ~w -- ~w', [Pack, File]), reply_html_page( pack(warning, Title), title(Title), \no_pack_file(Pack, File)). no_pack_file(Pack, File) --> html(p(class(warning), [ 'The current version of pack ', code(class(pack), Pack), ' does not ', ' contain a file ', code(class(file), File) ])). wiki_file(readme). wiki_file(todo). wiki_file(Name) :- file_name_extension(_, md, Name). wiki_file(Name) :- file_name_extension(_, txt, Name). :- multifile plweb:page_title//1. plweb:page_title(pack(_Type, Title)) --> html(Title).