'basetype only #1': {|xml|| 12 |}. 'basetype only #2'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'basetype only #3'(fail): {|xml|| ab |}. 'minExclusive #1': {|xml|| 13 |}. 'minExclusive #2'(fail): {|xml|| 12 |}. 'minInclusive #1': {|xml|| 12 |}. 'minInclusive #2'(fail): {|xml|| 11 |}. 'maxInclusive #1': {|xml|| 21 |}. 'maxInclusive #2'(fail): {|xml|| 22 |}. 'maxExclusive #1': {|xml|| 20 |}. 'maxExclusive #2'(fail): {|xml|| 21 |}. 'minInclusive,maxInclusive #1': {|xml|| 12 |}. 'minInclusive,maxInclusive #2'(fail): {|xml|| 11 |}. 'minInclusive,maxInclusive #3'(fail): {|xml|| 22 |}. 'minExclusive,maxInclusive #1': {|xml|| 13 |}. 'minExclusive,maxInclusive #2'(fail): {|xml|| 12 |}. 'minExclusive,maxInclusive #3'(fail): {|xml|| 22 |}. 'minInclusive,maxExclusive #1': {|xml|| -12 |}. 'minInclusive,maxExclusive #2'(fail): {|xml|| -13 |}. 'minInclusive,maxExclusive #3'(fail): {|xml|| -3 |}. 'minExclusive,maxExclusive #1': {|xml|| -0 |}. 'minExclusive,maxExclusive #2'(fail): {|xml|| -25 |}. 'minExclusive,maxExclusive #3'(fail): {|xml|| 12 |}. 'enumeration_1 #1': {|xml|| -1 |}. 'enumeration_1 #2': {|xml|| 13 |}. 'enumeration_1 #3'(fail): {|xml|| 7 |}. 'enumeration_2 #1': {|xml|| b |}. 'enumeration_2 #2'(fail): {|xml|| d |}. 'enumeration_2 #3'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'user defined basetype #1': {|xml|| 4 |}. 'user defined basetype #2'(fail): {|xml|| 7 |}. 'user defined basetype #3': {|xml|| 3 |}. 'user defined basetype #4'(fail): {|xml|| 4 |}. 'pattern_1 #1': {|xml|| a |}. 'pattern_1 #2': {|xml|| z |}. 'pattern_1 #3'(fail): {|xml|| 0 |}. 'pattern_1 #4'(fail): {|xml|| A |}. 'length #1': {|xml|| abcde |}. 'length too short #1'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'length too short #2'(fail): {|xml|| abcd |}. 'length too big #1'(fail): {|xml|| abcdef |}. 'minLength #1': {|xml|| abc |}. 'minLength #2': {|xml|| abcde |}. 'minLength too short'(fail): {|xml|| ab |}. 'maxLength #1': {|xml|| abc |}. 'maxLength #2': {|xml|| a |}. 'maxLength too big'(fail): {|xml|| abcd |}. 'fractionDigits=2 without fraction digits': {|xml|| 1 |}. 'fractionDigits=2 with less than maximum fraction digits (positive)': {|xml|| 456.1 |}. 'fractionDigits=2 with less than maximum fraction digits (negative)': {|xml|| -634.3 |}. 'fractionDigits=2 with exact fraction digits': {|xml|| 689.12 |}. 'fractionDigits=2 with exact fraction digits and trailing zero': {|xml|| 984.650 |}. 'fractionDigits=2 with too many fraction digits'(fail): {|xml|| 6844.384 |}. 'fractionDigits=0 without fraction digits': {|xml|| 65468 |}. 'fractionDigits=0 with redundant fraction digit': {|xml|| 6984.0 |}. 'fractionDigits=0 with invalid fraction digit'(fail): {|xml|| 35.1 |}. 'totalDigits=4 without fraction digits and less than the maximum integer digits #1': {|xml|| 845 |}. 'totalDigits=4 without fraction digits and less than the maximum integer digits #2': {|xml|| 0 |}. 'totalDigits=4 without fraction digits and the exact number of integer digits': {|xml|| 8455 |}. 'totalDigits=4 without fraction digits and too many integer digits'(fail): {|xml|| 84551 |}. 'totalDigits=4 with fraction digits and integer digits less than the maximum number': {|xml|| 12.3 |}. 'totalDigits=4 with fraction digits and integer digits exactly the maximum number #1': {|xml|| 0.123 |}. 'totalDigits=4 with fraction digits and integer digits exactly the maximum number #2': {|xml|| 65.12 |}. 'totalDigits=4 with fraction digits and integer digits exactly the maximum number with redundant zeroes': {|xml|| 0065.1200 |}. 'totalDigits=4 with fraction digits and too many integer digits'(fail): {|xml|| 548.89 |}. 'totalDigits=4 with integer digits and too many fraction digits'(fail): {|xml|| 89.465 |}. 'totalDigits=4 with too many fraction digits and integer digits'(fail): {|xml|| 0.1234 |}.