1:- module(wl_table, [wl_direct_table//1,
    2		     wl_table//2]).

Utilities for laying out HTML tables

These are oriented towards presenting tables of data, not towards controlling layout


   10:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).   11:- use_module(library(option)).   12:- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper), [http_current_request/1]).
 wl_direct_table(+Data:listoflists)// is semidet
Given a list, each of whose members is either a list or a term head(List), outputs an HTML table representing the data.

Upon encountering a head(List) term the elements of List are output in th tags.

Bare lists are output as td tags

fails silently if it can't parse the data

The generated html sets the class of body rows to even or odd alternately to allow alternate row styling */

   31wl_direct_table([]) --> [].
   32wl_direct_table([H|T]) -->
   33         html([table(\direct_table_body(1, [H|T]))]).
   35direct_table_body(_, []) --> [].
   36direct_table_body(RowNum, [H|T]) -->
   37	 {
   38	     is_list(H),
   39	     NewRowNum is RowNum + 1,
   40	     (	 0 =:= RowNum mod 2
   41	     ->	 EvenOdd = even
   42	     ;	 EvenOdd = odd
   43	     )
   44	 },
   45         html(tr(class=EvenOdd, \direct_table_cells(td, H))),
   46	 direct_table_body(NewRowNum, T).
   47direct_table_body(RowNum, [head(HR)|T]) -->
   48	direct_header_row(HR),
   49	direct_table_body(RowNum, T).
   51direct_header_row([]) --> [].
   52direct_header_row([H|T]) -->
   53	html(tr([\direct_table_cells(th, [H|T])])).
   55direct_table_cells(_, []) --> [].
   56direct_table_cells(Tag, [H|T]) -->
   57	{
   58	   Cell =.. [Tag, H]
   59	},
   60	html([Cell]),
   61	direct_table_cells(Tag, T).
   63:- html_meta wl_table(3, +, ?, ?).
   65:- predicate_options(wl_table/4, 2,
   66		     [ header(goal),
   67		       columns(list),
   68		       rows(list) ]).
 wl_table(+DataGen:goal, +OptionListIn:list)// is semidet
Generate a table from a predicate that supplies the data as alternate solutions.

DataGen is expected to be an arity 3 predicate my_data_gen(Key, Column, Value)

wl_table outputs an HTML table showing the data for all possible solutions to Key, Column

Note that if you want the keys you'll have to make sure the key is included as a column name.

Example, where my_key is the name of the primary key and my_data/3 is the underlying data.

\wl_table(table_cells, [])

table_cells(Key, my_key, Key) :-
      my_data(Key, _, _).
table_cells(Key, Column, Value) :-
      my_data(Key, Column, Value).

The generated html sets the class of body rows to even or odd alternately to allow alternate row styling

fails silently if given invalid arguments


Goal is expected to be an arity 2 predicate goal(Column, Label) if the option is missing, the column ID's are used as labels. if the option header(none) is provided, no headers are produced Note that you'll have to specify the module explicitly
List is a list of column names. If this option exists, the columns in the list are displayed in the order given. Unless this list includes the key, it won't be included
List is a list of row names. If this option exists, the rows in the list are displayed in the order given. */
  124wl_table(DataGen, OptionListIn) -->
  125	{
  126	    meta_options(is_meta, OptionListIn, OptionList),
  127	    option(header(HeaderGoal) , OptionList, = ),
  128	    option(columns(OptionColumns), OptionList, true),
  129	    option(rows(OptionRows), OptionList, true),
  130	    findall(Key-Column, call(DataGen, Key, Column, _), Pairs),
  131	    pairs_keys_values(Pairs, DupKeyList, DupColumnList),
  132	    (	is_list(OptionColumns) ->
  133	        ColumnList = OptionColumns ;
  134	        list_to_set(DupColumnList, ColumnList)
  135	    ),
  136	    (	is_list(OptionRows) ->
  137	        KeyList = OptionRows ;
  138		list_to_set(DupKeyList, KeyList)
  139	    )
  140	},
  141	html([table([tr(\table_header(HeaderGoal, ColumnList)),
  142		     \table_body(1, KeyList, ColumnList, DataGen)])]).
  144:- html_meta table_header(2, +).
  146table_header(X, _) -->
  147	{
  148	   strip_module(X, _, none)
  149	},
  150	[],!.
  151table_header(_HeaderGoal, []) --> [].
  152table_header(HeaderGoal, [H|T]) -->
  153	{
  154	     call(HeaderGoal, H, Label)
  155	     ;
  156	     Label = H
  157	},
  158	html([th(Label), \table_header(HeaderGoal, T)]).
  160:- html_meta   table_body(+, +, +, 3).
  162table_body(_RowNum, [], _ColumnList, _DataGen) --> [].
  163table_body(RowNum, [H|T], ColumnList, DataGen) -->
  164	 {
  165	     NewRowNum is RowNum + 1,
  166	     (	 0 =:= RowNum mod 2
  167	     ->	 EvenOdd = even
  168	     ;	 EvenOdd = odd
  169	     )
  170	 },
  171	html(tr(class=EvenOdd, \table_row(H, ColumnList, DataGen))),
  172	table_body(NewRowNum, T, ColumnList, DataGen).
  174:- html_meta table_row(+, 3).
  176table_row(_, [], _) --> [].
  177table_row(Key, [H|T], DataGen) -->
  178	{
  179	    call(DataGen, Key, H, Value)
  180	},
  181	html(td(Value)),
  182	table_row(Key, T, DataGen).
  183table_row(Key, [H|T], DataGen) -->
  184	{
  185	    \+ call(DataGen, Key, H, _Value)
  186	},
  187	html(td('')),
  188	table_row(Key, T, DataGen).
  192%  which options require module resolution