1:- module(javascript_utils, [javascript_friendly_html/2]).

Javascript handling utilities

6/29/2013 renamed to avoid colliding with library javascript


    7:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).    8
    9:- html_meta javascript_friendly_html(html, -).
 javascript_friendly_html(+HTML, -FriendlyHTML)
Given termerized HTML, return an atom with the normal html in it, after removing any newlines and escaping single and double quotes.

It's fairly common to stuff html into a javascript string. This bit handles javascript's lack of heredoc syntax. */

   21javascript_friendly_html(HTML, FriendlyHTML) :-
   22	phrase(html(HTML), Tokens),
   23	with_output_to(codes(RawCodes), print_html(Tokens)),
   24	js_friendly(RawCodes, Codes),
   25	atom_codes(FriendlyHTML, Codes).
   27js_friendly([], []).
   28% Line feeds are skipped.
   29js_friendly([10 | RT] , T) :-
   30	js_friendly(RT, T).
   31% Carriage returns are skipped.
   32js_friendly([13 | RT], T) :-
   33	js_friendly(RT, T).
   34% Double quotes are escaped by backslashes.
   35js_friendly([34 | RT], [92 , 34 | T]) :-
   36	js_friendly(RT, T).
   37% Apostrophes are escaped by backslashes.
   38js_friendly([39 | RT], [92 , 39 | T]) :-
   39	js_friendly(RT, T).
   40js_friendly([RH | RT], [RH | T]) :-
   41	js_friendly(RT, T)