8.3 The `Defaults' file

The Defaults file consists of statements. Each statement is on a separate line. A statement may be split over several lines by preceeding the newline with a backslash (\). The exclamation mark (!) is the line-comment character. All input from the ! upto the following newline is replaced by a single space-character. Empty lines or lines containing only blank space are ignored.

Default files may include other default files using the statement

#include <file>

Default statements are of the form:

<class>.<class-variable>: <value>

Where <class> denotes the name of the class, or * to indicate the default applies for any class defining this class-variable. If both forms are found, the statement with the explicit class-name is used. <class-variable> denotes the class-variable name. <value> is the default value of the class-variable. The syntax for <value> is similar to the arguments of send/[2-12]. The (informal) syntax for <value> is below.

<Any> ::=<int>
<Chain> ::=[ <Any> {, <Any>} ]
|[ <Blank> ]
<Object> ::=<ClassName>()
|<ClassName>( <Any> {, <Any>} )
|<PrefixOp> <Any>
|<Any> <InfixOp> <Any>
|<Any> <PostfixOp>
|" <String> "
<String> ::={<CharNotDoubleQuote>|""}
<Name> ::=<Letter>{<Letter>|<Digit>}
|' {<CharNotSingleQuote>|''} '