View source with raw comments or as raw
    1:- module(changelog,
    2	  [
    3	  ]).    4:- use_module(library(settings)).    5:- use_module(library(process)).    6:- use_module(library(readutil)).    7:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).    8:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).    9:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).   10:- use_module(wiki).   11
   12:- setting(sources,
   13	   atom,
   14	   '~/src/swipl-devel',
   15	   'Sourced directory for getting changelog').   16:- setting(branches,
   17	   list(any),
   18	   [ development = 'origin/master',
   19	     stable = 'stable/master'
   20	   ],
   21	   'Branches displayed').   22:- setting(default_branch,
   23	   atom,
   24	   development,
   25	   'Default branch to show').   26
   27:- http_handler(root('ChangeLog'), changelog, [pool(wiki)]).
HTTP handler that shows the ChangeLog since a given version.
   33changelog(Request) :-
   34	http_parameters(Request,
   35			[ from(VFrom,    [optional(true)]),
   36			  to(VTo,        [optional(true)]),
   37			  branch(Branch, [optional(true)])
   38			]),
   39	defaults(VFrom, VTo, Branch),
   40	changelog_dom(VFrom-VTo, DOM),
   41	(   memberchk(h1(_, TitleParts), DOM)
   42	->  atomic_list_concat(TitleParts, Title)
   43	;   Title = 'SWI-Prolog ChangeLog'
   44	),
   45	reply_html_page(pldoc(default),
   46			title(Title),
   47			[ \alt_branches(Branch), ', ',
   48			  \alt_versions(Branch, VFrom, VTo)
   49			| DOM
   50			]).
   52defaults(VFrom, VTo, _Branch) :-
   53	nonvar(VFrom), nonvar(VTo), !.
   54defaults(VFrom, VTo, Branch) :-
   55	(   var(Branch)
   56	->  setting(default_branch, Branch)
   57	;   true
   58	),
   59	branch_versions(Branch, Versions),
   60	append(_, [VTo,VFrom|_], Versions), !.
   62:- dynamic
   63	changelog_cache/2,
   64	changelog_seen/2.   65
   66changelog_dom(Range, DOM) :-
   67	changelog_cache(Range, DOM), !,
   68	get_time(Now),
   69	retractall(changelog_seen(Range, _)),
   70	assertz(changelog_seen(Range, Now)).
   71changelog_dom(Range, DOM) :-
   72	changelog(Range, Codes),
   73	wiki_file_codes_to_dom(Codes, -, DOM),
   74	assertz(changelog_cache(Range, DOM)),
   75	get_time(Now),
   76	assertz(changelog_seen(Range, Now)),
   77	clean_cached_changelogs(5).
   79clean_cached_changelogs(Keep) :-
   80	repeat,
   81	predicate_property(changelog_cache(_,_), number_of_clauses(N)),
   82	(   N > Keep
   83	->  retract(changelog_seen(Range, _)),
   84	    retractall(changelog_cache(Range, _)),
   85	    fail
   86	;   !
   87	).
   89changelog(Range, Codes) :-
   90	setting(sources, SourceDir0),
   91	expand_file_name(SourceDir0, [SourceDir]),
   92	directory_file_path(SourceDir, 'scripts/mkchangelog', Script),
   93	range_arg(Range, Versions),
   94	setup_call_cleanup(
   95	    process_create(Script, ['--wiki', Versions],
   96			   [ stdout(pipe(Out)),
   97			     cwd(SourceDir)
   98			   ]),
   99	    read_stream_to_codes(Out, Codes),
  100	    close(Out)).
  102range_arg(From-To, Versions) :-
  103	atomic_list_concat([From, To], '..', Versions).
  104range_arg(From, From).
 alt_branches(+Current)// is det
  108alt_branches(Branch) -->
  109	{ setting(branches, Branches),
  110	  maplist(arg(1), Branches, Aliases)
  111	},
  112	html(b('Branch:')),
  113	(   { select(Branch, Aliases, Switch) }
  114	->  (   { Switch \== [] }
  115	    ->	html([' ', Branch, ' (switch to ' | \branches(Switch)]),
  116		html(')')
  117	    ;	[]
  118	    )
  119	;   branches(Aliases)
  120	).
  122branches([]) --> [].
  123branches([H|T]) --> branch(H), branches(T).
  125branch(B) -->
  126	{ http_link_to_id(changelog, [branch(B)], HREF)
  127	},
  128	html([' ', a(href(HREF), B)]).
  130alt_versions(Branch, _VFrom, _VTo) -->
  131	{ var(Branch) }, !.
  132alt_versions(Branch, VFrom, VTo) -->
  133	{ branch_versions(Branch, Versions),
  134	  http_link_to_id(changelog, [], Action)
  135	},
  136	html([ form([action(Action), style('display:inline')],
  137		    [ input([type(hidden), name(branch), value(Branch)]),
  138		      b('version'),' ',
  139		      \select(from, Versions, VFrom),
  140		      b(' to version '),
  141		      \select(to, Versions, VTo), ' ',
  142		      input([ type(submit),
  143			      value('Update')
  144			    ])
  145		    ])
  146	     ]).
  148select(Name, Values, Selected) -->
  149	html(select(name(Name), \values(Values, Selected))).
  151values([], _) --> [].
  152values([H|T], Selected) --> value(H, Selected), values(T, Selected).
  154value(V, V) --> !,
  155	html(option([selected], V)).
  156value(V, _) -->
  157	html(option(V)).
 versions(Branch, Versions) is det
Retrieve the versions that are available for Branch.
  163:- dynamic
  164	version_cache/3.			% Branch, Retrieved, Versions
  166branch_versions(Alias, Versions) :-
  167	setting(branches, Map),
  168	memberchk(Alias=Branch, Map),
  169	versions(Alias, Branch, Versions).
  171versions(_, Branch, Versions) :-
  172	version_cache(Branch, Retrieved, Versions),
  173	get_time(Now),
  174	Now-Retrieved < 600, !.
  175versions(Alias, Branch, Versions) :-
  176	retractall(version_cache(Branch, _, _)),
  177	versions_no_cache(Branch, AllVersions),
  178	include(branch_version(Alias), AllVersions, Versions),
  179	get_time(Now),
  180	assertz(version_cache(Branch, Now, Versions)).
  182versions_no_cache(Branch, Versions) :-
  183	git_repo(Repo),
  184	git_tags_on_branch(Repo, Branch, Tags),
  185	tags_versions(Tags,  Versions).
  187tags_versions([], []).
  188tags_versions([H|T], Versions) :-
  189	atomic_list_concat(Tags, ', ', H),
  190	(   Tags = [Tag]
  191	->  (   atom_concat('V', Version, Tag)
  192	    ->	Versions = [Version|VT],
  193		tags_versions(T, VT)
  194	    ;	tags_versions(T, Versions)
  195	    )
  196	;   append(Tags, T, AllTags),
  197	    tags_versions(AllTags, Versions)
  198	).
  200git_repo(Repo) :-
  201	setting(sources, SourceDir0),
  202	expand_file_name(SourceDir0, [Repo]).
 branch_version(+BranchAlias, +Version)
True if Version is a stable version
  208branch_version(stable, Version) :- !,
  209	atomic_list_concat([_Major,MinorAtom,_Patch], '.', Version),
  210	atom_number(MinorAtom, Minor),
  211	Minor mod 2 =:= 0.
  212branch_version(_, _)