3.2 Notational conventions

The text shown by the online manual uses some notational conventions. The various overview tools indicate candidate documentation cards with a summary line. This line is of the form:

<Identifier> <Formal Description> [``<Summary>'']

The `Identifier' is a single letter indicating the nature of the documentation card. The defined identifiers are: Browser (Manual Tool), Class, Example, Keyword, Method, Object, Predicate, Resource, Topic and Variable (instance-variable).

The `Formal Description' is a short description derived from the described object itself:

V class - selector: typeVariable that cannot be accessed directly
V class <- selector: typeVariable that may be read, but not written
V class <->selector: typeVariable that may be read and written
V class ->selector: typeVariable that may only be written
M class ->selector: type ...Send-Method with argument-types
M class <- selector: type ... -->typeGet-Method with argument-types returning value of type
R Class.attribute: typeClass-variable with type

The same notational conventions are used in the running text of a card. See section 3.3.2.

3.2.1 Argument types

XPCE is a partially typed language. Types may be defined for both method arguments and instance variables. A type is represented by an instance of class type. XPCE defines a conversion to create type objects from a textual representation. A full description of this conversion may be found in the online manual (method `type<-convert'). In this document we will summarise the most important types:

For example, the ->initialise method of a graphical text object has type declaration:

[char_array], [{left,center,right}], [font]

The first argument is an instance of class char_array, the super-class of name and string. The second argument either `left', `center' or `right' and the last argument is a font object. All arguments are between square brackets and may thus be omitted.